NAME Socket::More::Interface - Query network interfaces of your system SYNOPOSIS use v5.36; use Socket::More::Interface; # Return a list of interface structures (hashes) my @interfaces=getifaddrs(); # Lookup the interface index from its name my $index=if_nametoindex($name); # Lookup the interface name from its index my $name=if_nametoindex($index); # Get the key/value array of names and indexes @kvpairs=if_nameindex; DESCRIPTION Simple wrapper to library calls. Consult you man page for what they do. "getifaddrs", "if_nametoindex", "if_indextoname" and "if_nameindex" are exported by default. API getifaddrs my @interfaces=getifaddrs; Queries the OS via "getifaddr" for the list of interfaces currently active. Returns a list of hash references representing the network interfaces. The keys of these hashes include: name The text name of the interface flags Flags set on the interface addr Packed sockaddr structure suitable for use with "bind" netmask Packed sockaddr structure of the netmask dstmask Packed sockaddr structure of the dstmask if_nametoindex my $index=if_nametoindex($name); Returns the index of an interface by name. If the interface is not found, returns 0 and sets $! with error code. if_indextoname my $name=if_indextoname($index); Returns the name of an interface by index. If the index does not represent an interface, "undef" is returned and sets $! with error code if_nameindex my @pairs=if_nameindex; Returns a list of key value pairs. The key is the interface index, and the value is the name of the interface. Return "undef" on error and sets $! with error code. TODO Network interface queries for byte counts, rates.. etc Expand address family types support(i.e link) Network change events/notifications AUTHOR Ruben Westerberg, <<gt> REPOSITORTY and BUGS Please report any bugs via git hub: <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2023 by Ruben Westerberg This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl or the MIT license. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.