#======================================================================== # # Text::MetaText # # Version 0.22 # # Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Andy Wardley <abw@kfs.org>. # All Rights Reserved. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # README # # This file is contains relevant extracts from the MetaText documentation # to provide an overview of MetaText and in particular, the installation # process. # # For more information, see the full MetaText documentation and # support files: # # Changes Somewhat verbose list of per-version changes. # Todo Known bugs and possible future enhancements. # Features A summary of MetaText features and brief comparison to # other perl 'template' modules. # #======================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # QUICK START #------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPAN: /modules/by-authors/Andy_Wardley/Text-MetaText-<ver>.tar.gz gunzip Text-MetaText-<ver>.tar.gz tar xvf Text-MetaText-<ver>.tar cd Text-MetaText-<ver> perl Makefile.PL make make test make install #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Text::MetaText; my $mt = Text::MetaText->new(); print $mt->process_file($myfile); print $mt->process_text($mytext); #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DOCUMENTATION EXTRACTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME Text::MetaText - Perl extension implementing meta-language for processing "template" text files. SYNOPSIS use Text::MetaText; my $mt = Text::MetaText->new(); # process file content or text string print $mt->process_file($filename, \%vardefs); print $mt->process_text($textstring, \%vardefs); # pre-declare a BLOCK for subsequent INCLUDE $mt->declare($textstring, $blockname); $mt->declare(\@content, $blockname); SUMMARY OF METATEXT DIRECTIVES %% DEFINE variable1 = value # define variable(s) variable2 = "quoted value" %% %% SUBST variable %% # insert variable value %% variable %% # short form of above %% BLOCK blockname %% # define a block 'blockname' block text... %% ENDBLOCK %% %% INCLUDE blockname %% # include 'blockname' block text %% INCLUDE filename %% # include external file 'filename' %% INCLUDE file_or_block # a more complete example... variable = value # additional variable definition(s) if = condition # conditional inclusion unless = condition # conditional exclusion format = format_string # printf-like format string with '%s' filter = fltname(params) # post-process filter %% %% TIME # current system time, as per time(2) format = format_string # display format, as per strftime(3C) %% DESCRIPTION MetaText is a text processing and markup meta-language which can be used for processing "template" files. This module is a Perl 5 extension implementing a MetaText object class which processes text files, interpreting and acting on the embedded MetaText directives within. Like a glorified pre-processor, MetaText can; include files, define and substitute variable values, execute conditional actions based on variables, call other perl functions or object methods and capture the resulting output back into the document, and more. It can format the resulting output of any of these operations in a number of ways. The objects, and inherently, the format and symantics of the MetaText langauge itself, are highly configurable. MetaText was originally designed to aid in the creation of html documents in a large web site. It remains well suited for this and similar tasks, being able to create web pages (dynamically or statically) that are consistent with each other, yet easily customisable: * standard headers, footers and other elements can be defined in separate files and then inserted into web documents: %% INCLUDE header %% * variables can be defined externally or from within a document, then can be substituted back into the text. This is useful for including your %% name %% or %% email %% address or any other variable, and for encoding URL's or file paths that can then be changed en masse. e.g. <img src="%% imgroot %%/foo/bar.gif"> * conditional actions can be made based on variable definitions, allowing easily and instantly customisable web pages. e.g %% INCLUDE higraphics/header if="higfx && userid != abw" %% * blocks of text can be internally defined simplifying the creation of repetitive elements. e.g. %% BLOCK table_row %% <tr> <td>%% userid %%</td> <td>%% name %%</td> </tr> %% ENDBLOCK %% %% INCLUDE table_row userid=lwall name="Larry Wall" %% %% INCLUDE table_row userid=tomc name="Tom Christiansen" %% %% INCLUDE table_row userid=merlyn name="Randal L. Schwartz" %% * in addition, the metapage utility is a script which can automatically traverse document trees, processing updated files to assist in web document management and other similar tasks. PREREQUISITES MetaText requires Perl 5.004 or later. The Date::Format module should also be installed. This is available from CPAN (in the "TimeDate" distribution) as described in the following section. The metapage utility also requires the File::Recurse module, distributed in the "File-Tools" bundle, also available from CPAN. OBTAINING AND INSTALLING THE METATEXT MODULE The MetaText module is available from CPAN. As the 'perlmod' man page explains: CPAN stands for the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. This is a globally replicated collection of all known Perl materials, including hundreds of unbunded modules. [...] For an up-to-date listing of CPAN sites, see http://www.perl.com/perl/ or ftp://ftp.perl.com/perl/ . Within the CPAN archive, MetaText is in the "Text::" group which forms part of the the category: *) String Processing, Language Text Processing, Parsing and Searching The module is available in the following directories: /modules/by-module/Text/Text-MetaText-<version>.tar.gz /authors/id/ABW/Text-MetaText-<version>.tar.gz For the latest information on MetaText or to download the latest pre-release/beta version of the module, consult the definitive reference, the MetaText Home Page: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/perl/metatext/ MetaText is distributed as a single gzipped tar archive file: Text-MetaText-<version>.tar.gz Note that "<version>" represents the current MetaText Revision number, of the form "0.18". See the REVISION manpage below to determine the current version number for Text::MetaText. Unpack the archive to create a MetaText installation directory: gunzip Text-MetaText-<version>.tar.gz tar xvf Text-MetaText-<version>.tar 'cd' into that directory, make, test and install the MetaText module: cd Text-MetaText-<version> perl Makefile.PL make make test make install The 't' sub-directory contains a number of small sample files which are processed by the test script (called by 'make test'). See the README file in that directory for more information. A logfile (test.log) is generated to report any errors that occur during this process. Please note that the test suite is incomplete and very much in an 'alpha' state. Any further contributions here are welcome. The 'make install' will install the module on your system. You may need root access to perform this task. If you install the module in a local directory (for example, by executing "perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/lib" in the above - see `perldoc MakeMaker' for full details), you will need to ensure that the PERL5LIB environment variable is set to include the location, or add a line to your scripts explicitly naming the library location: use lib '/local/path/to/lib'; The metapage utility is a script designed to automate MetaText processing of files. It can traverse directory trees, identify modified files (by comparing the time stamp of the equivalent file in both "source" and "destination" directories), process them and direct the resulting output to the appropriate file location in the destination tree. One can think of metapage as the MetaText equivalent of the Unix make(1S) utility. The installation process detailed above should install metapage in your system's perl 'installbin' directory (try `perl '- V:installbin'' to check this location). See the metapage documentation (`perldoc metapage') for more information on configuring and using metapage. AUTHOR Andy Wardley <abw@kfs.org> See also: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/ REVISION $Revision: 0.22 $ COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. SEE ALSO For more information, see the accompanying documentation and support files: README Text based version of this module documentation. Changes Somewhat verbose list of per-version changes. Todo Known bugs and possible future enhancements. Features A summary of MetaText features and brief comparison to other perl 'template' modules. For information about the metapage utility, consult the specific documentation: perldoc metapage or man metapage For more information about the author and other Perl development work: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/ http://www.kfs.org/~abw/perl/ http://www.cre.canon.co.uk/perl/ For more information about Perl in general: http://www.perl.com/