Softkiss is a device driver/control panel for the macintosh.  It lets
you use a cheap modem to get your mac on packet.  See oct 92 edition
of 73 magazine for more details. Softkiss was written by
Aaron Wohl (  The major changes since 1.2.x are, support
for kiss parameter changes and fixes/debugging support for a lockup

Jim Van Peursem ( just started shipping savant.
It is an all new mac program to do ax25 connections with a tnc in
kiss mode.  I switched to using savant from macnet and like it a lot.

Softkiss is available via anonymous ftp from host [].

/aw0g/softkiss.1.8.sit.hqx       - Get this to run softkiss
/aw0g/softkiss.src.1.8.sit.hqx   - Get this to modify softkiss sources

*** I recieved zillions of mail messages about softkiss and 
*** suggested changes to the user manua.  I am
*** only now digging out of the pile sorry for the delay

Changes in 1.6 March 20 1993
  Allow numbers to be type in as hex eg $a
  Rewrite transmit interupt handling
  Have scc abort outgoing packet if interupts are off for two long
  	Variable xmit_overrun displays the number of times this has happened
  Fix debug output code to handle large monitors
  Fix: Sometimes kiss mode wouldn't work unless tnc mode was used first
  Copy 8530.h from KA9Q's nos to get nice names for the scc registers/values

  Users have reported lockups after running SoftKiss for a while.
  The SE/30 and FX I work on don't lock up for me.   I rewrote some of
  the interupt code mentioned above and enabled the debug command described bellow.
  Hopefully the lockup problem is fixed, if not turn on debugging and let me know
  what you see when it locks up.  Perhaps it is still getting interupts (perhaps
  continously causing the lockup).

  Enable debug command, used as debug_level 1
    Only turn debugging if the primary monitor is in two bit mode
    With debugging on the driver writes output to the screen memory from
      interupt level.  Move your windows over to the right so you can read
      the softkiss output.
    Each softkiss channel has it's own area of the screen for output.
    As the finite state machine changes state the state numbers are written
    	out.  State numbers:
			0 port offline
			1 RX mode
			2 RX of packet in progress
			3 RX but throw away data
			4 waiting for dwait/slottime to expire
			5 keying up, sending flags
			6 transmiting
			7 sending trailer
	On an external/status interupt the active status info is written out:
		a - abort
		u - transmit underrun
		c - cts (carrier detect on HSKi input)
		h - hunt mode fount sync character
		d - DCR input (GPI input or mouse on mac+ or ...)
		z - Zero count in baud rate generator
	On a recieve interupt the recieved character is written out
	On a transmit interupt the sent character is written out
	On a special interupt 'S' is written out
	If you are changing the SoftKiss sources you will need to make
	a StrictMacHeaders file.  Copy the "Mac #includes.c" file that comes
	with think c and in the line:
	change the 1 to a zero.  Use the "Preproces..." command from the source
	menu and save the result in the same folder as MacHeaders but call
	it StrictMacHeaders.  When softkiss is built this is used to be as picky
	as possible in reporting type mismatches.

	If you are adding new commands to softkiss let me know, it pretty
	strange right now and I haven't documented it.

Wish list:
Finish updates to manual
Comm toolbox support
Finish single character foreign language support
Finish digipeat and cross channel digipeat
Finish .ax25_packet driver interface

Changes in 1.4
 Support kiss commands for savant

Changes in 1.2.3a0
Users where running macnet then trying to run an emulator at the same time.
  So if a serial port is already open refuse to open again.
Check the port in use bytes sooner so we don't fight with appletalk.
Partial foriegn language support, move all strings from driver to resource.

Changes in 1.2.2a0
Add a wireing diagram for Tigertronics BayPac modem
Fix DCD interupt handling so the mouse works on a mac+