/* * Author: William Chia-Wei Cheng (bill.cheng@acm.org) * * Copyright (C) 2001-2009, William Chia-Wei Cheng. * * This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License * as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file * LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. * * THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING * THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * @(#)$Header: /mm2/home/cvs/bc-src/tgif/cutpaste.e,v 1.14 2009/10/11 03:26:04 william Exp $ */ #ifndef _CUTPASTE_E_ #define _CUTPASTE_E_ extern int copyingToCutBuffer; extern int pastingFile; extern char gszFilesIniFile[MAXPATHLENGTH]; extern char *gpszRecentFilesSec; extern char *gpszRecentFilesCountKey; extern int cutBufferIsTgifObj; extern int cutBufferIsUTF8; extern struct DynStrRec dsCutBuffer; extern Time startSelectionOwnershipTime; extern Time endSelectionOwnershipTime; extern int startSelectionOwnershipTimeValid; extern int endSelectionOwnershipTimeValid; #ifdef _INCLUDE_FROM_CUTPASTE_C_ #undef extern #define extern #endif /*_INCLUDE_FROM_CUTPASTE_C_*/ extern int WriteBufToCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((char *buf, int buf_sz, int buf_is_simple_string, int buf_is_utf8_string)); extern void ClearSelection ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int CopyToCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int CopyPlainTextAsObject ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void CutToCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((void)); extern unsigned int PasteString ARGS_DECL((char*, int highlight, int record_cmd)); extern void AssignNewObjIds ARGS_DECL((struct ObjRec *)); extern void FreeSelectionOrCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((char*, int nFromSelection)); extern char * FetchSelectionOrCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((int *pnLen, int *pnFromSelection)); extern int PasteFromCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int PasteFromFile ARGS_DECL((void)); extern char * GetTextBytesFromSelection ARGS_DECL((int compound_text, unsigned long*)); extern int PasteCompoundText ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int CopyDoubleByteString ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int PasteDoubleByteString ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void CleanUpCutBuffer ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void SetIntPropertyMask ARGS_DECL((long lWhich, int nValue, char *pszValue, long *plMask, long *plSkip, struct PropertiesRec *pProp)); extern void SetFontPropertyMask ARGS_DECL((int nDoubleByte, int nFont, int nStyle, long *plMask, long *plSkip, struct PropertiesRec *pProp)); extern void SetCTMPropertyMask ARGS_DECL((struct XfrmMtrxRec *ctm, long *plMask, long *plSkip, struct PropertiesRec *pProp)); extern void SetTextPropMask ARGS_DECL((struct ObjRec *, long *plMask, long *plSkip, struct PropertiesRec *pProp)); extern void CleanUpProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void InitProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void DoGetProperty ARGS_DECL((int index)); extern EditAttrInfo *CreateGetPropertyInfo ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void CopyProperties ARGS_DECL((int nPrompt)); extern void SaveProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void PasteProperties ARGS_DECL((int nPrompt)); extern void RestoreProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void BackupCopiedProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void RestoreCopiedProperties ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int EditIniSection ARGS_DECL((char *pszTitle, char *pszSection, char *pszIniFile, AfterLoopFunc*)); extern char *SelectFromIniSection ARGS_DECL((char *pszTitle, char *pszSection, char *pszIniFile)); extern void FreeRecentFilesListing ARGS_DECL((KeyValInfo*, int)); extern KeyValInfo *RecentFilesListing ARGS_DECL((int *pnEntries)); extern void OpenARecentlyUsedFile ARGS_DECL((int file_index)); extern void AddARecentlyUsedFile ARGS_DECL((char *path)); extern int InitRecentFiles ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void CleanUpRecentFiles ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int CreateSimpleStringObj ARGS_DECL((char*)); extern void SaveSimpleStringObj ARGS_DECL((FILE*, struct ObjRec *)); extern void ReadSimpleStringObj ARGS_DECL((FILE*, char*, struct ObjRec **)); extern void FreeSimpleStringObj ARGS_DECL((struct ObjRec *)); extern void ReplaceGraphic ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void ImportMultipageTextFile ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void SetMarginsForImportMultipageTextFile ARGS_DECL((void)); extern void ToggleWordWrapDuringImportMultipageTextFile ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int RefreshImportMutipageTextFileMenu ARGS_DECL((TgMenu*)); extern TgMenu *CreateImportMutipageTextFileMenu ARGS_DECL((TgMenu*, int X, int Y, TgMenuInfo*, int status_str_xlated)); extern void CleanUpCutPaste ARGS_DECL((void)); extern int InitCutPaste ARGS_DECL((void)); #ifdef _INCLUDE_FROM_CUTPASTE_C_ #undef extern #ifndef _NO_RECURSIVE_EXTERN #define extern extern #endif /* ~_NO_RECURSIVE_EXTERN */ #endif /*_INCLUDE_FROM_CUTPASTE_C_*/ #endif /*_CUTPASTE_E_*/