cupsd.conf - server configuration file for cups
The cupsd.conf file configures the CUPS scheduler, cupsd(8). It
is normally located in the /usr/etc/cups directory.
Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line,
or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character. The
configuration directives are intentionally similar to those used by the
popular Apache web server software and are described below.
The following directives are understood by cupsd(8). Consult the
on-line help for detailed descriptions:
- AccessLog filename
- AccessLog syslog
- Defines the access log filename.
- Allow all
- Allow none
- Allow
- Allow *
- Allow ip-address
- Allow ip-address/netmask
- Allow ip-address/mm
- Allow @IF(name)
- Allow @LOCAL
- Allows access from the named hosts or addresses.
- AuthClass User
- AuthClass Group
- AuthClass System
- Specifies the authentication class (User, Group, System) -
this directive is deprecated.
- AuthGroupName group-name
- Specifies the authentication group - this directive is
- AuthType None
- AuthType Basic
- AuthType BasicDigest
- AuthType Digest
- AuthType Negotiate
- Specifies the authentication type (None, Basic, BasicDigest, Digest, Negotiate)
- AutoPurgeJobs Yes
- AutoPurgeJobs No
- Specifies whether to purge job history data automatically when
it is no longer required for quotas.
- BrowseAddress ip-address
- BrowseAddress @IF(name)
- BrowseAddress @LOCAL
- Specifies a broadcast address for outgoing printer information packets.
- BrowseAllow all
- BrowseAllow none
- BrowseAllow
- BrowseAllow *
- BrowseAllow ip-address
- BrowseAllow ip-address/netmask
- BrowseAllow ip-address/mm
- BrowseAllow @IF(name)
- BrowseAllow @LOCAL
- Allows incoming printer information packets from the named host or address.
- BrowseDeny all
- BrowseDeny none
- BrowseDeny
- BrowseDeny *
- BrowseDeny ip-address
- BrowseDeny ip-address/netmask
- BrowseDeny ip-address/mm
- BrowseDeny @IF(name)
- BrowseDeny @LOCAL
- Denies incoming printer information packets from the named host or address.
- BrowseInterval seconds
- Specifies the maximum interval between printer information broadcasts.
- BrowseOrder allow,deny
- BrowseOrder deny,allow
- Specifies the order of printer information access control (allow,deny or deny,allow)
- BrowsePoll host-or-ip-address
- Specifies a server to poll for printer information.
- BrowsePort port
- Specifies the port to listen to for printer information packets.
- BrowseProtocols [All] [CUPS] [DNSSD] [LDAP] [SLP]
- Specifies the protocols to use for printer browsing.
- BrowseLocalProtocols [All] [CUPS] [DNSSD] [LDAP] [SLP]
- Specifies the protocols to use for local printer browsing.
- BrowseRemoteProtocols [All] [CUPS] [DNSSD] [LDAP] [SLP]
- Specifies the protocols to use for remote printer browsing.
- BrowseRelay from-address to-address
- Specifies that printer information packets should be relayed from one host or
network to another.
- BrowseShortNames Yes
- BrowseShortNames No
- Specifies whether remote printers will use short names ("printer") or not
("printer@server"). This option is ignored if more than one remote printer
exists with the same name.
- BrowseTimeout seconds
- Specifies the maximum interval between printer information updates before
remote printers will be removed from the list of available printers.
- Browsing Yes
- Browsing No
- Specifies whether or not remote printer browsing should be enabled.
- Classification banner
- Specifies the security classification of the server.
- ClassifyOverride Yes
- ClassifyOverride No
- Specifies whether to allow users to override the classification
of individual print jobs.
- ConfigFilePerm mode
- Specifies the permissions for all configuration files that the scheduler
- DataDir path
- Specified the directory where data files can be found.
- DefaultAuthType Basic
- DefaultAuthType BasicDigest
- DefaultAuthType Digest
- DefaultAuthType Negotiate
- Specifies the default type of authentication to use.
- DefaultCharset charset
- Specifies the default character set to use for text.
- DefaultLanguage locale
- Specifies the default language to use for text and web content.
- DefaultPolicy policy-name
- Specifies the default access policy to use.
- DefaultShared Yes
- DefaultShared No
- Specifies whether local printers are shared by default.
- Deny all
- Deny none
- Deny
- Deny *
- Deny ip-address
- Deny ip-address/netmask
- Deny ip-address/mm
- Deny @IF(name)
- Deny @LOCAL
- Denies access to the named host or address.
- DocumentRoot directory
- Specifies the root directory for the internal web server documents.
- Encryption IfRequested
- Encryption Never
- Encryption Required
- Specifies the level of encryption that is required for a particular
- ErrorLog filename
- ErrorLog syslog
- Specifies the error log filename.
- FileDevice Yes
- FileDevice No
- Specifies whether the file pseudo-device can be used for new
printer queues.
- FilterLimit limit
- Specifies the maximum cost of filters that are run concurrently.
- FilterNice nice-value
- Specifies the scheduling priority ("nice" value) of filters that
are run to print a job.
- FontPath directory[:directory:...]
- Specifies the search path for fonts.
- Group group-name-or-number
- Specifies the group name or ID that will be used when executing
external programs.
- HideImplicitMembers Yes
- HideImplicitMembers No
- Specifies whether to hide members of implicit classes.
- HostNameLookups On
- HostNameLookups Off
- HostNameLookups Double
- Specifies whether or not to do reverse lookups on client addresses.
- ImplicitAnyClasses Yes
- ImplicitAnyClasses No
- Specifies whether or not to create implicit classes for local and
remote printers, e.g. "AnyPrinter" from "Printer", "Printer@server1",
and "Printer@server2".
- ImplicitClasses Yes
- ImplicitClasses No
- Specifies whether or not to create implicit classes from identical
remote printers.
- Include filename
- Includes the named file.
- JobRetryInterval seconds
- Specifies the interval between retries of jobs in seconds.
- JobRetryLimit count
- Specifies the number of retries that are done for jobs.
- KeepAlive Yes
- KeepAlive No
- Specifies whether to support HTTP keep-alive connections.
- KeepAliveTimeout seconds
- Specifies the amount of time that connections are kept alive.
- Krb5Keytab filename
- Overrides the Kerberos key tab location.
- <Limit operations> ... </Limit>
- Specifies the IPP operations that are being limited inside a policy.
- <Limit methods> ... </Limit>
- <LimitExcept methods> ... </LimitExcept>
- Specifies the HTTP methods that are being limited inside a location.
- LimitRequestBody
- Specifies the maximum size of any print job request.
- Listen ip-address:port
- Listen *:port
- Listen /path/to/domain/socket
- Listens to the specified address and port or domain socket path.
- <Location /path> ... </Location>
- Specifies access control for the named location.
- LogFilePerm mode
- Specifies the permissions for all log files that the scheduler writes.
- LogLevel alert
- LogLevel crit
- LogLevel debug2
- LogLevel debug
- LogLevel emerg
- LogLevel error
- LogLevel info
- LogLevel none
- LogLevel notice
- LogLevel warn
- Specifies the logging level for the ErrorLog file.
- MaxClients number
- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients to support.
- MaxClientsPerHost number
- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients to support from a
single address.
- MaxCopies number
- Specifies the maximum number of copies that a user can print of each job.
- MaxJobs number
- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs to support.
- MaxJobsPerPrinter number
- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs per printer to support.
- MaxJobsPerUser number
- Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs per user to support.
- MaxLogSize number-bytes
- Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are
rotated (0 to disable rotation)
- MaxRequestSize number-bytes
- Specifies the maximum request/file size in bytes (0 for no limit)
- Order allow,deny
- Order deny,allow
- Specifies the order of HTTP access control (allow,deny or deny,allow)
- PageLog filename
- PageLog syslog
- Specifies the page log filename.
- PassEnv variable [... variable]
- Passes the specified environment variable(s) to child processes.
- <Policy name> ... </Policy>
- Specifies access control for the named policy.
- Port number
- Specifies a port number to listen to for HTTP requests.
- PreserveJobFiles Yes
- PreserveJobFiles No
- Specifies whether or not to preserve job files after they are printed.
- PreserveJobHistory Yes
- PreserveJobHistory No
- Specifies whether or not to preserve the job history after they are
- Printcap
- Printcap filename
- Specifies the filename for a printcap file that is updated
automatically with a list of available printers (needed for
legacy applications); specifying Printcap with no filename
disables printcap generation.
- PrintcapFormat bsd
- PrintcapFormat solaris
- Specifies the format of the printcap file.
- PrintcapGUI
- PrintcapGUI gui-program-filename
- Specifies whether to generate option panel definition files on
some operating systems. When provided with no program filename,
disables option panel definition files.
- ReloadTimeout seconds
- Specifies the amount of time to wait for job completion before
restarting the scheduler.
- RemoteRoot user-name
- Specifies the username that is associated with unauthenticated root
- RequestRoot directory
- Specifies the directory to store print jobs and other HTTP request
- Require group group-name-list
- Require user user-name-list
- Require valid-user
- Specifies that user or group authentication is required.
- RIPCache bytes
- Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use when converting images
and PostScript files to bitmaps for a printer.
- Satisfy all
- Satisfy any
- Specifies whether all or any limits set for a Location must be
satisfied to allow access.
- ServerAdmin
- Specifies the email address of the server administrator.
- ServerBin directory
- Specifies the directory where backends, CGIs, daemons, and filters may
be found.
- ServerCertificate filename
- Specifies the encryption certificate to use.
- ServerKey filename
- Specifies the encryption key to use.
- ServerName hostname-or-ip-address
- Specifies the fully-qualified hostname of the server.
- ServerRoot directory
- Specifies the directory where the server configuration files can be found.
- ServerTokens Full
- ServerTokens Major
- ServerTokens Minimal
- ServerTokens Minor
- ServerTokens None
- ServerTokens OS
- ServerTokens ProductOnly
- Specifies what information is included in the Server header of HTTP
- SetEnv variable value
- Set the specified environment variable to be passed to child processes.
- SSLListen
- Listens on the specified address and port for encrypted connections.
- SSLPort
- Listens on the specified port for encrypted connections.
- SystemGroup group-name [group-name ...]
- Specifies the group(s) to use for System class authentication.
- TempDir directory
- Specifies the directory where temporary files are stored.
- Timeout seconds
- Specifies the HTTP request timeout in seconds.
- User user-name
- Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running external programs.
classes.conf(5), cupsd(8), mime.convs(5),
mime.types(5), printers.conf(5),
Copyright 2007-2008 by Apple Inc.