The CUPS scheduler (cupsd) uses the /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf file to store the list of active subscriptions. Each directive is listed on a line by itself followed by its value. Comments are introduced using the number sign ("#") character at the beginning of a line.
While the subscriptions configuration file consists of plain text and can be modified using your favorite text editor, you should normally use the command-line programs (lp(1) and lpr(1)) or specific applications via IPP requests to manage your subscriptions.
<Subscription NNN> ... Events job-completed </Subscription>
The Events
directive lists the events, separated
by spaces, that the subscriber is interested in. Table 1 lists
the supported event names.
The Events
directive must appear inside a Subscription
Name | Description |
all | All events |
job-completed | Send notification when the job is completed |
job-config-changed | Send notification when the job is changed |
job-created | Send notification when a job is created |
job-progress | Send notification for job progress |
job-state-changed | Send notification when the job-state changes |
job-stopped | Send notification when the job is stopped |
printer-added | Send notification when a printer is added |
printer-changed | Send notification when a printer is changed |
printer-config-changed | Send notification when a printer's configuration is changed |
printer-deleted | Send notification when a printer is deleted |
printer-modified | Send notification when a printer is modified |
printer-state-changed | Send notification when the printer-state changes |
printer-stopped | Send notification when a printer is stopped |
server-audit | Send notification when a bad request, security error, or authentication error occurs |
server-restarted | Send notification when the server is restarted |
server-started | Send notification when the server is initially started |
server-stopped | Send notification when the server is shutdown |
<Subscription NNN> ... ExpirationTime 1012563145 </Subscription>
The ExpirationTime
directive specifies the
expiration time of the subscription as a UNIX time value. It is 0
for subscriptions with no predefined expiration time.
The ExpirationTime
directive must appear inside a
<Subscription NNN> ... Interval 30 </Subscription>
The Interval
directive specifies the preferred
time interval for event notifications in seconds.
The Interval
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... JobId 123 </Subscription>
The JobId
directive specifies the
for job subscriptions.
The JobId
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... LeaseDuration </Subscription>
The LeaseDuration
directive specifies the number
of seconds that the subscription is valid. A value of 0 means
that the subscription will last forever or the life of the print
job the subscription is attached to.
The LeaseDuration
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... NextEventId 999 </Subscription>
The NextEventId
directive specifies the
value for the next
notification event. It starts at 1 and increases for every event
that is delivered for the subscription.
The NextEventId
directive must appear inside a Subscription
NextSubscriptionId 999
The NextSubscriptionId
directive specifies the
next subscription ID to use. It defaults to 1 more than the
highest subscription number seen.
<Subscription NNN> ... Owner username </Subscription>
The Owner
directive specifies the user that owns
this subscription.
The Owner
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... PrinterName name </Subscription>
The PrinterName
directive specifies the name of
the printer or class that is associated with this
The PrinterName
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... Recipient </Subscription>
The Recipient
directive specifies the
value for push-type
notifications. The URI scheme name determines which notifier
program is used to send the event(s).
The Recipient
directive must appear inside a Subscription
<Subscription NNN> ... </Subscription>
The Subscription
section defines a single
subscription in the system. Each subscription is assigned a
unique (to the server) number starting at 1.
<Subscription NNN> ... UserData mailto:bar<40> </Subscription>
The UserData
directive specifies the
value, which is normally the "from"
address used in mailto
notifications. Binary values
are introduced by encoding the bytes as hexadecimal values inside
angle brackets, e.g. "<1234>".
The UserData
directive must appear inside a Subscription