#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 1996, David Muir Sharnoff # Documentation is at the end of the file $nslookup = "nslookup"; $named_pid = "/var/run/named.pid"; $zonefiles = "/etc/named"; $prefix = "second/"; $VERSION = 1.0; @zones = @ARGV; for $zone (@zones) { open(Z, ">$zonefiles/$zone.new") || die "open > $zonefiles/$zone.new: $!"; print Z "; This file was built automatically by ZMASTER\n"; open(T,">/tmp/zmaster$$") || die "open > /tmp/zmaster$$: $!\n"; print T "server ns.$zone.\n"; print T "ls $zone.\n"; close(T); $good = 0; open(NSLOOKUP,"$nslookup < /tmp/zmaster$$ 2>&1 |") || die "open nslookup: $!"; while(<NSLOOKUP>) { #chop; #print "-$_-\n"; next unless /^\> \[/; last; } unlink("/tmp/zmaster$$"); while(<NSLOOKUP>) { #print; next unless /^ (\S+[^.\s])\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*$/; ($domain, $server) = ($1, $2); next if $domain !~ /\./; $good = 1; (print Z "secondary $domain $server $prefix$domain\n") || die "print $zonefiles/$zone.new: $!"; push(@nz, "secondary $domain $server $prefix$domain\n"); } close(NSLOOKUP); close(Z) || die "close $zonefiles/$zone.new: $!"; die "invalid transfer of $zone" unless $good; if (-e "$zonefiles/$zone.boot") { open(OZ, "< $zonefiles/$zone.boot") || die "open $zonefiles/$zone.boot: $!"; $same = 1; while(<OZ>) { next if $_ eq unshift(@nz); $same = 0; last; } close(OZ); if ($same) { unlink("$zonefiles/$zone.new"); next; } } rename("$zonefiles/$zone.new", "$zonefiles/$zone.boot") || die "rename $zonefiles/$zone.new $zonefiles/$zone.boot: $!"; $modified = 1; if ($named_pid) { open(P, "<$named_pid") || die "open $named_pid: $!"; chop($pid = <P>); close(P); if ($pid) { kill(1, $pid) || die "kill -1 $pid: $!"; } } } print STDERR "Please restart the nameserver\n" if $modified && ! $named_pid; __END__ =head1 NAME zmaster -- automatically maintain nameserver zone files =head1 SYNOPSIS zmaster special-zone-name =head1 DESCRIPTION Zmaster is a tool for maintaining named.boot include files. It is meant to be run periodically on secondary name servers so that they can automatically discover what zones (domains) they should be transfering (secondarying) from the primary server. To do this, the primary server must tell them which domains to take. This is done by creating a special zone that can be listed to find out which zones should be taken. In this special zone, there should be a host called 'ns'. This host should have an A record that specifies a nameserver that can provide a listing of the hosts in the special domain. =head1 EXAMPLES The following examples should illistrate what's required to run this. =head2 named.boot In the named.boot file on the secondary system, include a line like: include /etc/named/ns2.idiom.com.boot In the named.boot file on the primary system, include a line like: primary ns2.idiom.com ns2.idiom.com =head2 special zone file In the special zone file, in this case, ns2.idiom.com, include the following: $ORIGIN ns2.idiom.com. @ IN SOA idiom.com. muir.idiom.com. ( 1996031908 86400 3600 2592000 86400 ) IN NS ns.idiom.com. IN NS ns3.idiom.com. @ IN A ns IN A dream.com IN A truedev.com IN A This establishes that two domains (dream.com and truedev.com) are to be transfered. They are to be transfered from the address given in the corrosponding A record. The listing of this information will come from ns.ns2.idiom.com. In addition, there is a host, ns2.idiom.com defined that will be ignored by zmaster. =head1 AUTHOR David Muir Sharnoff, <muir@idiom.com> =head1 ADVERTISEMENT Idiom will secondary domains for other ISPs for $0.50/month each. There is a minimum purchase of 30 domains. Send mail to support@idiom.com or visit http://www.idiom.com/secondary.shtml for more information.