PowerBuilder::ORCA -- Perl interface to PowerBuilder ORCA API Copyright (c) 1999-2002, Ilya Chelpanov <chelpanov@mail.ru>, http://i72.by.ru/eng/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. You have two ways of installation of the module: 1. Installation of the precompiled package for ActivePerl through Perl Package Manager (Recommended). Zip archives with ppm packages are placed in a ppm subdirectory in my directory on CPAN. 2. Building module from source. BEFORE BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING this module from source you will need to: 1. Install Perl 5 (I use ActivePerl 5.6 build 631) 2. Install C ++ compiler, suitable for compilation of Perl modules (I use Microsoft Visual C 6.0 with service packs) 3. Install PowerBuilder with ORCA .dll and .lib files (I use PowerBuilder 6.0 enterprise edition) BUILDING: perl Makefile.PL nmake TESTING: The test application located in files orca_test.pbl and orca_test2.pbl. It is necessary to open it and make work in PB environment. After that it is possible to start test suit: nmake test INSTALLING: nmake install