Contents of this folder
+ This folders includes bst files created by customizing econ.bst.
+ These bst files are basically the same as econ.bst except that function named like have different values.
+ If you want to customize econ.bst, see these files.
| bst file | PDF file | Explanation |
| `econ.bst` | [`econ-default.pdf`](econ-default.pdf) | The default econ.bst file. |
| `econ-a.bst` | [`econ-a.pdf`](econ-a.pdf) | A simple style. |
| `econ-b.bst` | [`econ-b.pdf`](econ-b.pdf) | A style with much decoration. |
| `econ-no-sort.bst` | [`econ-no-sort.pdf`](econ-no-sort.pdf) | This style lists entries in citation order. |
| `econ-abbr.bst` | [`econ-abbr.pdf`](econ-abbr.pdf) | This style uses abbreviated journal name. |
| `econ-aea.bst` | [`econ-aea.pdf`](econ-aea.pdf) | The style for AEA journals such as AER, JEL, AEJ and JEP. |
| `econ-econometrica.bst` | [`econ-econometrica.pdf`](econ-econometrica.pdf) | The style for Econometrica. |
| `econ-jpe.bst` | [`econ-jpe.pdf`](econ-jpe.pdf) | The style for JPE (Journal of Poilitical Economy). |
| `econ-jet.bst` | [`econ-jet.pdf`](econ-jet.pdf) | The style for JET (Journal of Economic Theory). |
| `econ-jie.bst` | [`econ-jie.pdf`](econ-jie.pdf) | The style for JIE (Journal of International Economics). |
| `econ-te.bst` | [`econ-te.pdf`](econ-te.pdf) | The style for TE (Theoretical Economics). |
| `econ-old.bst` | [`econ-old.pdf`](econ-old.pdf) | The style of the old econ.bst (ver. 2.7). |
| | [`econ-numbers.pdf`](econ-numbers.pdf) | An example with numerical citation mode. |
| | [`econ-many-authors.pdf`](econ-many-authors.pdf) | An example with a very large number of authros |
| File | Explanation |
| journal_name.xlsx | This file stores correspondence between journal name and its abbreviation. |