7.Conference held in 1994 JPNIC held the following conferences in 1994. And, the minutes of the proceedings and the conference materials of steering committee can get through ftp.nic.ad.jp. Please reference section 13 of this newsletter to see the use. 7.1 Board of trustees The 2nd Date and Time: 5th April ,1994(Tue) 13:05 - 14:35 Place: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.A statement of accounts in 1993 3.Withdraw from JPNIC Memberships 4.Reports of JPNIC memberships in 1994 5.Budget of JPNIC in 1994 6.Revision of regulations 7.The others The 3rd Date and Time: 31th May ,1994(Tue) 10:28 - 13:14 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo    1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.Reports from secretariat 3.Incorporate of JPNIC 4.Procedure of membership admission The 4th Date and Time: 19th Oct ,1994(Wed) 10:34 - 13:20 Place: Tokyo Garden Palace 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.A membership system from 1996 3.Revised budget in 1994 4.Revision of regulation 5.The others 7.2 Steering committee The 7th Date and Time: 5th April ,1994(Tue) 10:15 - 12:20 Place: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Open discussion] 1.JPNIC statement of accounts in 1993 2.Budget of JPNIC in 1994 3.Revision of regulations 4.The others The 8th Date and Time: 10th May ,1994(Tue) 10:10 - 18:35 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 1'.Discussion from the secretariat, The formation of steering committee working group in 1994 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter 4.The others [Unopened discussion] 5.WG work reports/Discussion matter 6.The copyright of software made by stuff The 9th Date and Time: 19th July ,1994(Tue) 10:00 - 17:57 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter [Unopened discussion] 1.WG work reports The 10th Date and Time: 13th September ,1994(Tue) 10:05 - 18:38 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter [Unopened discussion] 1.Reports The 11th Date and Time: 2nd November ,1994(Wed) 10:13 - 17:37 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter [Unopened discussion] 1.Committee member's decline The 12th Date and Time: 20th January ,1995(Fri) 10:25 - 18:45 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter [Unopened discussion] 1.Request of fact-finding questionnaire about the Internet in Japan 2.Reports from DOM-WG 3.Fund for supporting the work of the Internet The 13th Date and Time: 7th March ,1995(Tue) 10:22 - 20:00 Place: Computer Centre, University of Tokyo [Open discussion] 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.WG work reports 3.WG discussion matter [Unopened discussion] 4.WG work reports 5.WG discussion matter 7.3 General Meeting The 2nd Date and Time: 5th April ,1994(Tue) 14:43 - 16:45 Place: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.JPNIC statement of accounts in 1993 3.JPNIC membership in 1994 4.Budget of JPNIC in 1994 5.Revision of regulations The 3rd Date and Time: 19th October ,1994(Tue) 13:43 - 16:45 Place: Tokyo Garden Palace 1.Confirm the last time minutes of proceedings 2.Membership system from 1996 3.Revised budget in 1994 4.Revision of regulations 5.The others