OAuth::Consumer - LWP based user agent with OAuth for consumer

    OAuth is a protocol to allow a user to authorize an application to
    access on its behalf ressources on a server without giving its password
    to the application. To achieve this aim OAuth have a fairly complicated
    3-steps authentication mechanism which require to user to go to a
    website to authenticate itself. The authentication response is then
    sent-back by the user itself through a callback mechanism.

    OAuth::Consumer hide away to complexity of this process, including the
    set-up of a callback webserver which can be called by the user browser
    when its authentication is performed.

    This library is oriented toward desktop application, it could possibly
    be used in a web application but I have not tried it (and the LWP setup
    may not be the most appropiate in this case).

    Authenticating your application with OAuth to access some user's
    ressources is a matter of requesting and authorising a *token*. This can
    be done with the following steps:

      use OAuth::Consumer;
      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
                    oauth_consumer_key => 'key',
                    oauth_consumer_secret => 'secret'
                    oauth_request_token_url => 'http://provider/oauth/request_token',
                    oauth_authorize_url => 'http://provider/oauth/authorize',
                    oauth_access_token_url => 'http://provider/oauth/access_token'
      my $verifer_url = $ua->get_request_token();
      print "You should authentify yourself at this URL: $verifier_url\n";
      my ($token, $secret) = $ua->get_access_token()

    At this point, $ua is an OAuth enabled LWP user-agent that you can use
    to access OAuth protected ressources. You should save the $token and
    $secret that you got and, in a later session, you may just do the
    following to gain access to the protected ressources:

      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
                    oauth_consumer_key => 'key',
                    oauth_consumer_secret => 'secret'
                    oauth_token_=> $token,
                    oauth_token_secret => $secret

    As OAuth::Consumer is a high-level library, this documentation does not
    describe precisely the OAuth protocol. You may find documentation on
    this protocol on these websites:


      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(%args);

    The OAuth::Consumer constructor gives you an LWP::UserAgent object
    (well, strictly speaking this is an LWP::Authen::OAuth object, but you
    should not use directly the method of this module). This object is able
    to authenticate using the OAuth 1.0 or 1.0a protocol (but not OAuth

    You can give to the constructor any LWP::UserAgent arguments. The
    OAuth::Consumer constructor expects some additionnal arguments described

    *   "oauth_consumer_key" and "oauth_consumer_secret"

        These values are specific to your application. Depending on the
        service you are trying to access, you may either choose them
        arbitrarily, you may be given them by the service provider (e.g. on
        your application page after registration for Twitter or Google), or
        they may be fixed to some specific values.

        If you specify nothing, the default value of "anyone" is used for
        both (some OAuth provider are known to accept this -- e.g. the
        Tomboy sync service -- this may not be the case of the service you
        are trying to access).

    *   "oauth_token" and "oauth_token_secret"

        The whole point of the OAuth protocol is for an application to get
        an access token and an associated secret. The consumer key and
        secret are associated to an application, but the token and its
        secret are associated to a specific user of this application.

        If you already have those (e.g. some service provider, like Twitter,
        will give it to your user on there)

    *   "oauth_request_token_url", "oauth_authorize_url", and

        These are the OAuth endpoints. If you already have an "oauth_token"
        and "oauth_token_secret" then you do not need these endpoints,
        otherwise they should be provided to you by the service provider.

        Some service provider will provide already authorised tokens and as
        such will not provide an "oauth_authorize_url". In this case, you
        should give 'null' for this parameter and use the 'manual' type for
        "oauth_verifier_type" (see below).

    *   "oauth_version"

        You may specify the oauth version to use. Currently only version
        '1.0' and '1.0a' are supported by the library. The default is
        '1.0a', you may need to revert to '1.0' with some server.

    *   "oauth_consumer_signature"

        Only the "HMAC-SHA1" signature mode is supported for now (which
        happens to be the default value of this option). So you should not
        use this argument.

    *   "oauth_callback"

        This parameter allows you to specify the where the user will be sent
        by the service provider once he has authorised your application. If
        you do not specify anything for this parameter, it default to
        "http://localhost:port" where "port" is a randomly chosen port where
        the library will listen for the end of the authorisation procedure.

        You should not overide this value unless you are familiar with the
        OAuth protocol and you know what you are doing.

        Some service providers (such as Google), allow the special value
        'oob' (out of band) which will redirect the user to a web page which
        will show the verifier value. This value may then be passed as
        parameter to the "get_access_token" method. This 'oob' value is the
        default when the "oauth_verifier_type" is "manual" (see just below).

    *   "oauth_verifier_type"

        This parameter allows to specify how the verifier code is received
        by your application. Currently the library support three modes. The
        default is 'blocking'. In this mode, a call to "get_access_token"
        will be blocking until the user complete its authentication process
        at the url given as the result of the "get_request_token" call.
        During this time, the library will have set up a small web server
        which will wait to be triggered by the user browser at the end of
        this authentication.

        If this setting is not working for you, you may use an
        "oauth_verifier_type" of 'manual'. In this case, no web server is
        set up by the library and you must supply the *verifier* code
        manually to the "get_access_token" method. This verifier may be
        entered by your user (some service provider will show it to your
        user) or you may read eat programatically (e.g. performing the
        authorisation process with WWW::Mechanize directed at the URL which
        is given back by the "get_request_token" method).

        The "manual" mode is the default if you supply an "oauth_callback"
        argument to the constructor.

        Finally there is the "thread" mode. This mode is similar in
        functionnalities to the "blocking" mode except that the small web
        server (which get the result of the authentication) is run in a
        separate thread. This enable you more flexibilities as you can
        complete the authentication process (be it by your user or with a
        programatic method) before calling the "get_access_token".
        Obviously, you will need a Perl with threads enabled to use this

        You should also note that in "thread" mode the library itself is not
        thread-safe! It plays with the "ALARM" handler and as such it should
        be called from the main thread of the program. Also, there may not
        be multiple concurently running OAuth::Consumer object (that is
        in-between the "get_request_token" and "get_access_token" call) if
        you are in "thread" mode.

    *   "oauth_verifier_valid_msg" and "oauth_verifier_invalid_msg"

        You can use these two options to customise the message that the user
        get after its authentication in the browser. You may either pass a
        string of text which will be embedded in a small web page, or you
        may pass a complete web page (which must then start with the
        "<'<html"'>> tag to be recognised) which will be used as-is. In the
        later case the argument must be UTF-8 encoded (not in Perl internal
        string representation) with all HTML entities properly escaped (but
        no checks at all will be performed on the argument beyond the test
        for the first tag).

    *   "oauth_verifier_timeout"

        This parameter set the timeout value in the "get_access_token"
        method call. That is, the time the user have to performs its
        authentication on the service provider website. This parameter is
        ignored when "oauth_verifier_type" is "manual".

        The default value is 180 (3 minutes). You may set it to "undef" to
        completely remove any timeout.

    The methods described here allow you to get an authorised access token
    and its associated secret. If you already have those (maybe from
    previous call to these methods) then you do not need them.

    An OAuth::Consumer object is also an LWP::UserAgent object and as such
    you can use any method of the LWP::UserAgent class with an
    OAuth::Consumer object. If your object is properly identified you may
    use it directly (e.g. with its "get" or "post" method) to access OAuth
    protected ressources (that is, directly after it is constructed if you
    provided valid "oauth_token" and "oauth_token_secret" to the
    constructor, or after a call to "get_request_token"/"get_access_token"
    if you need a new token).

      my $verifer_url = $ua->get_request_token(%args)

    This call initiates a new authorisation procedure. It does not expect
    any arguments but you can provide any additionnal OAuth argument
    required by your service provider. Example of such argument are
    "xoauth_displayname", "scope", or "realm". You should look at the
    documentation of your service provider to know which arguments it

    On success, this method returns a string containing an URL to which the
    application user should be directed to authorise your application to
    access to the service provider on behalf of this user. At the end of its
    authorisation the user's browser will be automatically redirected to a
    small web server set up by the library. This web server will
    automatically read the "verifier" code that is given by the service

    You may also use this "verifer_url" to programatically authorise your
    request (e.g. with WWW::Mechanize).

    Finally, if your service provider does not need you to authenticate your
    token then the return value may be ignored and you may directly call the
    "get_access_token" method. In that case you must set the
    "oauth_verifier_type" to "manual" to prevent the application from

    The method will "croak" in case of error.

      my ($token, $secret) = $ua->get_access_token(%args)

    Once you have redirected your user to the verifier url, you can call
    this method. It will block until the user finishes authenticating itself
    on the service provider's website. If this process takes more time than
    the value of the "oauth_verifier_timeout" parameter (in the constructor)
    then the method will croak with the following message: 'Timeout error
    while waiting for a callback connection'. You can trap this error (with
    "eval") and, optionnaly, restart the call to "get_access_token" (which
    will wait for the same duration) if the "oauth_verifier_type" is
    "blocking" (you may not call this function more than once per call to
    "get_request_token" in "thread" mode).

    If the "oauth_verifier_type" parameter is 'blocking' you must call this
    function as soon as you have instructed your user to authenticate at the
    *verifier* URL.

    If the "oauth_verifier_type" parameter is 'manual' then this function
    will not block. But then you *must* specify an "oauth_verifier" named
    argument to this function with its value being the value of the verifier
    that you got (your user may have entered it in your application if your
    using out-of-bound verification).

    If your service provider does not require you to verify the request
    token (and as such did not give you an "oauth_authorize_url"). You must
    use 'manual' mode with a dummy "oauth_authorize_url" in the constructor
    and you should pass an empty value to the "oauth_verifier" argument of
    this method.

    All other arguments in the %args hash will be passed with the *access
    token* query. To the author knowledge, no service providers require any
    arguments with this query (as opposed to the *request token* query).

    Finally, this function plays with the "alarm" function and associated
    handler. So you should not rely on alarm handler set accross this
    function call.

  Getting an access token and secret
    Here are the steps to follow to request an access token from a ressource
    provider. To achieve this, you need the 3 endpoints URL that should be
    described in the documentation of the API of the provider. You also need
    a consumer key and secret. Depending on the provider and the service,
    these value may be fixed to a specific value or you may need to register
    your application at the provider website to get them.

    Some providers require extra arguments for the "get_request_token" call.
    These arguments are not mendatory in the OAuth specification but you
    should check the API documentation of your service provider to know what
    it expects.

      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
            oauth_consumer_key      => 'my-consumer-key',
            oauth_consumer_secret   => 'my-consumer-secret',
            oauth_request_token_url => '',
            oauth_access_token_url  => '',
            oauth_authorize_url     => '',
      my $verifier_url = $ua->get_request_token(
            scope              => '',
            xoauth_displayname => 'My Application Name'
      # Send your user to $verifier_url to authenticate or use a WWW::Mechanize
      # robot to performs the authentication programatically. In this later case,
      # you should use the "oauth_verifier_type => thread" argument in the call to
      # new to ensure that the authentication can terminate before the call to
      # get_access_token.
      my ($token, $secret) = $ua->get_access_token();
      $r = $ua->get('');

    At the end of this procedure you should store the $token and $secret
    values as they should remains valid (usually service providers do not
    expire those). You can then use them directly in a future session.

  Getting an access token and secret with out-of-bound (OOB) verifier
    If your service provider will not redirect your user to OAuth::Consumer
    validation page, or if it is not feasible to ask the user to use his
    browser on the same machine as where the program is running, you may use
    out-of-bound verification where the user will be shown the verification
    code and can then enter it in your application.

    Not all service provider support the "oob" callback scheme, so the
    example below may not work correctly. An alternative is to redirect the
    user to a web page that you control and that will show the user the
    verification code. Some practice about this are discussed on this web

      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
            oauth_consumer_key      => 'my-consumer-key',
            oauth_consumer_secret   => 'my-consumer-secret',
            oauth_verifier_type     => 'manual',
            oauth_request_token_url => '',
            oauth_access_token_url  => '',
            oauth_authorize_url     => '',
      my $verifier_url = $ua->get_request_token();
      print "Please, authenticate yourself at: $verifier_url\n";
      print "Type in the verification code that you got: ";
      my $verifier = <STDIN>;
      my ($token, $secret) = $ua->get_access_token(oauth_verifier => $verifier);
      $r = $ua->get('');

    Be carefull that a verifier URL may not remain valid for a long time
    (usual expiration time is around an hour).

  Using an access token and secret
    If you saved your user specific access token and secret from a previous
    session or if your service provider does not allow for the
    authentication procedure and, instead, gives directly the token and its
    secret to your user on some web page (e.g. this is what Twitter does),
    then you can directly use these value in the constructor of the
    OAuth::Consumer object and completely skip the authentication procedure.

      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
            oauth_consumer_key      => 'my-consumer-key',
            oauth_consumer_secret   => 'my-consumer-secret',
            oauth_token             => $token,
            oauth_token_secret      => $secret
      $r = $ua->get('');

    However, you should check your response code in case the token has been
    revoked or has expired (in which cases you will probably get a status
    code of 401 or 403, but some servers return a 500 status code).

  Two-legged request (tokenless or consumer mode)
    Some service provider only require a your consumer key to authorise the
    access to some protected ressource. This is called two-legged request
    (as opposed to the normal three-legged mode) or tokenless mode.

    In this case, once you got your consumer key and secret (probably from
    your application page on the service provider website) you can just use
    those to access protected ressource.

      my $ua = OAuth::Consumer->new(
            oauth_consumer_key      => 'my-consumer-key',
            oauth_consumer_secret   => 'my-consumer-secret',
      $r = $ua->get('');

    *   Currently only the OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a are supported. The OAuth 2.0
        protocol is quiet different from the 1.0 version (and varies greatly
        from one service provider to an other) so there is no plan currently
        to upgrade thise library to it.

    *   Only the "HMAC-SHA1" signature mode is supported in the OAuth
        message. This is partly due to the fact that this is the only mode
        supported by the LWP::Authen::OAuth library from which
        OAuth::Consumer is inheriting and also to the fact that this mode is
        supported by all major OAuth enabled service provider. Let me know
        if you need another signature mode.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "", or through the web interface at

    LWP::Authen::OAuth, LWP::UserAgent, OAuth::Simple, Net::OAuth,
    OAuth::Lite, Net::OAuth::Simple, OAuth::Lite::Consumer

    Mathias Kende (

    Version 0.02 (February 2013)

    Copyright 2013 �� Mathias Kende. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.