#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 1996 David Muir Sharnoff # # This CGI scrip simply mails the results of a html form. # # Using hiden variables the behavior can be modifed: # # <input type=hidden name=_mailto value="foo@bar"> # Mail the results to foo@bar # <input type=hidden name=_subject value="A subject"> # Set the Subject header of the mail message # <input type=hidden name=_skip value="_mailto _subject"> # Do not report the values of the "_mailto" or "_subject" # fields. # <input type=hidden name=_env value="HTTP_REFERER HTTP_USER_AGENT"> # Report the referer and user agent (if available) # <input type=hidden name=_redirect value="http://www...."> # When the mail has been sent, redirect to the following address... # <input type=hidden name=_passthrough value="name"> # When redirecting, pass along the values listed in _passthrough # <input type=hidden name=_quoting value="'"> # Quote field values with ' # use strict; use CGI; use CGI::Carp; use Net::SMTP; use Sys::Hostname; my $query = new CGI; my $username = getpwuid($<); my @names = $query->param(); my ($mailto, $quoting, $skip, $subject); my ($env, $redirect, $passthrough); my @defaults = ( \$mailto, '_mailto', $username, \$quoting, '_quoting', "'", \$skip, '_skip', '_mailto _subject _env _redirect _passthrough', \$subject, '_subject', "Form results from $0", \$env, '_env', 'HTTP_COOKIE HTTP_REFERER HTTP_HOST HTTP_USER_AGENT SCRIPT_NAME PATH_TRANSLATED DOCUMENT_ROOT', \$redirect, '_redirect', '', \$passthrough, '_passthrough', '' ); my %fields; @fields{@names} = (1) x scalar(@names); while (@defaults) { my ($ref, $field, $default) = splice(@defaults, 0, 3); $$ref = (exists $fields{$field}) ? $query->param($field) : $default; } my $smtp = new Net::SMTP 'localhost'; $smtp->mail($mailto); $smtp->to($mailto); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $mailto\n"); $smtp->datasend("From: $username\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); sub display_value { my($smtp, $value, $nl) = @_; my @lines; @lines = split("\n", $value); for (@lines) { s/\r$//; s/\r/\\r/g; s/\f/\\f/g; s/([\0-\37\177-\200])/sprintf("\\x%02x",ord($1))/eg; } if (@lines > 1) { $smtp->datasend("$nl\t---- begin\n"); my $line; for $line (@lines) { $smtp->datasend("\t$line\n"); } $smtp->datasend("\t----- end\n"); } else { $smtp->datasend("$nl\t$quoting$lines[0]$quoting\n"); } } $smtp->datasend("Formdata:\n"); my %skip = map(($_, 1), split(' ',$skip)); my $name; my @values; for $name (@names) { next if exists $skip{$name}; @values = $query->param($name); if (@values > 1) { $smtp->datasend("$name\n"); my $v; for $v (@values) { display_value($smtp, $v, "\n"); } } else { $smtp->datasend($name); display_value($smtp, $values[0]); } } if ($env) { $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend("cgi variables:\n"); my $e; for $e (split(' ',$env)) { next unless exists $ENV{$e}; $smtp->datasend($e); display_value($smtp, $ENV{$e}); } } sub as_url { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02x",unpack('C',$1))/ge; return $s; } my $p; if ($passthrough) { croak "Should not define passthrough without redirect" unless defined $redirect; my @t; my $t; for $name (split(' ', $passthrough)) { @values = $query->param($name); next unless @values; my $v; $t = ''; for $v (@values) { $t = as_url($name); $t .= "="; $t .= as_url($v); } push(@t, $t); } if (@t) { $p = "?" . join("&", @t); } } $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); if ($redirect) { print "Location: $redirect$p\n\n"; } else { print <<END; Content-type: text/html <html> <head> <title>Data mailed</title> </head> <body> <h1>Mailed</h1> <p> The data you just entered has been mailed to $mailto. </body> </html> END } exit(0); 1;