Welcome to Quickset Puppy!
This is Puppy Linux 4.3.1JPqs3 Quickset live CD(Released on Febrary 2010).
It is an easy-to-setup version based on Puppy Linux 4.3.1JP(Japanese edition).
Differences with the original version is described on this document.
Puppy Linux is provided as live CD's(.iso file).
You can use Puppy Linux as soon as you bootup your computor from the
live CD.
You may need pressing [Del], [f.1], [f.2], [f.9], or [f.12] at the
bootup and set up BIOS or select bootup media depending on your PC.
Reffer the documents on your own PC.
First setup
Booting up your PC from this Quickset live CD,
hopefully automatically starts up the desktop with 800x600 screen size.
A GUI dialog for the first setup appears.
You may need to change the settings of language, timezone, keyboard layout, and screen size if you like to.
Timezone and keyboard is initially set to JST (Japan) and jp(JP106/Japanese) keyboard.
Language is initially in Japanese. You can choose English at the same dialog.
Another languages support are provided by the additional sfs files.
If the PC failed to startup the desktop, try 'Safe mode' at the bootup option.
Select the bootup menu(it may be frendly interface thanks to the Grub4Dos) by using up and down arrow keys.
Type 'xorgwizard' after the command prompt appears.
The network connection is to be automatic in case eth0 interface found and DHCP is available.
How does the Quickset?
Most of the automatic mechanism is that of the Puppy natively has.
I (shinobar) only made the first setup GUI and arranged the initial settings of the Quirky.
Not only the new GUI, some scripts are modified.
- /usr/sbin/firstsetup (new)
- /usr/sbin/xorgwizard (accept screen size specified with a parameter)
- /usr/sbin/delayedrun (launch firstsetup)
- /usr/sbin/wizardwizard (firstsetup in menu)
- /usr/sbin/remasterpup2 (Joliet option)
- /usr/bin/xwin (automatically select 800x600 screen size, apply /etc/profile)
- /etc/rc.d/rc.network (autoconnect)
- /usr/sbin/firstsetup (new)
- /usr/sbin/keymap-set (new)
- /usr/sbin/input-wizard (use keymap-set)
- /usr/sbin/timezone-set (take parameter)
- /usr/sbin/chooselocale (take parameter)
- /etc/rc.d/rc.country (use keymap-set, timezone-set, chooselocale)
- /usr/sbin/xorgwizard (accept screen size specified with a parameter)
- /usr/sbin/delayedrun (trigger firstsetup)
- /usr/sbin/wizardwizard (firstsetup on menu)
- /usr/bin/xwin (automatically select 800x600 screen size, apply LANG from /etc/profile))
- /usr/local/bin/fixmenus_on_locale (switch translation according to LANG)
- /usr/local/bin/mozilla.nls (switch translation of seamonley)
- /usr/local/bin/mozstart (launch mozlla.nls)
- /etc/rc.d/rc.update (avoid issues with mounting new sfs file)
- /etc/rc.d/rc.network (autoconnect)
The initial settings is preset by some files.
- /etc/X11/xorg.conf
- /etc/videomode
- /etc/localtime
- /etc/keymap
- /usr/bin/X
Other changes
Some files beside the above mensioned are updated from the 4.3.1JP release. Next is the list.
- New
- firstsetup (described above)
- frugalinstaller-1.0.1
- Pmusic-0.9.9
- retrovol-0.2
- Shrink
- /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1 (reffer Stardust Linux)
- /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/misc (reffer Quirky Linux)
- /usr/share/kbd/keymaps re-arranged and ziped, moved to /lib/keymaps
(/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts moved to /lib/consolefonts)
- /usr/share/i18n
Other than Japanese, limited locales which can be displayed with iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-2.
- /usr/local/lib/X11/themes
Some themes removed
- Removed
- alsamixer (removed only from menu)
- aqualung (replaced with Pmusic)
- Didi Wiki (duplicated function with PPLOG)
- e3 Console Editor (removed only from menu)
- Gcolor2
- Gdmap
- gFnRename (duplicated with PRename)
- gexec (terminal can do that)
- GtkDialog markup text editor
- MP console editor
- NetWork-Wizard(retro)
- NicoEdit(duplicated with geany)
- PictureViewer(duplicated with Viewnior)
- Pdisk (duplicated with gparted or fdisk on terminal)
- Pmirror (duplicated with Gadmin-Rsync)
- pStopWatch (can run from Ptimer)
- Pwsget (duplicated with Uget)
- Securetelnet (duplicated with Ssh-gui)
- Wakepup2
- wavplay (link tp aplay���)
- Xautoconect (duplicated with pwireless)
- Xclipboard (duplicated with Glipper)
- Xconsole (removed only from menu)
- Xfontsel (removed only from menu)
- Zfind (duplicated with Pfind)
- zmixer (replaced with retrovol)
- Update
- 915resolution-0.5.3-patched20091211
- abiword-2.8.1
- acpid-1.0.10-1
- Cgtkcalc (Japanese help)
- cpu-freq 1.3-2
- dir2pet
- dhcpcd-5.1.3
- drive_all
- fixmenu_on_locale
- flashplayer 10.0 r42
- frugalinstaller-1.0.1
- gnumeric-1.8.4
- grub4dos-0.4.4.v1.5.2
- gtksourceview
- isomaster-1.3.6
- jwm-460(i18n)
- man, pman
- mozilla_on_locale
- mhwaveedit-1.4.17
- mtpaint-3.34?.30
- pburn-3.1.9
- pcd-1.1
- petspec
- pfind-4.16
- pmount
- poppler-dataJP-0.4.0
- Puppy Package Manager
- pupsaveconfig
- rc.country
- remasterpup2
- restartjwm
- sfsconverter 1.4-1
- snapmergepuppy
- Trash
- you2pup-1.3-2
- xdelta_gui
- XFPROT 2.3
- /root/.xinitrc
- /root/.Xresources
Puppy Linux 4.3.1 is made by Barry Kauler in November 2009
Puppy Linux 4.3.1JP is made by a team of Puppy Linux Japanese Forum in December 2009
Puppy Linux 4.3.1JPqs3 is arranged by Shinobar(Masaki Shinomiya) in Febrary 2010
Enjoy Puppy!