Begin3 Title: yaesu: Program Yaesu HTs (FT-50, VX-1) Version: 0.2alpha Entered-date: 8 May 1998 Description: Software to program Yaesu HTs FT-50 and VX-1. Needs programming cable (from e.g. ADMS-1C). Makes text files from Yaesu configuration and vice versa. Keywords: Ham radio, Yaesu, FT-50, VX-1 Author: (Riku Kalinen, OH2LWO, K2LWO) Maintained-by: (Riku Kalinen, OH2LWO, K2LWO) Primary-site: 352K yaesu-0.2alpha.tgz 690 yaesu-0.2alpha.lsm Alternate-site: - Original-site: - Platform: Linux Copying-policy: Ok to use for non-commercial amateur radio applications. Otherwise, contact the author. End