NAME Sort::Array - This extended sorting algorithm allows you to a) sort an array by ANY field number, not only the first. b) find duplicates in your data-set and sort them out. The function is case-sensitive. Future versions might come without this limitation. SYNOPSIS use Sort::Array qw( Sort_Table Discard_Duplicates ); @data = Sort_Table( cols => '4', field => '4', sorting => 'descending', structure => 'csv', separator => '\*', data => \@data, ); @languages = Discard_Duplicates( sorting => 'ascending', empty_fields => 'delete', data => \@languages, ); DESCRIPTION Sort_Table() is capable of sorting table-form arrays by a particular value. Discard_Duplicates() discards doubles from an array and returns the sorted array. Usage @data = Sort_Table( cols => '4', field => '4', sorting => 'descending', structure => 'csv', separator => '\*', data => \@data, ); @languages = Discard_Duplicates( sorting => 'ascending', empty_fields => 'delete', data => \@languages, ); cols How many columns in a line. Integer beginning at 1 (not 0) (for better readability). e.g.: '4' = Four fields at one line. ($array[0..3]) - Utilizable only in Sort_Table() - Must be declared field Which column should be used for sorting. Integer beginning at 1 (not 0). e.g.: '4' = Sorting the fourth field. ($array[3]) - Utilizable only in Sort_Table() - Must be declared sorting In which order should be sorted. e.g.: 'ascending' or 'descending' - Utilizable in Sort_Table() - Must be declared - Utilizable in Discard_Duplicates() - Can be declared (if empty, it does not sort the array) empty_fields Should empty fields removed e.g.: 'delete' or not specified - Utilizable only in Discard_Duplicates() - Can be declared structure Structure of that Array. e.g.: 'csv' or 'single' - Utilizable only in Sort_Table() - Must be declared separator Which separator should be used? Only needed when structure => 'csv' is set. If left empty default is ";". For ?+*{} as a separator you must mask it since it is a RegEx. e.g.: \? or \* ... - Utilizable only in Sort_Table() - Must be declared when using 'csv' or ';' will be used. data Reference to the array that should be sorted. - Utilizable in Sort_Table() and Discard_Duplicates() - Must be declared If everything went right, Sort_Table() returns an array containing your sorted Array. The structure from the imput-array is kept although it's sorted. ;) Returncodes If an error occurs, than will be returned an undefinied array and set $Sort::Array::error with one of the following code. Normally $Sort::Array::error is 0. The following codes are returned, if an error occurs: '100' <cols> is empty or not set or contains wrong content. '101' <field> is emtpy or not set or contains wrong content. '102' <sorting> is empty or contains not 'ascending' or 'descending'. '103' <structure> is empty or contains not 'csv' or 'single'. '104' <data> is empty (your reference array). EXAMPLES Here are some short samples. These should help you getting used to Sort::Array Sorting CSV-Lines in an array my @data = ( '00003*layout-3*19990803*0.30', '00002*layout-2*19990802*0.20', '00004*layout-4*19990804*0.40', '00001*layout-1*19990801*0.10', '00005*layout-5*19990805*0.50', '00007*layout-7*19990807*0.70', '00006*layout-6*19990806*0.60', ); @data = Sort_Table( cols => '4', field => '4', sorting => 'descending', structure => 'csv', separator => '\*', data => \@data, ); Returns an array (with CSV-Lines): 00007*layout-7*19990807*0.70 00006*layout-6*19990806*0.60 00005*layout-5*19990805*0.50 00004*layout-4*19990804*0.40 00003*layout-3*19990803*0.30 00002*layout-2*19990802*0.20 00001*layout-1*19990801*0.10 Sorting single-fields in an array my @data = ( '00003', 'layout-3', '19990803', '0.30', '00002', 'layout-2', '19990802', '0.20', '00004', 'layout-4', '19990804', '0.40', '00001', 'layout-1', '19990801', '0.10', '00005', 'layout-5', '19990805', '0.50', '00007', 'layout-7', '19990807', '0.70', '00006', 'layout-6', '19990806', '0.60', ); @data = Sort_Table( cols => '4', field => '4', sorting => 'descending', structure => 'single', data => \@data, ); Returns an array (with single fields) 00007 layout-7 19990807 0.70 00006 layout-6 19990806 0.60 00005 layout-5 19990805 0.50 00004 layout-4 19990804 0.40 00003 layout-3 19990803 0.30 00002 layout-2 19990802 0.20 00001 layout-1 19990801 0.10 Discard duplicates in an array: my @languages = ( '', 'German', 'Dutch', 'English', 'Spanish', '', 'German', 'Spanish', 'English', 'Dutch', ); @languages = Discard_Duplicates( sorting => 'ascending', empty_fields => 'delete', data => \@languages, ); Returns an array (with single fields): Dutch English German Spanish BUGS No Bugs known for now. ;) HISTORY - 2001-08-25 / 0.26 File permission fixed, now anybody can extract the archive, not only the user 'root'. - 2001-08-23 / 0.25 Changed the Discard_Duplicates() function to discard duplicates and only sort the array if wished. You can set <sorting> to 'asending', 'desending' or let them empty to disable sorting. Some misspelling corrected. - 2001-08-17 / 0.24 Error codes are no longer returned in an array (that array that contains the sorted Data). $Sort::Array::error is used with the code instead. - 2001-07-28 / 0.23 First beta-release, non-public AUTHOR Michael Diekmann, <> THANKS Rainer Luedtke, <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Diekmann <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO perl(1).