Jacode4e::RoundTrip - Jacode4e for round-trip conversion in JIS X 0213


    use FindBin;
    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
    use Jacode4e::RoundTrip;
    $return =
    Jacode4e::RoundTrip::convert(\$line, $OUTPUT_encoding, $INPUT_encoding [, { %option }]);


    This software has been developed for use promotion of JIS X 0213.

    Jacode4e::RoundTrip module can round-trip convert JIS X 0213 characters
    in Japanese main-frames or enterprise servers each other, using its
    user-defined area.

    The encodings that can be round-trip converted are cp932x, cp00930,
    keis78, keis83, keis90, jef, jef9p, jipsj, jipse, utf8, and utf8jp.

    This table shows shortage to support JIS X 0213 in each encoding
                          Jacode4e   short-  user-def.  unused    free
    mnemonic              supported     age       area    area    area
    cp932x                   11,285       0         --      --      --
    cp00930                  11,257      28      1,880      --   1,880
    keis78, keis83, keis90    8,268   3,017      2,914     188   3,102
    jef, jef9p                8,814   2,471      3,102      --   3,102
    jipsj, jipse              8,637   2,648      3,948      --   3,948
    utf8                     11,220      65      6,400      --      65
    utf8jp                   11,285       0         --      --      --

    cp00930 use 28 code points from its user-defined area. Similarly, keis78,
    keis83, and keis90 use 3,017, jef and jef9p use 2,471, jipsj and jipse
    use 2,648, utf8 use 65. In case of KEIS, user-defined area is not enough
    to support JIS X 0213. So I decided to use unused area.

    Yes, you cannot use your gaiji on Jacode4e::RoundTrip module, you see.

    Jacode4e::RoundTrip module doesn't work as Jacode4e. And Jacode4e module
    doesn't work as Jacode4e::RoundTrip, too.

    This software is useful for processing your JIS X 0213 data by other
    system, and importing it again into your system.


    * "cp932x" as mnemonic
    * CP932X is CP932
    * Pronounce [si: pi: nain thri: tu: kai] in English
    * Pronounce [shi: pi: kju: san' ni kai] in Japanese
    * [si: pi: nain thri: tu: iks] is reserved for Microsoft Corporation ;-P
    * CP932 upper compatible
    * Supports JIS X 0213 character set
    * Used ghost character "\x9C\x5A" as single shift code
    * Used "\x9C\x5A\x9C\x5A" for single "\x9C\x5A"
    * You can use private use characters you made
    * You can use your operating system, network, and database.
    * In most cases, application programs can be used as it is.


   To test this software, type the following:

   make test

   To install this software, copy 'Jacode4e/' to any directory of @INC.


    This software requires perl 5.00503 or later.


    perl,,, Jacode4e