
#										#
#	Script name:	Bracket_batch.plx					#
#	Author: 	Anneleen Van Geystelen					#
#	Version:	v1.0							#
#	Created:	30/05/2011						#
#	Last Modified:	02/03/2011						#
#										#
#	Description:	This Perl script will create a consensus of the DNA 	#
#			markers of 1 kit or 2 different kits which can have run #
#			twice in case of samples and only once in case of 	#
#			references. 						#
#										#
# 	The following rules were applied when making the consensus:		#
#   	 1. Markers of samples that were analysed once will be copied. An 	#
#  	    exception are the markers that were analysed by both kits. 		#
# 	    Parentheses are always copied except when the allel in the other 	#
#  	    kit has no parentheses for that marker. 				#
#										#
#    	 2. A hyphen will be ignored except when this hyphen is present in 	#
#  	    all PCRs for 1 marker. Then de hyphen is copied into the consensus. #
#										#
#    	3. Alleles will be copied into the consensus without soft parentheses 	#
#  	    when the alleles appears at least 2 and once without parentheses. 	#
#										#
#    	4. Alleles will be copied into the consensus with soft parentheses 	#
#  	    when when the alleles appears at least 2 without parentheses. 	#
#										#
#    	5. Alleles will be placed in hard parentheses with one star if 		#
# 	    marker doesn't have an allele in common between the different PCRs. #
# 	    When only 1 PCR has a result for a marker, then the alleles 	#
# 	    will be places in hard parentheses with two stars.  		#
#										#
#    	6. Alleles that appear only once with or without soft parentheses 	#
# 	    will be place in hard parentheses with two stars. 			#
#										#
#   !!! Use forward slashes in the paths when running under Windows  !!!	#
#	INPUT:									#
#	    variable:	path of directory that contains the tab separated files	#
#			case number						#
#			name kit #1						#
#			path to file of kit #1 that contains name of all markers#
#			name kit #2						#
#			path to file of kit #2 that contains name of all markers#
#			path of output directory				#
# 	    fixed: 								#
#										#
#	OUTPUT: 	output file						#
#										#
# 	PERL MODULES:								#
#										#

#				VARIABLES					#

# Get path of directory that contains the tab separated files.
my $directory = $ARGV[0]; # e.g. C:/Users/Anneleen/Desktop/haakjessysteem/files/
if (substr($directory, -1) ne "/") {
	$directory = $directory."/";

# Get case number. 
my $case = $ARGV[1]; # e.g. 6758

# Get name of first kit. 
my $kit1 = $ARGV[2]; # e.g. MP9-G5

# Get path of file of first kit. 
my $pathKit1 = $ARGV[3]; # e.g. C:/Users/Anneleen/Desktop/haakjessysteem/MP9-G5.txt

# Get name of second kit. 
my $kit2 = $ARGV[4]; # e.g. PESI16 or '-'

# Get path of file of second kit. 
my $pathKit2 = $ARGV[5]; # e.g. C:/Users/Anneleen/Desktop/haakjessysteem/PESI16.txt or '-'
# Get path of output directory. 
my $outdir = $ARGV[6];	# e.g. C:/Users/Anneleen/Desktop/haakjessysteem/
if (substr($outdir, -1) ne "/") {
	$outdir = $outdir."/";

# Get threshold for determining the soft brackets. 
my $end = $#ARGV;
my @thresholds = @ARGV[7..$end]; # e.g. AMEL 0.5 D1S1656 0.75

# perl C:\Users\ANL\Desktop\Bracket_Script\Bracket_batch.pl C:\Users\ANL\Desktop\VWA\vwa\ 1584 NGMSE C:\Users\ANL\Desktop\VWA\NGMSE.txt PPESI17 C:\Users\ANL\Desktop\VWA\PPESI17.txt C:\Users\ANL\Desktop\VWA\ VWA 0.6


#				SUBROUTINES					#

# Sort cell regarding less if the elements of the array have soft brackets or not. 
sub sortCellBrackets {
	my @cell = @_; 
	my @newCell;
	foreach $element (@cell) {
		if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
			$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
		push(@newCell, $element);
	return sort {$a <=> $b} @newCell;

# Make an array unique.
sub makeUnique {
	my @array = @_;
	my %seen;
	my @ret; 
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @array) {
		unless ($seen{$element}) {
			push(@ret, $element); 
			$seen{$element} =1;
	return @ret;

# Remove soft brackets from string. 
sub trimSoftBrackets {
	my ($string) = @_;
	$string =~ s/\(//;
	$string =~ s/\)//;
	return $string;

# Remove hard brackets from string. 
sub trimHardBrackets {
	my ($string) = @_;
	$string =~ s/\[//;
	$string =~ s/\]//;
	return $string;

# Sort the list of samples.
sub sortSamples {
	my (@list) = @_;
	my @ret;
	my %list;
	foreach $sample (sort {$a <=> $b} @list) {
		my ($case, $number) = split(/-/, $sample);
		$list{$number} = $case;
	foreach $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %list) {
		$value = $list{$key};
		my $element = $value."-".$key;
		push(@ret, $element);
	return @ret;

# Remove hard brackets from string. 
sub trimStars {
	my ($string) = @_;
	while ($string =~ m/\*/) {
		$string =~ s/\*//;
	return $string;

# Remove space at beginning and end of string. 
sub trimSpace {
	my ($string) = @_;
	while ($string =~ m/^ /) {
		$string =~ s/^ //;
	while ($string =~ m/ $/) {
		$string =~ s/ $//;
	return $string;

# Check parentheses of a cell. It returns 2 lists: one with all elements of the cell and one with only the elements that are surrounded by parentheses.  
sub checkParentheses {
	my (@cell) = @_;
	my $listParentheses;
	my $listAll;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell) {
		if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq "(") {
			$listParentheses = $listParentheses." ".substr($element, 1, -1);
			$listAll = $listAll." ".substr($element, 1, -1);
		} else {
			$listAll = $listAll." ".$element;
	$listParentheses = trimSpace($listParentheses);
	$listAll = trimSpace($listAll);
	my @ret = ($listParentheses, $listAll);
	return @ret;

# Sort elements of a cell and create 2 groups: one with and one without parentheses.   
sub sortCell {
	my ($cell) = @_;
	my $newCell;
	if ($cell eq '-') {
		$newCell = $cell;
	} else {
		my @cell = split(/ /, $cell); 
		my ($listParentheses, $listAll) = checkParentheses(@cell);
		my @listAll = split(/ /, $listAll);
		my %listAll;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll) {
			$listAll{$element} = 1;
		my @listParentheses = split(/ /, $listParentheses);
		my %listParentheses;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses) {
			$listParentheses{$element} = 1;
		my @listNonParentheses;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll) {
			if ($listParentheses{$element} != 1) {
				push(@listNonParentheses, $element);
## part of Parentheses
		my $newCellParentheses;
		if ((scalar @listParentheses) != 0 ) {
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses) {
				if ($element ne "") {
					$newCellParentheses = $newCellParentheses."$element\-";
			while (substr($newCellParentheses,  -1) eq "-") {
				$newCellParentheses = substr($newCellParentheses, 0, -1);
			$newCellParentheses = "(".$newCellParentheses.")";
## part of non Parentheses
		my $newCellNonParentheses;
		if ((scalar @listNonParentheses) != 0 ) {
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listNonParentheses) {
				if ($element ne "") {
					$newCellNonParentheses = $newCellNonParentheses."$element\-";
			while (substr($newCellNonParentheses,  -1) eq "-") {
				$newCellNonParentheses = substr($newCellNonParentheses, 0, -1);
## combine 2 parts
		if (($newCellNonParentheses ne "") && ($newCellParentheses ne "")) {
			$newCell = $newCellNonParentheses." ".$newCellParentheses;
		} elsif ($newCellNonParentheses eq "") {
			$newCell = $newCellParentheses;
		} elsif ($newCellParentheses eq "") {
			$newCell = $newCellNonParentheses;
		return $newCell

# Compare 2 cells and return an intermediate consensus cell.   
sub compare2Cells {
	my ($cell1, $cell2) = @_; 
	my $ret;
## possibility 1: cells are equal
	if ($cell1 eq $cell2) {
		$ret = sortCell($cell1);
## possibility 2: one cell is empty or contains "-"
	} elsif (($cell1 eq "" || $cell1 eq "-") && ($cell2 eq "" || $cell2 eq "-")) {
		$ret = "-";
	} elsif (($cell1 eq "" || $cell1 eq "-") && ($cell2 ne "" || $cell2 ne "-")) {
		$ret = sortCell($cell2);
	} elsif (($cell2 eq "" || $cell2 eq "-") && ($cell1 ne "" || $cell1 ne "-")) {
		$ret = sortCell($cell1);
## possibility 2: both alleles are different
	} else {
		my @cell1 = split(/ /, $cell1);
		my @cell2 = split(/ /, $cell2);
		my ($listParentheses1, $listAll1) = checkParentheses(@cell1);
		my ($listParentheses2, $listAll2) = checkParentheses(@cell2);
### Create list with all alleles in first PCR. 
		my @listAll1 = split(/ /, $listAll1);
		my %listAll1;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
			$listAll1{$element} = 1;
### Create list with alleles with parentheses in first PCR. 
		my @listParentheses1 = split(/ /, $listParentheses1);
		my %listParentheses1;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses1) {
			$listParentheses1{$element} = 1;
### Create list with all alleles in second PCR. 
		my @listAll2 = split(/ /, $listAll2);
		my %listAll2;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
			$listAll2{$element} = 1;
### Create list with alleles with parentheses in second PCR. 
		my @listParentheses2 = split(/ /, $listParentheses2);
		my %listParentheses2;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses2) {
			$listParentheses2{$element} = 1;
### Create list with all alleles from first and second PCR.
		my %listUnion;  
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
			$listUnion{$element} = 1;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
			$listUnion{$element} = 1;
		my @listUnion;
		foreach $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %listUnion) {
			if ($key ne '') {
				push(@listUnion, $key);
### Create new cell.
		my $newCell;
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
			if (($listAll1{$element} == 1) && ($listAll2{$element} == 1)) {
				if (($listParentheses1{$element} == 1) && ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1)) {
					$newCell = $newCell."(".$element.")-";
				} else { 
					$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			} else {
				if (($listParentheses1{$element} == 1) && ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1)) {
					$newCell = $newCell."(".$element.")-";
				} else { 
					$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
		if (substr($newCell, -1) eq '-') {
			$newCell = substr($newCell, 0, -1);
		$newCell = checkStars($newCell);
		while ($newCell =~ m/  /) {
			$newCell =~ s/  / /;
		$newCell = trimSpace($newCell);
		$ret = $newCell;
	return $ret;

# Place hard parentheses with one star around the elements.
sub oneStar {
	my (@cell) = @_;
	my $ret;
	my @listElements;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell) {
		$allele = trimSoftBrackets($allele);
		$allele = trimHardBrackets($allele);
		push(@listElements, $allele);
	my $oneStar;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @listElements) {
		$oneStar = $oneStar.$allele."\-";
	$oneStar = "[".substr($oneStar, 0, -1)."]*";
	$ret = $oneStar;
	return $ret;

# Places hard parentheses with two stars around the elements.
sub twoStar {
	my (@cell) = @_;
	my $ret;
	my @listElements;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell) {
		$allele = trimSoftBrackets($allele);
		$allele = trimHardBrackets($allele);
		push(@listElements, $allele);
	my $twoStar;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @listElements) {
		$twoStar = $twoStar.$allele."\-";
	$twoStar = "[".substr($twoStar, 0, -1)."]**";
	$ret = $twoStar;
	return $ret;

# This procedure places soft parentheses around the elements.
sub softParentheses {
	my (@cell) = @_;
	my $ret;
	my @listElements;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell) {
		$allele = trimSoftBrackets($allele);
		$allele = trimHardBrackets($allele);
		push(@listElements, $allele);
	my $soft;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @listElements) {
		$soft = $soft.$allele."\-";
	$soft = "(".substr($soft, 0, -1).")";
	$ret = $soft;
	return $ret;

# Determine which elements of an intermediate consensus cell are of which kind (one star/ two star / soft parentheses / no parentheses) and groups them.
# Return an ordered consensus cell
sub checkStars {
	my ($cell) = @_;
	my $ret;
	my @cellSplit = split(/\-/, $cell);
	my @listsoftParentheses; 
	my @listoneStar; 
	my @listtwoStar;
	my @listNone;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} @cellSplit) {
		my $firstChar = substr($allele, 0, 1);
		if ($firstChar eq "\(") {
			$allele = trimSoftBrackets($allele);
			push(@listsoftParentheses, $allele);
		} elsif ($firstChar eq "\[") {
			my $beforeLastChar = substr($allele, -2,1);
			$allele = trimHardBrackets($allele);
			$allele = trimStars($allele);
			if ($beforeLastChar eq "*") {
				push(@listtwoStar, $allele);
			} else {
				push(@listoneStar, $allele);
		} else {
			push(@listNone, $allele);
	my $OrderedParentheses = softParentheses(@listsoftParentheses);
	my $OrderedoneStar = oneStar(@listoneStar);
	my $OrderedtwoStar = twoStar(@listtwoStar);
	my $newCell;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listNone) {
		$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
	$newCell= substr($newCell, 0, -1);
	if (length($OrderedParentheses) > 2) {$newCell = $newCell." $OrderedParentheses"} else {$newCell = $newCell." "}
	if (length($OrderedoneStar) > 3) {$newCell = $newCell." $OrderedoneStar"} else {$newCell = $newCell." "}
	if (length($OrderedtwoStar) > 4) {$newCell = $newCell." $OrderedtwoStar"} else {$newCell = $newCell." "}
	return $newCell

# Create consensus of 3 cells that aren't empty or equal to '-'.
sub consensus2Cells {
	my ($cell1, $cell2,) = @_;
	my ($listParentheses1, $listAll1) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell1));
	my @listAll1 = split(/ /, $listAll1); 
	my %listAll1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
		$listAll1{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses1 = split(/ /, $listParentheses1); 
	my %listParentheses1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses1) {
		$listParentheses1{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses2, $listAll2) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell2));
	my @listAll2 = split(/ /, $listAll2); 
	my %listAll2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
		$listAll2{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses2 = split(/ /, $listParentheses2); 		
	my %listParentheses2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses2) {
		$listParentheses2{$element} = 1;

	my @listUnion = (@listAll1, @listAll2);
	@listUnion = makeUnique(@listUnion);
	# Remove empty elements. 
	my @listUnionCopy;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
		push (@listUnionCopy, $element);
	@listUnion = ();
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnionCopy) {
		if ($element ne "" && $element ne "-") {
			push(@listUnion, $element);
	my $newCell;

	if (scalar(@listUnion) == (scalar(@listAll1) + scalar(@listAll2))) {
		foreach $element (sort {$s <=> $b} @listUnion) {	
			$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
		$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]*";
	} else {	
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {		
# allele appears once
## in 1
			if ($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
## in 2
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
# allele appears twice
## in 1 & 2 
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1 ) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
		$newCell = checkStars(substr($newCell, 0, -1));
	return $newCell;

# Create consensus of 3 cells that aren't empty or equal to '-'.
sub consensus3Cells {
	my ($cell1, $cell2, $cell3) = @_;
	my ($listParentheses1, $listAll1) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell1));
	my @listAll1 = split(/ /, $listAll1); 
	my %listAll1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
		$listAll1{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses1 = split(/ /, $listParentheses1); 
	my %listParentheses1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses1) {
		$listParentheses1{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses2, $listAll2) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell2));
	my @listAll2 = split(/ /, $listAll2); 
	my %listAll2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
		$listAll2{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses2 = split(/ /, $listParentheses2); 		
	my %listParentheses2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses2) {
		$listParentheses2{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses3, $listAll3) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell3));
	my @listAll3 = split(/ /, $listAll3); 
	my %listAll3;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll3) {
		$listAll3{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses3 = split(/ /, $listParentheses3); 
	my %listParentheses3;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses3) {
		$listParentheses3{$element} = 1;

	my @listUnion = (@listAll1, @listAll2,@listAll3);
	@listUnion = makeUnique(@listUnion);

	# Remove empty elements. 
	my @listUnionCopy;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
		push (@listUnionCopy, $element);
	@listUnion = ();
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnionCopy) {
		if ($element ne "" && $element ne "-") {
			push(@listUnion, $element);
	my $newCell;

	if (scalar(@listUnion) == (scalar(@listAll1) + scalar(@listAll2) + scalar(@listAll3))) {
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {	
			$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
		$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]*";
	} else {
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {		
# allele appears once
## in 1
			if ($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
## in 2
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
## in 3
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
# allele appears twice
## in 1 & 2 
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1 ) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
## in 1 & 3
			} elsif ( $listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1 ) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 2 & 3
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1) {
				if ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
# allele appears 3 times
## in 1 & 2 & 3
			} elsif ($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
		$newCell = checkStars(substr($newCell, 0, -1));
	return $newCell;

# Create consensus of 4 cells that aren't empty or equal to '-'.
sub consensus4Cells {
	my ($cell1, $cell2, $cell3, $cell4) = @_;

	my ($listParentheses1, $listAll1) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell1));
	my @listAll1 = split(/ /, $listAll1); 
	my %listAll1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
		$listAll1{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses1 = split(/ /, $listParentheses1); 
	my %listParentheses1;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses1) {
		$listParentheses1{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses2, $listAll2) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell2));
	my @listAll2 = split(/ /, $listAll2); 
	my %listAll2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
		$listAll2{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses2 = split(/ /, $listParentheses2); 		
	my %listParentheses2;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses2) {
		$listParentheses2{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses3, $listAll3) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell3));
	my @listAll3 = split(/ /, $listAll3); 
	my %listAll3;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll3) {
		$listAll3{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses3 = split(/ /, $listParentheses3); 
	my %listParentheses3;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses3) {
		$listParentheses3{$element} = 1;
	my ($listParentheses4, $listAll4) = checkParentheses(split(/ /, $cell4));
	my @listAll4 = split(/ /, $listAll4); 
	my %listAll4;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll4) {
		$listAll4{$element} = 1;
	my @listParentheses4 = split(/ /, $listParentheses4); 		
	my %listParentheses4;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses4) {
		$listParentheses4{$element} = 1;

	my @listUnion = (@listAll1, @listAll2,@listAll3, @listAll4);
	@listUnion = makeUnique(@listUnion);

	# Remove empty elements. 
	my @listUnionCopy;
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
		push (@listUnionCopy, $element);
	@listUnion = ();
	foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnionCopy) {
		if ($element ne "" && $element ne "-") {
			push(@listUnion, $element);
	my $newCell;

	if (scalar(@listUnion) == (scalar(@listAll1) + scalar(@listAll2) + scalar(@listAll3) + scalar(@listAll4))) {
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {	
			$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
		$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]*";
	} else {
		foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
# allele appears once
			if (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1) || 
			($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1) ||
			($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1) ||
			($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
# allele appears twice
## in 1 & 2 
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
## in 3 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses3{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 1 & 3
			} elsif (( $listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1 ) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 2 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 1 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 2 & 3
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
# allele appears 3 times
## in 1 & 2 & 3
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} != 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 1 & 2 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} != 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1 ) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 1 & 3 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} == 1 && $listAll2{$element} != 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1 ) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
## in 2 & 3 & 4
			} elsif (($listAll1{$element} != 1 && $listAll2{$element} == 1 && $listAll3{$element} == 1  && $listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
				if ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
# allele appears 4 times
			} else {
				if ($listParentheses1{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses2{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses3{$element} == 1 && $listParentheses4{$element} == 1) {
					$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
				} else {
					$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
		$newCell = checkStars(substr($newCell, 0, -1));

	return $newCell;
# Compare 4 cells and return an intermediate consensus cell.
sub compare4Cells {
	my ($cell1, $cell2, $cell3, $cell4) = @_; 
	$cell1 = trimSpace($cell1);
	$cell2 = trimSpace($cell2);
	$cell3 = trimSpace($cell3);
	$cell4 = trimSpace($cell4);
	my $ret;
## possibility 1: alleles are tested in both kits and these 4 cells are equal
	if (($cell1 eq $cell2 ) && ($cell2 eq $cell3 ) && ($cell3 eq $cell4 )) {
		if ($cell1 eq '-') {
			$ret = '-';
		} else {
			$ret = sortCell($cell1);
## possibility 2: alleles are tested in only one kit and these cells are equal
	} elsif (($cell1 eq $cell2 ) && ($cell1 ne "" ) && ($cell3 eq $cell4) && ($cell3 eq "")) {
		if ($cell1 eq '-') {
			$ret = '-';
		} else {
			$ret = sortCell($cell1);
	} elsif (($cell1 eq $cell2 ) && ($cell1 eq "" ) && ($cell3 eq $cell4) && ($cell3 ne "")) {
		if ($cell3 eq '-') {
			$ret = '-';
		} else {
			$ret = sortCell($cell3);
## possibility 3: alleles are tested in only one kit and these cells are not equal 
	} elsif (($cell1 ne $cell2 ) && ($cell1 ne "" ) && ($cell2 ne "" ) && ($cell3 eq $cell4) && ($cell3 eq "")) {
		if ($cell1 eq '-') {
			my @cell2 = split(/ /, $cell2);
			my $newCell;
			@cell2 = sortCellBrackets(@cell2);
			foreach $element (@cell2) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;
		} elsif ($cell2 eq '-') {
			my @cell1 = split(/ /, $cell1);
			my $newCell;
			@cell1 = sortCellBrackets(@cell1);
			foreach $element (@cell1) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;		
		} else {
			my ($listParentheses1, $listAll1) = checkParentheses(split(/\ /, $cell1));
			my @listAll1 = split(/ /, $listAll1); 
			my %listAll1;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll1) {
				$listAll1{$element} = 1;
			my @listParentheses1 = split(/ /, $listParentheses1); 
			my %listParentheses1;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses1) {
				$listParentheses1{$element} = 1;
			my ($listParentheses2, $listAll2) = checkParentheses(split(/\ /, $cell2));
			my @listAll2 = split(/ /, $listAll2); 
			my %listAll2;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll2) {
				$listAll2{$element} = 1;
			my @listParentheses2 = split(/ /, $listParentheses2); 		
			my %listParentheses2;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses2) {
				$listParentheses2{$element} = 1;
			my @listUnion = (@listAll1, @listAll2);
			@listUnion = makeUnique(@listUnion);
			# Remove empty elements. 
			my @listUnionCopy;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
				push (@listUnionCopy, $element);
			@listUnion = ();
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnionCopy) {
				if ($element ne "" && $element ne "-") {
					push(@listUnion, $element);
			my $newCell;
			if (scalar(@listUnion) == (scalar(@listAll1) + scalar(@listAll2))) {
				foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {	
					$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
				$ret = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]*";		
			} else {
				foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
					if (($listAll1{$element} == 1) && ($listAll2{$element} == 1)) {
						if (($listParentheses1{$element} == 1) && ($listParentheses2{$element} == 1)){
							$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
						} else {
							$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
					} else {
						$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
				$newCell = substr($newCell, 0, -1);
				$ret = checkStars($newCell);
	} elsif (($cell1 eq $cell2 ) && ($cell1 eq "" ) && ($cell3 ne $cell4) && ($cell3 ne "") && ($cell4 ne "" )) {
		if ($cell3 eq '-') {
			my @cell4 = split(/ /, $cell4);
			my $newCell;
			@cell4 = sortCellBrackets(@cell4);
			foreach $element (@cell4) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;	
		} elsif ($cell4 eq '-') {
			my @cell3 = split(/ /, $cell3);
			my $newCell;
			@cell3 = sortCellBrackets(@cell3);
			foreach $element (@cell3) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;
		} else {
			my ($listParentheses3, $listAll3) = checkParentheses(split(/\ /, $cell3));
			my @listAll3 = split(/ /, $listAll3); 
			my %listAll3;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll3) {
				$listAll3{$element} = 1;
			my @listParentheses3 = split(/ /, $listParentheses3); 
			my %listParentheses3;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses3) {
				$listParentheses3{$element} = 1;
			my ($listParentheses4, $listAll4) = checkParentheses(split(/\ /, $cell4));
			my @listAll4 = split(/ /, $listAll4); 
			my %listAll4;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listAll4) {
				$listAll4{$element} = 1;
			my @listParentheses4 = split(/ /, $listParentheses4); 		
			my %listParentheses4;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listParentheses4) {
				$listParentheses4{$element} = 1;
			my @listUnion = (@listAll3, @listAll4);
			@listUnion = makeUnique(@listUnion);
			# Remove empty elements. 
			my @listUnionCopy;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
				push (@listUnionCopy, $element);
			@listUnion = ();
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnionCopy) {
				if ($element ne "" && $element ne "-") {
					push(@listUnion, $element);
			my $newCell;
			if (scalar(@listUnion) == (scalar(@listAll3) + scalar(@listAll4))) {
				foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {	
					$newCell = $newCell."$element-";
				$ret = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]*";		
			} else {
				foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @listUnion) {
					if (($listAll3{$element} == 1) && ($listAll4{$element} == 1)) {
						if (($listParentheses3{$element} == 1) && ($listParentheses4{$element} == 1)) {
							$newCell = $newCell."\($element\)-";
						} else {
							$newCell = $newCell."$element\-";
					} else {
						$newCell = $newCell."\[$element\]**-";
				$newCell = substr($newCell,0, -1);
				$ret = checkStars($newCell);
## possibility 4: alleles are tested in both kits and these 4 cells are not equal
	} else {
### possibility 4.1: 3 cells are "-"
#### 2 & 3 & 4
		if ($cell2 eq '-' && $cell3 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			my @cell1 = split(/ /, $cell1);
			my $newCell;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell1) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;
#### 1 & 3 & 4
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell3 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			my @cell2 = split(/ /, $cell2);
			my $newCell;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell2) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;			
#### 1 & 2 & 4
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell2 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			my @cell3 = split(/ /, $cell3);
			my $newCell;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell3) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;			
#### 1 & 2 & 3
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell2 eq '-' && $cell3 eq '-') {
			my @cell4 = split(/ /, $cell4);
			my $newCell;
			foreach $element (sort {$a <=> $b} @cell4) {
				$element = trimSpace($element);
				if (substr($element, 0, 1) eq '(') {
					$element = substr($element, 1, -1);
				$newCell = $newCell.$element."-";
			$newCell = "[".substr($newCell, 0, -1)."]**";
			$ret = $newCell;			
### possibility 4.2: 2 cells are "-"
#### 1 & 2
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell2 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell3, $cell4);
#### 3 & 4
		} elsif ($cell3 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell1, $cell2);			
#### 1 & 3
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell3 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell2, $cell4);			
#### 2 & 4
		} elsif ($cell2 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell1, $cell3);				
#### 1 & 4
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-' && $cell4 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell2, $cell3);			
#### 2 & 3
		} elsif ($cell2 eq '-' && $cell3 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus2Cells($cell1, $cell4);				
### possibility 4.3: 1 cell is "-"
#### 1
		} elsif ($cell1 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus3Cells($cell2, $cell3, $cell4);
#### 2
		} elsif ($cell2 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus3Cells($cell1, $cell3, $cell4);			
#### 3
		} elsif ($cell3 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus3Cells($cell1, $cell2, $cell4);			
#### 4
		} elsif ($cell4 eq '-') {
			$ret = consensus3Cells($cell1, $cell2, $cell3);
		} else {
			$ret = consensus4Cells($cell1, $cell2, $cell3, $cell4);
	return $ret;


####################### Check validity of arguments #############################

# Check validity of number of arguments. 
if (scalar @ARGV < 8) {
	print "Please give all arguments.\n"; die;

# Check validity of input directory. 
} elsif (!(-d $directory)) {
	print "Please give a valid input folder.\n";die;
# Check validity of case number. 
} elsif ($case <= 0) {
	print "Please give a valid case number.\n";die;

# Check validity of file of kit #1. 
} elsif (!(-f $pathKit1)) {
	print "Please give a valid path to file of kit #1.\n";die;

# Check validity of file of kit #2. 
} elsif (!(-f $pathKit2) && $pathKit2 ne '-') {
	print "Please give a valid path to file of kit #2.\n";die;

# Check validity of output directory. 
} elsif (!(-d $outdir)) {
	print "Please give a valid path to output folder.\n";die;
# Check validity of threshold. 
my $odd = 0;
foreach $threshold (@thresholds) {
	if ($odd == 1) {
		if ($threshold > 1 || $threshold < 0) {
			print "Please give valid thresholds.\n";die;
		$odd = 0;
	} else {
		$odd = 1;

########################### Create hash of threshold ############################
my $odd = 0;
my $key;
my $value;
foreach $threshold (@thresholds) {
	if ($odd == 1) {
		$value = $threshold;
		$thresholds{$key} = $value;
		$odd = 0;
	} else {
		$key = uc $threshold;
		$odd = 1;

######################## Create hashes for each marker ##########################

# Declare array that will contain all markers. 
my @markers; 

# Declare array that will contail all markers of kit #1.
my @markersKit1; 

# Declare array that will contail all markers of kit #2.
my @markersKit2; 

# Put all markers of kit #1 in array. 
open (KIT1, "< $pathKit1");
while (<KIT1>) {
	my $line = $_; 
	push(@markers, (uc $line)); 
	push(@markersKit1, (uc $line)); 
close KIT1;

# Put all markers of kit #2 in array. 
if ($pathKit2 ne '-') {
open (KIT2, "< $pathKit2");
	while (<KIT2>) {
		my $line = $_; 
		push(@markers, (uc $line)); 
		push(@markersKit2, (uc $line)); 
	close KIT2;	

# Remove duplicated markers.
@markers = makeUnique(@markers);

# Create the hashes for each marker. 
foreach my $marker (sort {$a <=> $b} @markers) {
	$marker = uc $marker;
####################### Get all files in folder. ################################

opendir(DIR, "$directory");
my @files = readdir(DIR);

# Remove file "."
# Remove file ".."

############################### Read all files. #################################

# Create array that will contain the name of all samples. 
my @samples; 

# Create array with all names of sample - marker - kit - pcr combinations.
my @cells;

# Create hash with all name of sample - kit - pcr combinations.
my %cells;

# Read in each file. 
foreach $file (sort {$a <=> $b} @files) {
	$file = $directory.$file;
	open (IN, "< $file") || die " Could not open input file: $file\n";
	while (<IN>) {
		my $line = $_; 
		my @splittedLine = split(/\t/, $line); 
		my @splittedSampleName = split(/\_/, $splittedLine[1]);
		my @splittedSampleNumber = split(/\-/, $splittedSampleName[2]);
		if ($splittedSampleNumber[0] eq $case) {
			my $kit = $splittedSampleName[5];
			my $pcr = $splittedSampleName[6];
			my $sample = $splittedSampleName[2];
			my $marker = $splittedLine[2];
			$marker = uc $marker;
			if ($marker ne "") {
				my $allele = $splittedLine[3];
				if ($allele eq "") {
					$allele = "-";
				my $height = $splittedLine[5];
				my $info = $sample."_".$marker."_".$kit."_".$pcr; 
				$$info{$allele} = $height; 
				push(@samples, $sample);
				push(@cells, $info);
				my $info2 = $sample."_".$kit."_".$pcr;
				$cells{$info2} = 1;
		} # end of line
	} # end of file
} # end of array		

# Remove duplicated sample names.
@samples = makeUnique(@samples);
@samples = sortSamples(@samples);

# Remove duplicated sample names.
@cells = makeUnique(@cells);
@cells = sort {$a <=> $b} @cells;

################## Get max of height per marker and per sample ##################
########################### and add soft brackets. #############################

foreach $marker (@markersKit1) {
	foreach $sample (@samples) {
		my $info1 = $sample."_".$kit1."_PCR-2";
		my $info2 = $sample."_".$kit2."_PCR-2";
		my  @pcr;
		if ($cells{$info1} != 1 && $cells{$info2} != 1) {
			@pcr = ('PCR-1');
		} else {
			@pcr = ('PCR-1', 'PCR-2');
		foreach $pcr (@pcr) {
			my $info = $sample."_".$kit1."_".$pcr; 
			if ($$marker{$info} eq '') {
				 $$marker{$info} = '-';

foreach $marker (@markersKit2) {
	foreach $sample (@samples) {
		my $info1 = $sample."_".$kit1."_PCR-2";
		my $info2 = $sample."_".$kit2."_PCR-2";
		my  @pcr;
		if ($cells{$info1} != 1 && $cells{$info2} != 1) {
			@pcr = ('PCR-1');
		} else {
			@pcr = ('PCR-1', 'PCR-2');
		foreach $pcr (@pcr) {
			my $info = $sample."_".$kit2."_".$pcr; 
			if ($$marker{$info} eq '') {
				 $$marker{$info} = '-';

foreach $cell (@cells) {
	# Get max of height.
	my $max = 0;
	foreach $allele (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$cell}) {
		my $value = $$cell{$allele};		
		if ($value > $max) {
			$max = $value;
	my %temp = %{$cell};
	%{$cell} = ();
	# Add soft brackets.
	foreach $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %temp) {
		my $value = $temp{$key};
		my @cell = split(/\_/, $cell);
		my $keySample = $cell[0];
		my $keyMarker = $cell[1];
		my $keyKit = $cell[2];
		my $keyPCR = $cell[3];
		my $allele = $key;
		my $threshold = $thresholds{$keyMarker};
		if ($value < ($max*$threshold)) {
			$allele = "(".$allele.")";
		my $info = $keySample."_".$keyKit."_".$keyPCR;
		my $current = $$keyMarker{$info};
		if ($current eq '-') {
			$current = '';
		$current = $current." ".$allele;
		$$keyMarker{$info} = $current;
	} # end of foreach key of %temp
} # end of foreach marker

# Open output file. 
my $oufile = $outdir."$case\_consensus.txt";
open (OUT, "> $oufile");

# Create log. 
@months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
@weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
$year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
$theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";

my $param = "Input Folder:\t$directory
Case Number:\t$case
Kit #1
  Name:     \t$kit1
  File:     \t$pathKit1
Kit #2
  Name:     \t$kit2
  File      \t$pathKit2
Output Folder:\t$outdir

my $maxlen = 0;
foreach $marker (keys %thresholds) {
	my $len = length($marker);
	if ($len > $maxlen) {$maxlen = $len}	
foreach $marker (sort keys %thresholds) {
	my $th = $thresholds{$marker};
	$marker = "  ".$marker.":";
	while (length($marker) < $maxlen) {
		$marker = $marker." ";
	$param = $param."$marker\t$th\n";
# Print log to output file. 
print OUT "Bracket\n$theTime\n"; 
print OUT "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPARAMETERS\n\n";
print OUT $param;
print OUT "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";

# Print header to output file.
my $header = "extrait ADN\t";
foreach $marker (sort  {$a <=> $b} @markers) {
	$marker =~ s/
	$header = $header.$marker."\t";
if (substr($header, -1) eq "\t") {
	$header = substr($header, 0, -1)."\n";
print OUT $header;
################### Apply rules for each sample #################################

foreach $sample (@samples) {
	my $line = $sample; 
 	foreach $marker (sort {$a <=> $b} @markers) {
		my $info = $sample."_".$kit1."_PCR-1";
		my $pcr1kit1 = $$marker{$info};
		my $info = $sample."_".$kit1."_PCR-2";
		my $pcr2kit1 = $$marker{$info};		
		my $info = $sample."_".$kit2."_PCR-1";
		my $pcr1kit2 = $$marker{$info};
		my $info = $sample."_".$kit2."_PCR-2";
		my $pcr2kit2 = $$marker{$info};
		if ($pcr2kit1 eq '' && $pcr2kit2 eq '') {
			my $consensusCell = trimSpace(compare2Cells($pcr1kit1, $pcr1kit2)); 
			$line = $line."\t".$consensusCell;
		} else {
			my $consensusCell = trimSpace(compare4Cells($pcr1kit1, $pcr2kit1, $pcr1kit2, $pcr2kit2)); 
			while ($consensusCell =~ m/  /) {
				$consensusCell =~ s/  / /;
			$line = $line."\t".$consensusCell;
	print OUT $line."\n";
close OUT;