# BEFORE editing this file, you should make sure that it is not linked to
# the master version (../.etc/rc.submit) anymore (i.e. "delink rc.submit"
# if you do not want your changes to affect all archive servers).
# New mails can be temporarily stalled by creating the file rc.lock (either in
# ../.etc for all lists or in the current directory for this list only).

#$Id: rc.submit,v 1.93 2000/08/31 05:46:55 guenther Exp $



# The following recipe makes sure that:
#	The mail has a sane size (i.e. it is not inordinately big)
#	It does not look like an administrative request.
#	It wasn't sent by this list itself.
#	It wasn't sent by a daemon (misdirected bounce message perhaps).

* < $size_limit
* !$^($X_COMMAND:|X-Loop: $\listaddr)
* ! B ?? $^^$X_COMMAND:
* $$daemon_bias
* -100^0 ^FROM_MAILER|\
	 ^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From )\
	  )(([^).!:a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9]*)?[%@>	 ][^<)]*(\(.*\).*)?)?$([^>]|$)
* 1^0

* B ?? >640
* 9876543210^0
{ }

# Does it look like a regular submission?
# Or perhaps more like an administrative request?
# Look at the start of the body, and see if this could be an administrative
# request, pass it on to rc.request in that case.

* $$=^0
* 9876543210^0 !divertcheck ?? y
{ }

* $$=^0
* !B ?? ^^(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?[^]>}	 a-z0-9]
* 9876543210^0 B ?? ^^.*$.*$.*$.*$.*$.*$.*$.*$.*$
{ }

* $$=^0
* $${maintainer:+9876543210^0 ^From[: ](.*\<)?$\maintainer\>}
* 9876543210^0 ^(Subject:(.*\<)?(Re:|magazine)\>)|X-(Diagnostic|Mailing-List):
* -25^0 ^\
      Subject:([	 ]*(archives?:?([	 ]+(\
	 ([	 ]|$)|[	 ]*$)|\
	(Could you )?(please )?\
	(cancel(( my)? subscription)?|add|\
	 sign( [^ ]+ |-)?o(n|ff)|(un|de)?-?sub)[	 ]*$)|\
       .*( (join|leave|add .* to|(delete|remove) .* from|\
	 (take|sign|get) .* off|(put|sign) .* on) .* [a-z-]*list|\
* -50^0 ^Subject:[	 ]*[(<]no(ne| subject\
	 ( (\(file transmission|given))?)[>)]$
*  50^0 ^Subject:.*[a-z]
* -100^0 B ?? ^^([	 ]|$)*\
      ((((archives?:?($|[	 ]+)|\
	   ([	 ].*)?$)([	 ]|$)*)+\
	    ([^	 a-z].*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$)?)?)?)?)?^^|\
	(help|info)[	 ]*$|\
	(add|join|leave|sign( [^ ]+ |-)?o(n|ff)|(un|de)?-?sub)\>)|\
       ([^	 a-z].*$(.*$(.*$(.*$(.*$)?)?)?)?)?^^|\
       .*( (join|leave|add .* to|(delete|remove) .* from|\
	 (take|sign|get) .* off|(put|sign) .* on) .* [a-z-]*list|\
  # Then check to see if the sender is on the accept list (if foreign_submit
  # is not set).

  * 9876543210^0 foreign_submit ?? y
  * 2^0 ? formail -X"From " -xFrom: -xReply-To: -xSender: -xResent-From: \
	   -xResent-Reply-To: -xResent-Sender: -xReturn-Path: | \
	   multigram -b1 -m -l$submit_threshold -L$domain \
	    -x$listaddr -x$listreq accept accept2


     * moderated_flag ?? y
	:0 Bhfw				# contract header and body
	* ^^Approved:.*$^
	| formail -X ""

	* !$^Approved:.*$moderator_PASSWORD
	| formail -R"From X-Envelope-From:" -uDate: -iReturn-Receipt-To: \
	   -iRead-Receipt-To: -iAcknowledge-To: | \
	   $SENDMAIL $sendmailOPT \
	    `cat moderators || echo "${maintainer:-$listmaster}"`

	:0 fhw
	| formail -IApproved:

     # Eliminate duplicate submissions by checking the Message-ID: field.

     :0 Wh :msgid.lock
     | formail -q- -D $idcache_size msgid.cache

     # Check if we need to autosubscribe anyone not on the dist list.

     * force_subscribe ?? y
     * !? if test y = "$moderated_flag" ;\
	  then formail -xFrom: -xSender: -xReply-To: ;\
	  else formail -X"From " -xFrom: -xReply-To: -xSender: -xResent-From: \
	   -xResent-Reply-To: -xResent-Sender: -xReturn-Path: ;\
	  fi | multigram -b1 -m -l$submit_threshold -L$domain \
	     -x$listaddr -x$listreq dist

       # Yes, well, then check if the person isn't on the reject list.

       * ? multigram -b1 -l$reject_threshold reject
	  :0 wfh
	  | formail -A "X-Diagnostic: Found on the reject list" \
	     -A "X-Diagnostic: `multigram -b1 -l$reject_threshold reject`"



       :0 whc
       | formail -rtzc -xTo: >tmp.from

       :0 Wc :dist.lock
       | sed -e '/^$/,/^-- $/ d' | formail -I "Subject: auto subscribe" \
	  >tmp.request; subscribe <tmp.request && test ! -z "$subscribe_log" \
	   && echo "rc.submit: auto subscribed" >>$subscribe_log


     # Check if this is a digested mailinglist.	 If yes, processing stops
     # here and the mail will be added to the digest.

     * digest_flag ?? y
	# Forward the article back to the undigested list, if it hasn't
	# come from there.

	:0 c
	* undigested_list ?? .
	* $!^X-Loop: $\undigested_list
	   # If there's a Delivered-To: header field for the digest list,
	   # remove it to avoid losing the return post to the digest list

	   qlistaddr = "$\listaddr"
	   * 1^1 $^Delivered-To:(.*[ <	])?$qlistaddr
	      # Are there any that need to be saved?  If so, put them in DT
	      :0 h
	      * $-$=^0
	      * 1^1 ^Delivered-To:
	      DT=|formail -c -XDelivered-To: | egrep -v "[ :<	]$qlistaddr"

	      :0 fhw
	      |formail -IDelivered-To: ${DT+-I"$DT"}

	   ! $sendmailOPT $undigested_list


	# Finally digest the mail.

	:0 w :tmp.lock
	| digest

     ARCHIVE				# Wipe ARCHIVE from the environment

     # Check if we are the first mailinglist to distribute this message, if so
     # archive the message.

     * archive_hist ?? [1-9]|all
     *	archive_dir ?? .
     * !archive_dir ?? (^^|/)\.\.
     * !^X-Mailing-List:

	:0 c

	ARCHIVE=$LASTFOLDER		# Remember where it was archived

	# Truncate the archive to the correct number of files (and
	# possibly other housekeeping chores to keep the archive
	# current).

	:0 c hi
	* ! archive_hist ?? all
	| arch_trunc

     # What List-* headers should be included?

     List_headers = "List-Post: <mailto:$listaddr>
List-Help: <mailto:$listreq?subject=help>"
     * auto_subscribe ?? y
     { List_headers="$List_headers
List-Subscribe: <mailto:$listreq?subject=subscribe>" }
     * auto_unsubscribe ?? y
     { List_headers="$List_headers
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:$listreq?subject=unsubscribe>" }

     # Main header munger for submissions passing through this list.

     oldshellmetas="$SHELLMETAS" SHELLMETAS	# Save a shell, procmail can
						# do this one by itself.
     :0 wfh
     | formail -b -IFrom\  -IReceived: -IReturn-Receipt-To: -IErrors-To: \
	-IX-Pmrqc: -IX-Confirm-Reading-To: -IX-Ack: -IAcknowledge-To: \
	-IRead-Receipt-To: -IReturn-Receipt-Requested: -IX-Diagnostic: \
	-IList- -I"$List_headers" \
	-iUidl: -iX-Uidl: \
	-iStatus: -iReturn-Path: -iX-Envelope-To: -iX-Envelope-From: \
	-I"Precedence: list" -I"Resent-Sender: $listreq" \
	-uDate: -aMessage-ID: -aResent-Message-ID: \
	-a"To: $listaddr" -a"Resent-From: $listaddr" -A"X-Loop: $listaddr" \
	-a"Subject: Unidentified subject!" ${reply_to:+"-a$reply_to"} \
	-a"X-Mailing-List: <$listaddr> $ARCHIVE"

     SHELLMETAS="$oldshellmetas" oldshellmetas


     # The following recipe will distribute the message to the subscribers
     # using the native $SENDMAIL, but only if you disabled the alternative
     # sendmail (choplist).

     :0 w: dist.lock
     * !alt_sendmail ?? .
     ! $sendmailOPT $listdist

     # Alternate sendmail call (used by default), does not use the file-
     # including -dist alias.

     :0 Ew: dist.lock
     | $alt_sendmail $SENDMAIL $sendmailOPT $sendmailOPTi

     :0 wfh
     | formail -A "X-Diagnostic: $SENDMAIL $listdist failed"


  :0 E wfh
  | formail -A "X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list"

  :0 A c
  * ? test -f accept.txt
    :0 fh
    | formail -i"From: $listreq" -kbrtA"X-Loop: $listaddr" ; cat accept.txt

    ! $sendmailOPT -t

} }

:0 fhw
* pass_diverts ?? y
* !^X-Diagnostic:
| formail -A "X-Diagnostic: Diverted & unprocessed"
