RT::Condition::Complex - build complex conditions out of other

    This extension adds new type of conditions to the RT. It's like User
    Defined condition, shipped with RT, but you don't have to write any
    code, but instead you use simple syntax to check properties of the
    ticket and transaction or run other conditions you have.

    There are several goals this extension tries to solve:

    code reusing - complex conditions still need coding, but often you want
    to reuse them with additinal simple conditions or reuse some condition
    many times with other. In RT you have to use User Defined condition or
    module based condition to tie everything together and each time you copy
    code around. With this condition you can check other module based
    conditins, so you can re-use some of them many times in different
    simplicity - make things more simple for poeple who don't know how to
    program in perl, some complex things have to be programmed, but now then
    can be reused.

    You open the web interface in a browser, goto configuration, the global
    or to specific queue and then scrips. Create a new scrip, on the
    creation page you select 'Complex' condition and in the 'Custom is
    applicable code' text box you write a pseudo code. For example:

        Type = 'Create' OR StatusChange{open}

    Below you can read details on the syntax.

  Basic syntax
    Syntax is similar to TicketSQL and you can use AND/OR and parentheses
    "(" and ")" to group checks and build custom logic of your condition. As
    checks you can use either "Expressions" or "Calls".

    Expression is comparision of a field with a constant. For example "is
    type of a transaction equal to "Create" can be writen as:

        Type = 'Create'

    On the left you write field you want to check, then goes comparision
    function and a constant.

  Comparision functions
    At this moment the following comparision functions are supported:

    =, !=, >, >=, <, <= - basic comparisions, work for strings and numbers,
    depends if constant is a string or number, string comparision is cases
    contains, not contains - the constant is substring of the field and
    negative variant.
    starts with, not starts with - the constant is beginning of the field.
    ends with, not ends with.

    At this moment not many fields are available, but it's easy to add more.
    Patches are welcome. Here is the list:

    Type, Field, OldValue and NewValue - basic properties of the current

    Constant is a number or a quoted string. Strings can be quoted using '
    or " characters. Character you're using for quoting should be escaped
    with \ and \ should be escaped as well. For example:

        "Don't need to escape ' when string is quoted with double quotes."
        'But can escape \' with \\.'

    It's possible to call another module based condition. For example you
    have RT::Conditon::XXX that implements some complex condition then you
    can use the following syntax to call 'XXX':


    If the condition is controlled by its argument then you can use:

        XXX{'quoted argument'}
        !XXX{'negation with argument'}

    As you can see argument should be quoted, you can read about quoting
    rules above in </Constants> section.

    Ruslan Zakirov <>

    Under the same terms as perl itself.

    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 37:
        You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'