Tk::Zinc - another Canvas which proposes many new functions, some based on openGL Tk::Zinc for Perl/Tk is available for Linux, Windows and MacOSX. the easiest way could be to use he CPAN. However new releases are usually first available on To build it you need: * On a Linux system, you need Perl (>= 5.6) and perl-tk (800 or 804) as well as perl-tk developpement packages. * On MacOSX you need: - fink with tk-pm package and its dependencies ( tk-pm is available in unstable. You can add this binary unstable tree to you /sw/etc/apt/sources.list: deb 10.3/unstable main crypto deb 10.3/stable main crypto - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple ( * On WinXP you need: - activeperl ( or higher) from - and - if you want to compile TkZinc by yourself: Visual C++ or the Free Visual C++ Command Line Tools - or the TkZinc msi package available from Install: perl Makefile.PL # you can use the following options: --with-gl=yes|no --with-atc=yes|no --with-shape=yes|no # current defaults are --with-gl=yes --with-atc=yes --with-shape=yes make make test # to run demos before installing: perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib demos/zinc-demos make install WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the the case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic ( NVidia library. It is very important to assert that the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver loaded in the X server. In the case you need to use another version of perl-tk than the one installed in the system, you should use the following command as a template to adapt to follow your specific pathes of the alternative perl-tk installation: env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl Makefile.PL make env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi make test # to run demos before installing: env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib demos/zinc-demos # and finally make install # and to run your script: env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl <> up-to-date documentation is also available at You will find there the reference manual, a FAQ, a mailing list, its archive etc... The source of the reference manual is available in the full source package, which also includes TkZinc for Tcl/Tk, for Perl/Tk, and for Python. After installation, we recommend you to launch the zinc-demos script, a frontend to more than 30 small demos. For more information on building Tk::Zinc, a README is available in the tkzinc-*tgz tar file (on Tkzinc web site) used for building all flavor of TkZinc (ie tcl, perl and python) This software is delivered under new BSD licence. For the copyright, please, read the Copyright file. For any question on Tk::Zinc usage, build or installation pb, please send email to This mailing list can be subscribed from You can also send a question without subscribing, but you will be asked for a confirmation to avoid spam on the list! Authors and Contributors: Tk::Zinc main author is Patrick Lecoanet (CENA) Sub-Modules, demos and documentation have been developped by Daniel Etienne (CENA), Christophe Mertz (formerly CENA and now IntuiLab), Jean-Luc Vinot (CENA), with contributions from St�phane Chatty (Intuilab), C�line Schlienger (IntuiLab), Alexandre Lemort (IntuiLab) St�phane Conversy (CENA) contributed to the MacOSX port. Many others contributed with their bug reports!