#/usr/local/bin/perl #Path: tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!apple!oliveb!orc!mipos3!iwarp.intel.com!news #From: merlyn@iwarp.intel.com (Randal Schwartz) #Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl,alt.sources #Subject: multiple host command launcher (gsh) in Perl #Message-ID: <1990Mar7.190633.3801@iwarp.intel.com> #Date: 7 Mar 90 19:06:33 GMT #Sender: news@iwarp.intel.com #Reply-To: merlyn@iwarp.intel.com (Randal Schwartz) #Organization: Stonehenge; netaccess via Intel, Beaverton, Oregon, USA #Lines: 279 #Xref: tut.cis.ohio-state.edu comp.lang.perl:607 alt.sources:1534 # #Here's the 'gsh' I've been using for a while (industrial strength by #now). The coding style is not pretty, but it has been roadtested. # #Yes, this stuff was inspired by the 'gsh' in the Perl distribution, #although I've taken it about three steps further. Mine has parallel #launching and waiting, a built-in (but overridable/extensible) #hostlist, and a timeout for those rsh's that launch but "never" come #back. You'll want to edit the builtin hostlist, unless you just #*happen* to have a bunch of systems named 'iwarpa', 'iwarpb', etc. #etc. :-) # #Enjoy. # #================================================== snip here ## Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, by Randal L. Schwartz. All Rights Reserved. ## usage: gsh [options] hostspec [command [arg]...] ## Runs command and args on hosts according to hostspec. Results are ## sent to STDOUT, with hostname prefix. A missing command means to just ## echo the computed hostnames on STDOUT. 'hostspec' is one of: ## hostname, hostattribute, hostspec+hostspec, hostspec-hostspec ## Default hostlist is defined in @HOSTLIST later on. ## ## options: ## -d: don't run any commands on other hosts... but fork anyway. ## -h hostlist: extend the hostlist with the contents of the named file. ## -H hostlist: replace the hostlist with the contents of the named file. ## -i: give STDIN to the processes as STDIN ## -o place: send the outputs to "place$host" instead of STDOUT ## -n procs: run this many processes at a time (default 5). ## (remember that each rsh is two processes on this host!) ## -v: be noisy about starting and finishing processes. ## -z sec: zap processes after sec seconds (default 300). ## requires 3.0 beta or better @HOSTLIST = split(/\n/, <<'ENDHOSTLIST'); # comments allowed in here... decster=decster.uta.edu ENDHOSTLIST $| = 1; # don't buffer STDOUT $the_task_filename = "/tmp/$$.thetask"; $tasks = 0; $taskmax = 5; $zapsecs = 300; sub start { local($host) = @_; print "starting '$host'...\n" if $verbose; while ($tasks > 0 && $tasks >= $taskmax) { &finish(); }; unless ($pid = fork) { # child open(STDIN, "<$the_task_filename") || die "Cannot open $the_task_filename as STDIN ($!)"; open(STDOUT, ">$place$host") || die "Cannot open $place$host ($!)"; open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); exec 'cat' if $debug; $parent = $$; if (fork) { # still the child exec 'rsh', $host, '/bin/sh'; die "Cannot exec rsh ($!)"; } # child child $zaptime = time + $zapsecs; while (time < $zaptime) { sleep 5; exit 0 if getppid == 1; } kill 9, $parent; print "\nTIMED OUT AFTER $zapsecs SECONDS\n"; exit 0; } $tasklist{$pid} = $host; $tasks++; } sub finish { return unless $tasks > 0; print "waiting on '", join(" ", sort values(tasklist)), "'...\n" if $verbose; do { die "Nothing to wait for??? ($!)" unless ($pid = wait) > 0; } until $tasklist{$pid}; print "finished task on '", delete $tasklist{$pid}, "'.\n" if $verbose; $tasks--; } sub finishall { while ($tasks > 0) { &finish(); } } sub gethostlist { local($f,$replace) = @_; open(GETHOSTLIST, "<$f") || die "Cannot open '$f' ($!)"; @HOSTLIST = () if $replace; unshift(@HOSTLIST, <GETHOSTLIST>); # put it at the beginning close(GETHOSTLIST); } # end initialization... begin code... while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $_ = shift; $debug++, $verbose++, next if /^-d/; $verbose++, next if /^-v/; $taskmax = $1, next if /^-n(.+)/; $taskmax = shift, next if /^-n/; &gethostlist($1, 1), next if /^-H(.+)/; &gethostlist(shift, 1), next if /^-H/; &gethostlist($1), next if /^-h(.+)/; &gethostlist(shift), next if /^-h/; $do_stdin++, next if /^-i/; $place = $1, next if /^-o(.+)/; $place = shift, next if /^-o/; $zapsecs = $1, next if /^-z(.+)/; $zapsecs = shift, next if /^-z/; die "unknown flag $_"; } $place = "/tmp/$$.", $do_stdout++ unless $place; unshift(@HOSTLIST,"TARGET=" . shift); $the_task .= join(" ", @ARGV); if ($do_stdin) { $_ = join("",<STDIN>); chop if /\n$/; $the_task = "($the_task ;) <<'FoObAr'\n$_\nFoObAr\n"; # if I got tricky, I could skip the extra shell, but, hey... it works } @TARGETS = (); $attr{'TARGET'} = 1; # this is what I want. for $_ (@HOSTLIST) { s/\s*\n?$//; # toss trailing white s/^\s*//; # toss leading white next if /^(#.*)?$/; # skip comment lines and blank lines if (/^([^-+=]+)=(.*)/) { ($name,$repl) = ($1,"+$2"); next unless $yes = $attr{$name}; # +1 if wanted, -1 if not while ($repl =~ s/^([+-])([^-+]+)//) { next if $attr{$2}; $attr{$2} = ($1 eq '-') ? - $yes : $yes; print "assigning $attr{$2} to $2\n" if $debug; } } else { # must be a terminal node: @attr = split; $host = $attr[0]; $wanted = 0; for $attr (@attr) { $wanted++, next if $attr{$attr} > 0; $wanted=-1, last if $attr{$attr} < 0; } push(TARGETS, $host) if $wanted > 0; } } if ($the_task =~ /^\s*$/) { # no command? just list the hosts print join("\n", @TARGETS), "\n"; exit 0; } open(THE_TASK, ">$the_task_filename") || die "Cannot open THE_TASK ($!)"; print THE_TASK $the_task; close(THE_TASK); for $host (@TARGETS) { # launch'em all, $taskmax at a time &start($host); } &finishall(); # and hang out while the last $taskmax finish unlink $the_task_filename; # no need for this anymore exit 0 unless $do_stdout; for $host (@TARGETS) { # show what they said open(F,"<$place$host") || die "missing output for $host ($!)"; if ($_ = join("$host:\t", <F>)) { print "$host:\t$_"; print "\n" unless /\n$/; } close(F); unlink "$place$host"; } exit 0;