5.Membership fees and registration of network resources fees in 1995 JPNIC are planning to request membership fees the same as 1994. Till now, JPNIC didn't charge for registration fees as allocation of resources. But,JPNIC are going to introduce registration fees from 1995. In this case, it will be approved at the JPNIC General Meeting(scheduled on May 1995), and it will introduce. As soon as we decide details (when, how much, how to pay), JPNIC will inform all of you through JPNIC information services (please reference section 13), mailing list or net news and so on.  JPNIC examines radical reforms of membership fees from 1996. It discusses based on mailing list and anyone can participate in these discussions. Anyone interested to be included in the mailing list related to the discussion on membership fees, is requested to fill in the following: Name E-mail address Assigned network project name Organization name and mail it to, finance-wg-request@nic.ad.jp