# Assign the fully qualified mail address of the maintainer of this list
# to "maintainer".  If empty, request-mail will not be mailed to any
# maintainer and will be stored in the "request" file for this list.

maintainer	=

#LOGABSTRACT=yes			# uncomment in case of emergency
#VERBOSE=yes				# uncomment in case of real emergency

#size_limit	=	524288		# sanity cutoff value for submissions

#idcache_size	=	8192		# duplicate-msgid cache size in bytes

#archive_hist	=	2		# number of messages left archived
					# or "all" to keep them all
#archive_dir	=	latest		# subdirectory of archive to which
					# the messages are saved in an
					# MH-style folder
#archive_log	=	$LOGFILE	# log file for archive retrievals
#subscribe_log	=	$LOGFILE	# log file for administrivia

#maxhist	=	32		# bounce history limit
#minbounce	=	4		# no. of bounces before removal
#cutoff_bounce	=	256		# lines to keep in bounce processing

#match_threshold=	30730		# for close matches to the list
#medium_threshold=	28672		# for not so close matches to the list
#loose_threshold=	24476		# for loosely finding your name

#auto_off_threshold=  $medium_threshold # for auto-unsubscribing bouncers
#off_threshold	=      $loose_threshold # for unsubscribing
#reject_threshold=     $match_threshold # for rejecting subscriptions
#submit_threshold=    $medium_threshold # for permitting submissions

##unsub_assist	=	8		# uncomment (and change perhaps) this
					# line to enable unsubscription
					# assistance; it specifies the no. of
					# multigram matches an unsuccessful
					# unsubscriber will receive back
#foreign_submit =	yes
##foreign_submit			# uncomment this line if you
					# want to restrict submitting to
					# people on the accept list
##restrict_archive=	yes		# uncomment this line if you
					# want to restrict archive retrievals
					# to people on the accept list
##force_subscribe=	yes		# uncomment to cause people to
					# be autosubscribed upon first
					# submission to the list
#auto_unsubscribe=	yes
##auto_unsubscribe			# uncomment to disable unattended
					# unsubscription handling
#auto_subscribe =	yes
##auto_subscribe			# uncomment to disable unattended
					# subscription handling
##auto_help	=	yes		# uncomment to enable default help
					# responses to all undecipherable
					# requests
##moderated_flag=	yes		# uncomment this to make the list
					# moderated (you must create a
					# `moderators' file for this to work)
					# set moderator_PASSWORD to get
					# stricter checking
##cc_requests	=	yes		# uncomment if you want subscribe
					# and help requests to be Cc'd to
					# the maintainer
##cc_unsubrequests=	yes		# uncomment if you want unsubscribe
					# requests to be Cc'd to the maintainer
#divertcheck	=	yes
##divertcheck				# uncomment to disable the check for
					# misfiled administrative requests
##pass_diverts	=	yes		# uncomment to pass on administrative
					# requests diverted from the normal
					# list to the maintainer unprocessed
					# (instead of trying to handle them)
##reply_to	= "Reply-To: $listaddr" # uncomment to force replies to
					# go to the list (discouraged)
					# why discouraged?  see:
			# http://garcon.unicom.com/FAQ/reply-to-harmful.html
##digest_flag	=	yes		# uncomment this if you want digests
#digest_age	=	262144		# maximum age of a digest in seconds
#digest_size	=	32768		# maximum size of a digest in bytes
#undigested_list =	$list@$domain	# Reply-To: address for digests

#moderator_PASSWORD =			# put the optional password for
					# moderators here, this definition
					# can contain regular expression magic
					# characters (to support multiple
					# passwords)

#X_COMMAND	=	X-Command
#X_COMMAND_PASSWORD =			# put the literal password for
					# X-Command mails here

#daemon_bias='100^0 ^From:.*daemon@ok'	# You could set "daemon_bias" to
					# positively discriminate some
 # mail address not to be from a daemon.  Either with a regexp as demonstrated
 # or with more complicated recipes that simply set it to '100^0' or nothing.

#RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_00	= rc.local.s00	# Uncomment (and change) these to
#RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10	= rc.local.s10	# call up customised local scripts
#RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_20	= rc.local.s20	# at predefined points.
#RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_00	= rc.local.r00
#RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_10	= rc.local.r10
#RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_20	= rc.local.r20
#RC_LOCAL_REQUEST_30	= rc.local.r30

RC_CUSTOM				# clear this one from the environment
					# so that we include this file only
					# once