#!/usr/bin/perl my $VERSION = '0.3b'; $primes_found=0; $truth = 1; if ($ARGV[1] == 0) { print "Enter the number of prime numbers to find: "; $primes_to_find=<STDIN>;chomp $primes_to_find; } else {$primes_to_find=$ARGV[1];} if ($ARGV[0] == 0) { print "Enter the first number to test: "; $prime_candidate = <STDIN>;chomp $prime_candidate; } else {$prime_candidate = $ARGV[0];} while ($primes_to_find > $primes_found) { PRIMETEST: for ($count1=1;$count1 <= $prime_candidate / 2;$count1++) { for ($count2=1;$count2 <= $prime_candidate /2;$count2++) { if ($count1 * $count2 == $prime_candidate) { $truth = 0; last PRIMETEST; } } } if ($truth == 1) { $primes_found++; print "$prime_candidate is the $primes_found th prime found\n"; } $truth = 1; $prime_candidate++; } =head1 NAME Prime Number 0.3b - Finds prime numbers over a given range of intergers =head1 Author Christopher Porter, console@ufl.edu =head1 Copyright Distributed under GNU License. May be freely used, copied, and modified for educational purposes if credit is given to original author and the program is not used for academic fraud. =head1 PRERQUISITES Support can only be guaranteed for Perl 5.0 and higher. =pod OSNAMES Linux =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Computer science, math