# SCGI for Perl 6

## Introduction

This is a simple SCGI library for Perl 6.

It's main influences are the Perl 5 SCGI library, and the
Perl 6 HTTP::Daemon library.

It offers a bit of candy coating compared to the Perl 5 version.

By default is uses a PSGI-compliant interface, but can also handle
raw HTTP responses.

You don't need to create your own IO::Socket::INET object.
Just pass an 'addr' and 'port' attribute to the new() declaration and it'll
create the object for you.

## Usage

The simplest (and recommended) form of usage is to use the handle() method
with PSGI-compliant output. Here's an example:

  use SCGI;

  my $scgi = SCGI.new( :port(8118) );

  my $handler = sub (%env) 
    my $name = %env<QUERY_STRING> || 'world';
    my $status = '200';
    my @headers = 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain';
    my @body = "Hello $name\n";
    @headers.push: 'Content-Length' => @body.join.encode.bytes;
    return [ $status, \@headers, \@body ];

  $scgi.handle: $handler;

There are other ways of using SCGI, such as writing your own run loop,
or using a raw HTTP output instead of PSGI. Here's an example doing both:

  use SCGI;

  my $scgi = SCGI.new( :port(8118), :!PSGI );
  while (my $connection = $scgi.accept())
    my $request = $connection.request;
    if $request.success
      my $name = $request.env<QUERY_STRING> || 'world';
      my $return = "Hello $name\n";
      my $len = $return.encode.bytes;
      my $headers = "Content-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: $len\n";

Test script representing both examples can be found in the 'test' folder.

If you are serious about using SCGI for web application development, see
the [Perl 6 Web](https://github.com/supernovus/perl6-web/) library set, 
or one of the full blown frameworks built using it.

## Configuration

### nginx

Make sure you compiled nginx with the SCGI plugin (it is included by default.)
Then, in one of your server blocks, add a location mount:

  location /scgi/ {
    include scgi_params;
    # Optionally rewrite document URI path
    rewrite ^/scgi/(.*) /$1 break;
    # Some applications may need rewritten URI in PATH_INFO
    scgi_param PATH_INFO $uri;

### lighttpd

First, make sure the SCGI library is being loaded.

  server.modules += ( "mod_scgi" )

Next, set up an SCGI handler:

  scgi.server = (
    "/scgi" =>
      "host" => "",
      "port" => 8118,
      "check-local" => "disable"

### Apache 2 with mod_scgi:

Add the following line to your site config, changing the details to match your
SCGI script configuration:

  SCGIMount /scgi/

### Apache 2 with mod_proxy_scgi:

Add the following line to your site config, changes the details to match your
SCGI script configuration:

  <Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
  ProxyPass /scgi/ scgi://localhost:8118/

## Requirements

 * [HTTP::Status](https://github.com/supernovus/perl6-http-status)
 * [Netstring](https://github.com/supernovus/perl6-netstring)

## Author 

Timothy Totten, supernovus on #perl6, https://github.com/supernovus/

## License

Artistic License 2.0