There are two ways for an application to customize the Reliable Multicast Library options: - Using the RM_setOption(int OPTION_ID, void *OPTION_VALUE) function Where: OPTION_ID: indicates what option you want to set. You can found the option list in the rmcast.h header file. OPTION_VALUE: the value you want to set the option to Example: ... /* Setting REFRESH_TIMER */ int refresh_timer=10; RM_setOption(REFRESH_TIMER,(void *) refresh_timer); ... - Using RM_readConfigFile(char *FILENAME) This function will tell the Reliable Multicast Library to read the user's options from FILENAME. A sample config file is available in this directory, where you will find the list of options and their default values. Example: /* Read the config file from /etc/rmcast.config */ ... char config_file[50]; strcpy(config_file,"/etc/rmcast.config"); RM_readConfigFile(config_file); ... NOTE: There is a constant, RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG, that can replace functions parameters In those situations, the RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG will indicate that the default values must be used.(e.g. RM_joinGroup()). To retrieve the current value of an option from the Reliable Multicast Library you must use the RM_getOption() function.