#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 1998 David Muir Sharnoff ############################################################################# # # formsave will can verify form submissions, write form submissions # to a file, and email form submissions. Each copy of formsave.cgi # must be customized for a particular form. # # The customization is done with templates. Each template is has # has substitutions performed on it. The general substitution is # to have # $NAME() # replaced by the form value named by NAME. # # For example, if you had a form element called age (<input type=text # name=age>) then you could substutute in the submitted value using # $age(). # # There are a few special substututions. Don't have form elements of # these names: # # $date(format) - see Time::CTime for format conversions # $gmt(format) - see Time::CTime for format conversions # $env(name) - an environment variable (often from CGI) # $hidden() - submitted data as hidden variables # $username() - current username # $thisurl() - the url of this CGI # $dollar() - a literal dollar sign ($) # # With normal substututions (from form values) modifiers are possible. # The name of the modifier goes in the parens. # # (wrap) - wrap text at 70 columns (see Text::Wrap) # (wrap,initial,indent): - wrap text at 70 columns (see Text::Wrap) # (upper) - convert to upper case # (lower) - convert to lower case # (default,value) - provide default value if no value # (addafter,value) - provide value if there is a value # (addbefore,value) - provide value if there is a value # # # This is the template for form verification. # my $verify = <<'ENDVERIFY'; <html><head><title>Are you sure?</title></head> <body> $date(%D)<br> <strong>$Abstracts.Title.t(upper)</strong><br> $Abstracts.Author1.t(default,NO AUTHOR PROVIDED) $Abstracts.Address1.t()<br> $Abstracts.Author2.t() $Abstracts.Address2.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.Author3.t() $Abstracts.Address3.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.Author4.t() $Abstracts.Address4.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.Author5.t() $Abstracts.Address5.t(addafter,<br>) <p> $Abstracts.Abstract.t(sizelimit,1500,Content-type: text/html <html><head><title>Abstract too big</title></head> <body><h1>The abstract is limited to 1500 characters</h2> <p> Please hit the back button on your browser, edit your abstract, and try again. </body></html>) <br> <i>Presenter:</i> $Abstracts.FirstName.t(addafter, )$Abstracts.MiddleInitial.t(addafter, )$Abstracts.LastName.t()<br> $Abstracts.Organization.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.Addressa.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.Addressb.t(addafter,<br>) $Abstracts.City.t(), $Abstracts.State.t() $Abstracts.ZipCode.t() $Abstracts.Country.t(addbefore,<br> ) <br> <i>Telephone:</i> $Abstracts.Phone.t() <i>Fax:</i> $Abstracts.FaxPhone.t()<br> <i>E-mail:</i> $Abstracts.Email.t()<br> <i>Keywords:</i> $Abstracts.Key1.t() $Abstracts.Key2.t() $Abstracts.Key3.t() $Abstracts.Key4.t() $Abstracts.Key5.t() <hr> <form method=POST action=$thisurl()> $hidden() <input type=submit value=submit name=submit> </form> or hit your back button to change a value. ENDVERIFY # # This is the template for writing a form to a file. If you don't # want the form written to a file, set the variable $write to the # empty string. # my $write = <<'ENDWRITE'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $date(%D)<br> $Abstracts.Title.t(upper) $Abstracts.Author1.t(default,NO AUTHOR PROVIDED) $Abstracts.Address1.t()> $Abstracts.Author2.t() $Abstracts.Address2.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Author3.t() $Abstracts.Address3.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Author4.t() $Abstracts.Address4.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Author5.t() $Abstracts.Address5.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Abstract.t(wrap) Presenter: $Abstracts.FirstName.t(addafter, )$Abstracts.MiddleInitial.t(addafter, )$Abstracts.LastName.t() $Abstracts.Organization.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Addressa.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.Addressb.t(addafter,) $Abstracts.City.t(), $Abstracts.State.t() $Abstracts.ZipCode.t() $Abstracts.Country.t(addbefore, ) Telephone: $Abstracts.Phone.t() Fax: $Abstracts.FaxPhone.t() E-mail: $Abstracts.Email.t() Keywords: $Abstracts.Key1.t() $Abstracts.Key2.t() $Abstracts.Key3.t() $Abstracts.Key4.t() $Abstracts.Key5.t() ENDWRITE # # This is the template for mailing a form. If you don't want the form # submission emailed, set $mail to the empty string ('') # my $mail = <<ENDMAIL; To: muir-local\@idiom.com From: muir-local\@idiom.com Subject: a test $write ENDMAIL # # This specifies the file that forms should be appeneded to # my $writeto = "/cgi/home/muir/public_html/shared/sra/abstract.files"; # # This specifies where forms should be mailed and what their # return address should be. # my $mailto = 'muir-local@idiom.com'; my $mailfrom = 'muir-local@idiom.com'; # # This specifies the names of the mail servers to try when sending # mail. # my (@mailhosts) = qw( localhost mx0.idiom.com mx1.idiom.com mx2.idiom.com mx3.idiom.com ); # # This specifies the URL to or text to display after the form # has been submitted. This can either be a Redirect or a # web page. If it's a web page, it should being with # Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n. If it's a redirect, it should # begin with Redirect: some-url\r\n\r\n # my $next = <<ENDNEXT; Content-type: text/html\n\n <html><head><title>Thanks for you submission</title></head> <meta http-equiv=refresh content="5;URL=http://www.idiom.com"> <body> <h1>Thank you for your submission</h1> <a href="http://www.idiom.com">Idiom's home</a> </body></html> ENDNEXT ############################################################################# # END CONFIGURATION SECTION # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ############################################################################# use strict; use CGI; use CGI::Carp; use Text::Wrap; use File::Flock; use Net::SMTP; use Sys::Hostname; use Time::CTime; my $query = new CGI; my $hidden; my (%builtins) = ( 'thisurl' => sub { return $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; }, 'env' => sub { return $ENV{$_[0]}; }, 'date' => sub { return strftime($_[0], localtime(time)); }, 'gmt' => sub { return strftime($_[0], gmt(time)); }, 'hidden' => sub { return $hidden; }, 'dollar' => sub { return '$'; }, ); my (%modifiers) = ( 'wrap' => sub { my($t, $initial, $indent) = @_; return wrap($initial, $indent, $t); }, 'upper' => sub { return "\U$_[0]"; }, 'lower' => sub { return "\L$_[0]"; }, 'default' => sub { return ($_[0] || $_[1]) }, 'addbefore' => sub { my ($v, $addon) = @_; return "$addon$v" if $v ne ''; return ''; }, 'addafter' => sub { my ($v, $addon) = @_; return "$v$addon" if $v ne ''; return ''; }, 'sizelimit' => sub { my ($text, $limit, @error) = @_; if (length($text) > $limit) { print @error; exit(0); } return $text; }, ); $hidden = "<input type=hidden name=verified value=1>\n"; for my $name ($query->param()) { my @values = $query->param($name); my $n = $name; $n =~ s/"/"/g; if (@values > 1) { for my $v (@values) { $v =~ s/"/"/g; $hidden .= qq'<input type=hidden name="$n"' .qq' value="$v">\n'; } } else { my $v = $values[0]; $v =~ s/"/"/g; $hidden .= qq'<input type=hidden name="$n" value="$v">\n'; } } if ($verify && ! $query->param('verified')) { my $text = substitute($verify); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $text; exit(0); } my @bomb; DOWRITE: { if ($writeto && $write) { my $text = substitute($write); lock $writeto; unless (open(FILE, ">>$writeto")) { @bomb = ('write to file failed', "Could not open $writeto: $!"); last DOWRITE; } unless (print FILE $text) { @bomb = ('write to file failed', "Could not write to $writeto: $!"); last DOWRITE; } unless (close(FILE)) { @bomb = ('write to file failed', "Could not write to $writeto: $!"); last DOWRITE; } } } DOMAIL: { if ($mailto && $mail) { my $text = substitute($mail); my $smtp; while (! $smtp && @mailhosts) { $smtp = new Net::SMTP shift(@mailhosts); } if (! $smtp) { @bomb = ('could mail form data', "Could open a connection to a mail server"); last DOMAIL; } $smtp->mail($mailfrom); $smtp->to($mailto); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend($text); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); } } bomb(@bomb) if @bomb; my $nt = substitute($next); print $nt; exit(0); sub substitute { my ($text) = @_; my $new = ''; my $lastpos = 0; while ($text =~ m/(?:\G|^)(.*?)\$([\w.]+)\((.*?)\)/gs) { $new .= $1; my $var = $2; my $mods = $3; if (exists $builtins{$var}) { $new .= &{$builtins{$var}}($mods); } else { my (@mods) = (split(',',$mods)); my $m = shift(@mods); my (@v) = $query->param($var); for my $v (@v) { if (exists $modifiers{$m}) { $new .= &{$modifiers{$m}}($v, @mods); } else { $new .= $v; } } } $lastpos = pos($text); } $new .= substr($text, $lastpos); return $new; } sub bomb { my($head, $body) = @_; print <<""; Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n <html><head><title>Error: \u$head</title></head> <body> <h1>\u$head</h1> <p> Error in $0: $body <p> </body></html> carp "$0 error: $head\n"; exit(0); }