For installation instructions see the INSTALL file. ---------------------- Procmail & formail mail processing package. Copyright (c) 1990-1999, S.R. van den Berg, The Netherlands. Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Philip Guenther, The United States of America Some legal stuff: This package is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation and can be found in the included file called "COPYING"; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or - the "Artistic License" which can be found in the included file called "Artistic". This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. For those of you that choose to use the GNU General Public License, my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no procmailrc script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put said script under the terms of the GPL yourself. -------------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------- Any *NIX-alike (or POSIX compliant) system. Sendmail, ZMailer, smail, MMDF, mailsurr or compatible mailers (in effect any mailer that can process RFC-822 compliant mails). For a fairly complete list of all C-library references done in the programs see "src/includes.h". ------------------------------ DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------- The procmail mail processing program. (v3.15.2 2001/07/18) Can be used to create mail-servers, mailing lists, sort your incoming mail into separate folders/files (real convenient when subscribing to one or more mailing lists or for prioritising your mail), preprocess your mail, start any programs upon mail arrival (e.g. to generate different chimes on your workstation for different types of mail) or selectively forward certain incoming mail automatically to someone. Procmail can be used: - and installed by an unprivileged user (for himself only). - as a drop in replacement for the local delivery agent /bin/mail (with biff/comsat support). - as a general mailfilter for whole groups of messages (e.g. when called from within rules). The accompanying formail program enables you to generate autoreplies, split up digests/mailboxes into the original messages, do some very simple header-munging/extraction, or force mail into mail-format (with leading From line). ---------------------- We made the utmost effort to make procmail as robust as any program can be (every conceivable system error is caught *and* handled). Since procmail is written entirely in C, it poses a very low impact on your system's resources (under normal conditions, when you don't start other programs/scripts from within it, it is faster and more robust than the average /bin/mail you have on your system now). Procmail was designed to deliver the mail under the worst conditions (file system full, out of swap space, process table full, file table full, missing support files, unavailable executables; it all doesn't matter). Should (in the unlikely event) procmail be unable to deliver your mail somewhere, the mail will bounce back to the sender or reenter the mailqueue (your choice). For a more extensive list of features see the FEATURES file. ---------------------- However, as with any program, bugs cannot be completely ruled out. We tested the program extensively, and believe it should be relatively bug free. Should, however, anyone find any bugs (highly unlikely :-), we would be pleased (well, sort of :-) to hear about it. Please send us the patches or bug report; you can reach us by E-mail at . We'll look at them and will try to fix it in a future release. (BTW, if you should find any spelling or grammar errors in these files, don't hesitate to point them out; we like correct English just as much as you do). ---------------------- I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude in particular to these devoted users of the procmail-package. Without their constant feedback procmail would not have looked the same: David W. Tamkin An excellent proofreader and betatester. Josh Laff For stresstesting procmail (and me :-). Dan Jacobson For his many useful suggestions. Rick Troxel Because I crashed his Convex way too often :-). Roman Czyborra For his enthusiastic ideas. Ari Kornfeld The guardian angel of SmartList. Alan K. Stebbens For his endless creativity and suggestions. Philip Guenther Sometimes faster at repairing bugs than I can write them :-) He's also the current main coordinator of procmail/SmartList development. Era Eriksson For maintaining the FAQ. He's also the current coordinator of the procmail volunteer group. Philip Guenther would like to thank the following people: David W. Tamkin For continued duty as procmail's star betatester. Miquel van Smoorenburg For winning an argument with me. Tim Pierce SmartList's current guardian angel. Christopher P. Lindsey For thinking hard about real world usage. ...and all the other members of the procmail-dev mailing list, for suggestions, testing, and being annoying (but in a good way). ---------------------- Please note that this program essentially is supposed to be static; that means no extra features (honouring the VNIX spirit) are supposed to be added (though any useful suggestions will be appreciated and evaluated if time permits). Cheers, Stephen R. van den Berg of Cubic Circle, The Netherlands. Internet E-mail: Snail-Mail: Procmail Foundation P.O.Box 21074 6369 ZG Simpelveld The Netherlands Procmail mailinglist: Procmail updates and patches list (readonly): SmartList mailinglist: SmartList updates and patches list (readonly): Development: Development list for procmail Development list for SmartList Coordinator of development List to coordinate volunteers ---------------------- The most recent version can be obtained via or You'll be able to find instructions there which direct you to suitable mirror sites around the world. The current list of mirror sites include: ----------------------