LaTeX pro pragmatiky - README ============================= ��esk�� verze n��sleduje n����e. English title: LaTeX for pragmatists Version: 1.1 Description: An introduction to LaTeX from the practical point of view. From the bare essentials over more complex constructs (tables, mathematics) up to selected packages (multicolumn typesetting, color). Written in Czech language. License: This material is subject to the Creative Commons BY-ND License. See for the details of that license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N��zev: LaTeX pro pragmatiky Verze: 1.1 Popis: Prakticky pojat�� ��vod do LaTeXu v ��e��tin��. Od ��pln��ch z��klad�� p��es pokro��ilej���� konstrukce (tabulky, matematick�� vzorce) a�� po vybran�� roz��i��uj��c�� bal����ky (sazba do sloupc��, barva). Licence: Dokument je vyd��n pod licenc�� Creative Commons BY-ND. Jej�� podrobn�� popis najdete na adrese