# FastCGI for Perl 6 # A library for building web applications using FastCGI in Perl 6. Uses a PSGI-compliant interface by default, so you can use it with any PSGI-compliant frameworks, such as WWW::App. ## Status Basic functionality works, but is currently fairly slow using the pure-perl implementation of the FastCGI protocol. I haven't done any extensive testing using input streams or error streams. ## Example Currently the use of the handler() call is required. More advanced use, such as with the new SCGI is planned, but will require some significant refactoring. ```perl use FastCGI; my $fcgi = FastCGI.new( :port(9119) ); my $handler = sub (%env) { my $name = %env<QUERY_STRING> || 'World'; my $status = '200'; my @headers = 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'; my @body = "Hello $name\n";; return [ $status, @headers, @body ]; } $fcgi.handle: $handler; ``` ## Requirements This requires a Perl 6 implementation that can export constants, and has the pack() and unpack() methods with at least 'C', 'n', 'N', and 'x' format codes supported. ## TODO * Test the STDIN and STDERR streams. * Rename FastCGI::Protocol to FastCGI::Protocol:PP * Add FastCGI::Protocol::NativeCall as a wrapper to libfcgi * Write new FastCGI::Protocol wrapper that uses either PP or NativeCall * Refactor the Connection/Request code to allow for custom request loops. ## Author This was build by Timothy Totten. You can find me on #perl6 with the nickname supernovus. ## License Artistic License 2.0