NAME ==== OEIS - Look up sequences on the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences�� SYNOPSIS ======== ``` perl6 use OEIS; say OEIS::lookup 1, 1, * + * ... *; #= OEIS A000045 ��Fibonacci numbers: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) with F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1.�� say OEIS::lookup(1, 2, 4 ... ���).mathematica.head; #= Table[2^n, {n, 0, 50}] # Notice that only some terms of the Seq are evaluated! with OEIS::lookup-all(1, 1, * + * ... *).grep(* !~~ OEIS::easy).head { say .gist; #= OEIS A290689 ��Number of transitive rooted trees with n nodes.�� say .sequence; #= [1 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 88 143 229 370 592 955 1527 2457 3929] } ``` DESCRIPTION =========== This module provides an interface to the [On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences�� (OEIS��)](, a web database of integer sequences. Stick an array or Seq into the `OEIS::lookup` routine and get back the most relevant result that OEIS finds, as an instance of [OEIS::Entry](OEIS::Entry). With the `:all` adverb or as the `OEIS::lookup-all` method, it returns a lazy Seq of all results. Sequences can also be looked up by their IDs. See below for details. sub fetch --------- ``` perl6 multi fetch (Int $ID, :$type = 'A') multi fetch (Str $ID where { ��� }) multi fetch (Seq $seq) multi fetch (*@partial-seq) ``` Searches for a sequence identified by * its `Int $ID` under the `$type` namespace, e.g. the Fibonacci numbers are sequence 45 in type `A`, 692 in type `M` and 256 in type `N`, * its `Str $ID` already containing the `$type`, again the Fibonacci numbers are "A000045", "M0692" or "N0256", * a Seq generating the sequence, * an array containing sequence elements and returns all result pages in OEIS's internal text format as a lazy Seq. This is a very low-level method. See [OEIS::lookup](OEIS::lookup) for a more convenient interface. sub chop-records ---------------- ``` perl6 multi chop-records (Seq \pages) multi chop-records (Str $page) ``` Takes a single page in OEIS' internal format, or a Seq of them (the return value of [OEIS::fetch](OEIS::fetch)), and returns a Seq of all OEIS records contained in them, as multiline strings. You will only need this sub if you get pages from a source that isn't [OEIS::fetch](OEIS::fetch), e.g. from a cache on disk, or if you want the textual records instead of [OEIS::Entry](OEIS::Entry) objects. For a more convenient interface, see [OEIS::lookup](OEIS::lookup). sub lookup ---------- ``` perl6 sub lookup (:$all = False, |c) ``` This high-level sub calls [OEIS::fetch](OEIS::fetch) with the captured arguments `|c`, followed by [OEIS::chop-records](OEIS::chop-records) and then creates for each record an [OEIS::Entry](OEIS::Entry) object. Naturally, all search features of [OEIS::fetch](OEIS::fetch) are supported. By default only the first record is returned. This is the one that OEIS deems most relevant to the search. If the named argument `$all` is True, all records are returned as a lazy Seq. If no result was found, the Seq is empty. Note that a too general query leads to "too many results, please narrow search" error from the OEIS. For other possible errors, see [X::OEIS](X::OEIS). sub lookup-all -------------- ``` perl6 sub lookup-all (|c) ``` This sub is equivalent to `lookup(:all, |c)`. It exists because when you write a Seq directly into the `lookup` call, the `:all` adverb is swallowed into the Seq by the comma operator, unless the Seq is parenthesized, which you may want to avoid having to do. SEE ALSO ======== - [OEIS Internal Format documentation]( AUTHOR ====== Tobias Boege <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2018/9 Tobias Boege This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.