- Harold NK6K 7/23/91
   First good pic from UoSAT-5, 612x578x256 GIF.   Shows most of Italy,
   cloudless.  Excellent on VGA, not too good on EGA.  Downloaded from
   UO-5 at NK6K and then coverted to GIF.  From 21JUL91 10:21 UTC.

uo5samp.gif - Harold NK6K 7/24/91
   low res samples of UoSAT-5 images.  VGA only.

uo5-1-2.gif - Harold NK6K 7/25/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Persian Gulf  612x400x256

uo5-6.gif - Harold NK6K 7/26/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Greece and mountains in Bulgaria.  Contrast boosted
   by ground processing (at least it looks good on my screen).  North is
   to the right.   640x480x256.  nk6k

uo5-4p.gif - Harold NK6K 7/28/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Red Sea. 640x480x256

uo5-6pr.gif - Harold NK6K 7/29/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece.  Mountain ranges show
   up nicely.

UO5-6PR.GIF - Harold NK6K 7/29/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece.  Mountains ranges show up
   well.  Contrast is enhanced, and image rotated so north is up.  NK6K.

UO5-11PR.GIF - Harold NK6K 7/29/91
   UoSAT-5 image of Great Lakes region.  Note the narrow part of Lake
   Michigan, this feature is less than 5 miles wide and is easily 
   discernable.  Contrast enhanced and image rotated so north is almost
   up.  NK6K.

UO5-12PR.GIF - Harold NK6K 7/29/91
   UoSat-5 image of eastern South Africa.

UO5-24PT.GIF - Harold NK6K 8/7/91
   Second UoSAT-5 image of Persian Gulf showing 400 mile long
   smoke plume from Kuwait.  A keeper.  640x480x256

UO5-26PT.GIF - Harold NK6K 8/8/91
   UoSAT-5 Image number 26.  My best guess is that this is of the ice pack
   in the antarctic ocean.  640x480x256

UO5-14PT.GIF - Harold NK6K 8/8/91
   Improved UoSAT-5 image of Denmark.  Several small islands (<4 miles) are 
   visible in the center of the image.  The sparkles have been remove.