Apache::WeSQL version 0.50

The Web-enabled SQL (WeSQL) Apache mod_perl module is an extension to HTML, acting as a glue between HTML and SQL. It allows the use of pure SQL queries directly in HTML files, embedded in a special tag. WeSQL translates the special tags into pure HTML, so using WeSQL is transparant for the browser. WeSQL is aimed at rapid web-database integration. WeSQL is written entirely in Perl and currently supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL as backend SQL databases.

In this directory, you will also find a '.spec' file to create a WeSQL rpm.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

Please note that 'make test' will NOT work on versions of Perl older than 5.006. This is nothing to worry about (but do consider upgrading your Perl, because older than 5.006 is truely ancient! I recommend perl 5.6.1).


The sample Addressbook application is provided in this directory in the 'addressbook' directory.
See ./addressbook/README for information on how to install it.

See the Apache::WeSQL manpage for more information on how to get a new WeSQL going.


Prerequisites for an easy installation: a unix system with working Apache, perl, mod_perl, and MySQL or PostgreSQL.
We want to interface to a database, so we need several Perl modules (do yourself a favour and get the latest versions!):

Msql-Mysql-modules or DBD-Pg

But if you are brave, there is no reason why WeSQL should not run on any system with any webserver that can 
execute Perl code as cgi-scripts, and can connect to a MySQL or PostgreSQL server.


Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Ward Vandewege. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL.
See the file COPYING in this directory for more information.