#! /usr/bin/perl # Modified: 18 October 1992 # # This is 'digest' a program to run elm on a digest as a folder. # Copyright (C) 1990-1991 David J. Camp # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # david@campfire.stl.mo.us ^ David J. Camp # # wupost.wustl.edu!campfire!david < * > +1 314 382 0584 # # v "God loves material things." # # I am a member of the League for Programming Freedom. # # # from the elm menu, type |digest<return> # $first = 1; if (-t STDIN) { print STDERR "Usage: \"|digest\" from elm menu\n"; exit 3; } $| = 1; open (FOLDER, ">/tmp/dig$$"); $first = 1; while (<>) { # print $_; if ($first) { if (! m/^From /) { print FOLDER "From dummy Wed Feb 29 12:12:12 1990\n"; } $first = 0; } $match = 0; if (/^[0-9]*\)$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^\([0-9]*\) ----\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^*\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^------\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^-----------------------------\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^------------------------------\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^-------------------------------------------------------\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^============================================================\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^----------------------------------------------------------------------*\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^------------------------------------------------------------------------=\n$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^=========================================================================$/) { $match = 1; } if (/^========================================================================/) { $match = 1; } if ($match || $first) { $break = $_; $_ = ""; for ($ctr = 0; ! (eof() || /[\041-\177]/); $ctr++) { $_ = <>; } if (/^[^ \t\r\n:]+: /) { print FOLDER "From dummy Wed Feb 29 12:12:12 1990\n"; } else { print FOLDER $break; for ($ctr--; $ctr > 0; $ctr--) { print FOLDER "\n"; } } } print FOLDER $_; $first = 0; } close (FOLDER); exec ("elm -f /tmp/dig$$ <&2 ; /bin/rm -f /tmp/dig$$");