#!/usr/bin/perl #Process-Detail-0.1.pl #This is a script which is coded by Sujai Sojan to provide detailed information #about processes running in a linux machine. It has options to list the hidden #processes also #Sujai Sojan <sujai@logicsupport.com> use Switch; $VERSION = 0.1; $dir="/proc"; opendir(DIR,"$dir"); sub hidden { print "\n##########Hidden processlist###############\n\n"; foreach $pcs (readdir(DIR)) { if($pcs =~ /(\d+)/ && $pcs =~ /\./) { &detailedview("$pcs"); } } } sub all { foreach $pcs (readdir(DIR)) { &detailedview("$pcs"); } } sub detailedview { @args=@_; $envir="/proc/$args[0]/environ"; $stat="/proc/$args[0]/status"; open(CMD,"/proc/$args[0]/cmdline"); my @array=<CMD>; foreach my $cmd (@array) { print "\n\nPID=$args[0]\n"; print "COMMAND=$cmd\n"; } open(FILE,"<$envir"); while(<FILE>) { @array=split(/([A-Z]+(_|[A-Z])+\=.[^A-Z]+)/,$_); foreach $splitted (@array) { if($splitted =~ /\=/) { print "$splitted\n"; } } } open(FILESTAT,"<$stat"); while(<FILESTAT>) { if(/(State|PPid|Gid|Uid)/) { print $_; } } print "\n\n\n###########################################\n\n\n"; close(FILE); } sub usage { print "\nUsage:\n-h\tFor detailed view hidden process\n-a\tFor detailed view of all processes\n-p pid\tFor detailed view of process with processid pid\n--help\tFor help\n-V\tFor checking Version\n\n "; } if ($#ARGV le -1) { &usage; exit; } else { switch ($ARGV[0]) { case "-h" { &hidden;} case "-p" { &detailedview($ARGV[1]);} case "-a" { &all;} case "-V" { print "\nProcess-Detail Version 0.1\n\n" ;} case "--help" { &usage;} else { &usage;} } } =head1 NAME Process-Detail =head1 AUTHOR Sujai Sojan <sujai@logicsupport.com> =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a script which is coded by Sujai Sojan to provide detailed information about processes running in a linux machine. It has options to list the hidden processes also =head1 PREREQUISITES use Switch; =pod OSNAMES Linux =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Unix/System_administration =cut