README for Finance::YahooQuote

This is a Perl 5 module that will pull one or more stock quotes from
Yahoo! Finance. It was written by Dj Padzensky <>, and is
now maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel <>.  See CHANGES.old
for DJ's log of changes, and ChangeLog for changes since Dirk took over.

Once the archive has been unpacked, the following steps are needed
to build and install the module (to be done in the directory which
contains the Makefile.PL)

  perl Makefile.PL

Two simple tests have been provided. Please note that the second test
may fail if your internet connection is down, requires a proxy or if
Yahoo! is down. That said,

  make test

can be used to test the integrity of the module prior to installation.

If the build and test succeed, install it with the following command:

  make install

An example script is installed as 'yahooquote'. Two more example scripts
are include to help examine available services at different Yahoo! servers,
and to examine the possible mapping between stock symbols for a given

For Debian GNU/Linux, a package is available via
   $ apt-get install libfinance-yahooquote-perl

For Windows users, ActiveState does maintain a pre-build package that can be
installed with their ppm tool

Please send questions, comments, etc. to Dirk Eddelbuettel <>.