!!!sun-barr!news2me.EBay.Sun.COM!seven-up.East.Sun.COM!sungy!news.Sweden.Sun.COM!swippy!seunet!sunic!seunet!pipex!!demon!!bortz Wed Feb 24 20:45:59 CST 1993 On Monday 22 February 93, at 10 h 15, the keyboard of Stephane Bortzmeyer <> wrote: > Does anyone know a way to send SNMP requests from Perl? Thanks to all those who searched. It appears there are three solutions: - the very last version of Tricklet has a Perl interface. Tricklet is available from The official version (which is a really nice tool to make SNMP request from shell scripts) is in pub/Tricklet/tricklet.1.4.tar.Z. A beta-version (which includes the Perl interface) is in pub/btng/trcklt3b.tar.Z. Thanks for the DNPAP group of the Delft University of Technology which produces so many useful network programs. - there is a Perl interface for the CMU's SNMP package. The CMU stuff is available from in pub/cmu-snmp1.0.tar. The Perl interface can be obtained from its author, Guy Streeter <>. - there is also a commercial solution with the SMILE (Secure hierarchical network Management in LAN Environment) package. Contact <> for details. I'm more accustomed to Tricklet and therefore will use it. Thanks again to all the helpful people on the Net and specially to Guenther Schreiner <> and Hal R. Pomeranz <>. Stephane Bortzmeyer Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers Laboratoire d'Informatique 292, rue Saint-Martin tel: +33 (1) 40 27 27 31 75141 Paris Cedex 03 fax: +33 (1) 40 27 27 72 France "C'est la nuit qu'il est beau de croire a la lumiere." E. Rostand