# Recognition of the end of strings and re could be better ... NODE: while (<>) { if (/^(\s*)\{\s*$/) { $level = length $1; die "Strange indent $level of\n$_" unless $level % 4 == 0; $level /= 4; defined ($_ = <>) or die "Unexpected EOF before node at level $level"; $dead = 0; / ^ \s* ( \d+ # 1: Id of the node ) \s+ TYPE \s* = \s* ( \w+ # 2: Type of the node ) \s* ( =+ ) > \s* ( \d+ | DONE # 4: Id of the next node ) \s* $ /x or / ^ \s* TYPE \s* = \s* ( \w+ # 2: Type of the node ) \s* ( =+ ) > \s* ( \( \d+ \) # 4: Id of the next node ) /x and $dead = 1 or die "Unexpected format of a node header:\n$_,"; $id = $1; print unless $id; $ids{$id} = { nextid => $4, type => $2, level => $level, subtype => '', comment => '' } unless $dead; attrs: while (<>) { next if /^\s*((FLAGS|LINE|TARG|PRIVATE)\s*=|\(was\b)/; redo NODE if /^\s*\{/ and ($dead or $ids{$id}{type} ne 'match'); next if /^\s*\{/; if (/^\s*([SG]V|PMf_PRE)\s*=+>?\s*(.*)$/) { @{$ids{$id}}{'subtype','comment'} = ($1, $2) unless $dead; if (/^\s*SV\s*=\s*PV\w*\(\"/ and !/\"\)\s*$/) { while (<>) { next unless /\"\)\s*$/; next attrs; } last attrs; } next; } if (/^\s*(PMf_PRE)\s*(.*)$/) { $ids{$id}{targets}{$1} = $2 unless $dead; while (<>) { next unless /^\s*((PMf_SHORT|PMFLAGS)\s*=|\}\s*$)/; redo attrs; } last attrs; } if (/^\s*(OTHER|LABEL|REDO|NEXT|LAST|TRUE|FALSE|PMf_SHORT|PMFLAGS)\s*=+>?\s*(.*)$/) { $ids{$id}{targets}{$1} = $2 unless $dead; next; } next NODE if /^\s*\}/; die "Puzzled by descriptor\n$_,"; } last NODE; } elsif (/^SUB\b/) { last; } elsif (/^\s*\}/) { next; } elsif (/^\s*$/) { next; } else { die "Puzzled by leader\n$_"; } } @ids = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %ids; for $id (@ids) { $next = ($id + 1 == $ids{$id}{nextid} ? "" : " => $ids{$id}{nextid}"); $targets = ''; for $t (sort keys %{$ids{$id}{targets}}) { $targets .= " $t => $ids{$id}{targets}{$t}" } $targets = "($targets )" if $targets; printf "%4d ", $id; print " " x $ids{$id}{level}, <<EOP; $ids{$id}{type} $ids{$id}{comment}$targets$next EOP }