#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id: gc,v 1.3 2005/10/24 15:26:13 nicolaw Exp $
# gc - Perl Code Grepper (grep_code)
# Copyright: (c)2005 Nicola Worthington. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of gc (grep_code) 
# gc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gc; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# gc
# Written by Nicola Worthington <nicolaw@cpan.org>
# Based on grep_code.pl by Nicola Worthington
# Modified on 2005-10-24

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = sprintf('%d.%02d', q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)/g);
our $AUTHOR = 'Nicola Worthington <nicolaw@cpan.org>';
(our $SELF = $0) =~ s/^.*\///g;

# Version thingie
defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' && print("$SELF version $VERSION by $AUTHOR\n") && exit 0;

# Define ANSI colours
my %c = qw(black 30 red 31 green 32 yellow 33 blue 34 magenta 35 cyan 36 white 37);
our %COLOUR = map { ("$_"  => "\x1b[0m\x1b[$c{$_}m",
					"br$_" => "\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[$c{$_}m",
					"bg$_" => "\x1b[".($c{$_}+10).'m'); } keys %c;
@COLOUR{qw(normal bright)} = ("\x1b[0m","\x1b[1m");
undef %c;

# Read .rc file
our $CFG = read_config("$ENV{HOME}/.gcrc");

# Slurp and pre-process the data
my $data = my $rawdata = get_data();

# Highlight things
for my $match (grep(/^highlight_\S+$/,sort keys %{$CFG})) {
	my ($colour,$regex) = split(/\s+/,$CFG->{$match},2);
	$data =~ s/($regex)/$COLOUR{$colour}$1$COLOUR{normal}/smg;

# Process comments
if ($CFG->{comment_remove}) {
	$data =~ s{^([ \t]*\#.*?)$}{}smg;
} elsif (length $CFG->{comment_prefix} || $CFG->{comment_colour}) {
	my $prefix = $COLOUR{$CFG->{comment_colour}}.$CFG->{comment_prefix};
	#$data =~ s{(^[ \t]*\#)}{$prefix$1}smg;
	$data =~ s{(^[ \t]*\#.*?$)}{my $m=$1;$m=~s/\x1b\[.+?m//g;$prefix.$m;}smeg;

# Process POD
if ($CFG->{pod_remove}) {
	$data =~ s{(^=[a-z]+\d?.+?^=cut)}{my $m=$1;$m=~s/[^\n]+//smg;$m}smeg;
} elsif (length $CFG->{pod_prefix} || $CFG->{pod_colour}) {
	my $prefix = $COLOUR{$CFG->{pod_colour}}.$CFG->{pod_prefix};
	$data =~ s{(^=[a-z]+\d?.+?^=cut)}{
		my $m=$1;$m=~s/\x1b\[.+?m//g;$m=~s/^/$prefix/g;$m;}smeg;

# Output data
our @roll;
our $print;
our $line_number = 0;
for (split(/\n/,$data)) {
	if (!m/\x1b\[/i && !$print) {
		push @roll, $_;
		shift @roll if @roll > $CFG->{context};
	} elsif (!m/\x1b\[/i && $print) {
	} elsif (m/\x1b\[/i) {
		print_line($line_number-$#roll-1,shift @roll) while @roll;
		$print = $CFG->{context};
print $COLOUR{normal};

# Search and output document for musthave_ requirments
print(('-'x80)."\n") if grep(/^musthave_\S+$/,keys %{$CFG});
for my $match (grep(/^musthave_\S+$/,keys %{$CFG})) {
	if (my (@res) = $rawdata =~ m/$CFG->{$match}/smg) {
		print "$COLOUR{brgreen}Positive match for '$match': @res$COLOUR{normal}\n";
	} else {
		print "$COLOUR{brred}Could not find match for '$match'$COLOUR{normal}\n"

# Subroutines

sub print_line {
	my ($line_number,$line) = @_;
	printf("%s%7d%s %s\n",
			($line =~ m/\x1b\[/?$COLOUR{$CFG->{linenum_colour}}.
			($line =~ m/\x1b\[/?$COLOUR{normal}:

sub get_data {
	local $/ = undef;
	if (@_ && $_[0]) {
		return (read_file($_[0]))[0];
	} elsif (key_ready()) {
		my $data = <STDIN>;
		return $data;
	} elsif (@ARGV) {
		return (read_file(pop(@ARGV)))[0];
	} else {
		die "Supply with STDIN or arguments, stupid!\n";

sub read_file {
	open(FH,"<$_[0]")||die "Unable to open file handle FH for file '$_[0]': $!";
	my @data = <FH>;
	close(FH)||die "Unable to close file handle FH for file '$_[0]': $!";
	return @data;

sub key_ready {
	my ($rin, $nfd) = ('','');
	vec($rin, fileno(STDIN), 1) = 1;
	return $nfd = select($rin,undef,undef,0);

sub read_config {
	my @data;
	if (-e $_[0]) {
		@data = read_file($_[0]);
	} else {
		@data = <DATA>;
		if (open(RC,">$_[0]")) {
			print(RC $_) for @data;
	chomp @data;
	my %data;
	for (@data) {
		next if /^\s*(\#|;)/ || /^\s*$/;
		if (/^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+|\s*=>?\s*)("|')?(.+?)\2?\s*$/) {
			$data{lc($1)} = $3;
	return set_defaults(\%data);

sub set_defaults {
	my $data = shift;
	my %defaults = (qw(linenum_colour bryellow linenum_highlight bgred
		pod_colour brcyan comment_colour blue context 3),
		('pod_prefix','###POD### ','comment_prefix','###COMMENT### '));
	$data->{$_} ||= $defaults{$_} for keys %defaults;
	return $data;

# POD documentation


=head1 NAME

gc - Grep Code


  gc Module.pm
  cat ~/script.pl | gc
  for i in `find ~ -type f -name "*.pm"`;do echo $i; gc $i; echo "";done


This code needs to be tidied up and documented for public release.

=head1 VERSION

$Id: gc,v 1.3 2005/10/24 15:26:13 nicolaw Exp $

$Revision: 1.3 $

=head1 AUTHOR

$Author: nicolaw $

Nicola Elizabeth Worthington




# .gcrc


#   $Revision: 1.3 $
#   $Author: nicolaw $
#   This is a default .gcrc file. It is not a production ready
#   version. It will however give you a pretty reasonable basic
#   grep of perl code.

# Colours
#                       BRIGHT              BACKGROUND
#    black              brblack (grey)      bgblack
#    red                brred               bgred
#    green              brgreen             bggreen
#    yellow (brown)     bryellow            bgyellow (brown)
#    blue               brblue              bgblue
#    magenta            brmagenta           bgmagenta
#    cyan               brcyan              bgcyan
#    white              brwhite             bgwhite

# General configuration

context 3
context_colour brblack

linenum_colour bryellow
linenum_highlight bgred

pod_prefix "###POD### "
pod_colour blue
pod_remove true

comment_prefix "###COMMENT### "
comment_colour blue
comment_remove true

# Directives beginning with "musthave_" should be followed
# by a perl regular expression

musthave_version \(?\$VERSION\)?\s*=\s*.*?;
musthave_strict ^use strict\b.*?;
musthave_contact (?:^=head\d AUTHOR|\$Author: nicolaw $|^\s*\#[^\n]*(?i)(?:contact|author|maintainer|written\s*by).*?$)

# Directives beginning with "highlight_" should be followed
# by a colour and a perl regular expression 

highlight_01modules cyan ((use\s+)?(English|Apache::File|FileHandle::(\S+)?|IO::(\S+)?|File::(\S+)?|CGI::(\S+)?|AutoLoader(\s+.+?)?;|Exporter(\s+.+?)?;))

highlight_02fileio red \b(open|opendir|sysopen|opendbm|unlink|mkdir|rmdir|chmod|tie|rename)\b
highlight_03bbckw red \b(BBC::KW(::\S+)?|(add_|set_)?ok2(read|write))\b

highlight_04process red \b(exit|system|fork|exec|require|kill|sleep|use|eval|do)\b
highlight_05backticks brred `

highlight_06paths green (/home/system|/proc|/dev|/tmp|/var/tmp|/usr|\.cfg|\.conf|\.cnf|\.ini)
highlight_07urls green (http://|https://|file://|ftp://)

highlight_08regex magenta (gx|/ee)
highlight_09core magenta (^package\s+\S+?;|CORE::(\S+)?|UNIVERSAL::(\S+)?|main::(\S+)?|overload)

highlight_10env yellow ([\$\%\@\{]?ENV\}?|[\$\%\@\{]?INC\}?|[\$\@\{]?ISA\}?|[\$\@\{]?EXPORT_OK\}?|[\$\@\{]?EXPORT\}?|[\$\%\@\{]?EXPORT_TAGS\}?|\$VERSION|\$AUTOLOAD)

highlight_12debug brblue (\bwarn\b|\bSTDERR\b|\bDEBUG\b|\bVERBOSE\b|\bDEV\b|\bTEST\b|\bLIVE\b)