# BEFORE editing this file, you should make sure that it is not linked to # the master version (../.etc/rc.archive) anymore (i.e. "delink rc.request" # if you do not want your changes to affect all archive servers). # # New mails can be temporarily stalled by creating the file rc.lock (either in # ../.etc for all lists or in the current directory for this list only). #$Id: rc.archive,v 1.15 1995/03/20 14:50:27 berg Exp $ INCLUDERC=$RC_INIT INCLUDERC=$RC_CUSTOM INCLUDERC=$RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_00 LOCKFILE=tmp.lock # for reusing tmp.(request|from) # also makes sure that the load doesn't go sky-high # when a lot of mail arrives concurrently # # We drop the message in the bitbucket if: # It's too big. # We sent it ourselves. # It was sent by a daemon of some kind. # :0 h * > 32768 /dev/null :0 h * !^X-Loop: $listaddr * $$daemon_bias * -100^0 ^FROM_DAEMON * 1^0 { } :0 Eh /dev/null # # We now check that it is not a reply or something. # If it isn't, we extract the sender address into tmp.from # :0 whc * !^Subject:(.*[^a-z])?(Re:|erro|problem|((can)?not|.*n't)\>) | formail -rtzc -xTo: >tmp.from # # Store the whole mail in tmp.request, for later reference. # :0 Ac | cat >tmp.request # # Feed it to the archive server. # :0 Aw | arch_retrieve standalone LOCKFILE # we don't need the lockfile anymore INCLUDERC=$RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_30 # # Anything not taken care of yet will be served to the maintainer of the list. # :0 fh | formail -A"X-Envelope-To: $X_ENVELOPE_TO" # # If this list does not have a maintainer e-mail address, drop things in # the file request. # :0: * !maintainer ?? . request :0 w | formail -R"From X-From_:" -iDate: -iReturn-Receipt-To: -iRead-Receipt-To: \ -iAcknowledge-To: | $SENDMAIL $sendmailOPT $sendmailOPTp $maintainer :0 wfh | formail -A"X-Diagnostic: Maintainer $maintainer could not be reached" HOST=continue_with_../.etc/rc.post