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   Volume 4                                                       Index
                     A Mostly Unofficial Publication for
                     Users of the TeX Typesetting System
The following is a topical index for TeXMaG V3N2-V4N6. Hopefully
from this time out, we will have one index per volume set. This
set can be named TEXMAG.V4IDX. I've also included the table of
contents for the past issues appended to the end of this file.
I hope this will aid you in finding the information you need from
TeXMaG. Any hints or suggestions are always appreciated!
Thanks to everyone for their input. Information on back issues is
provided at the end of the document. If you have trouble, send us mail
for any back issue you need.
Addison Wesley         V3N2.2                                 V4N3.16
Adobe fonts,                             double spacing and   V4N3.12
    see fonts, Adobe                     finding styles in    V4N3.12
afm2tfm                V4N3.12           verbatim input and   V4N3.12
AMS fonts,                           LaTeX-help               V3N3.5
    see fonts, AMS                                            V4N3.12
AMSTEX.STY             V4N1.2        Latin
APL                    V4N6.10           font encoding        V4N5.6
Apple Laserwriter      V3N2.6        ligatures                V4N1.8
Bar Code               V4N6.11       mail (electronic)        V3N2.4
Babel                  V4N6.10           servers              V4N3.16
Beebe, Nelson          V3N2.6        Metafont                 V4N3.13
BibTeX                 V4N5.3                                 V4N6.6
bugs                                     extensive list of
    in TeX             V4N3.2               fonts available   V4N6.5
Chess                  V4N6.10           Logo                 V3N2.9
Childs, S. Bart        V4N2.5            physics symbols      V4N5.7
Chinese                V4N6.10           with troff           V4N6.7
Clark, Malcolm         V3N3.6            see also, fonts
Clarkson archive       V3N2.4        mf.sty                   V3N2.9
                       V4N3.15       Mittelbach, Frank        V3N3.4
                       V4N3.16       music,
    US mail and        V4N1.6            see MuTeX
Committee (font)       V4N6.11       MuTeX                    V4N3.12
contest                V4N2.2            fonts                V4N6.14
Cork (Ireland)         V4N5.6        NTG (Dutch Users Grp)    V4N1.4
CWEB                   V4N3.11       OCR (Optical Character
Cyrillic               V4N1.9                Recognition)     V4N6.14
                       V4N6.9        Oriya                    V4N6.14
                       V4N6.12       OzTeX                    V4N3.11
DANTE                  V3N3.3        paragraphing
                       V4N1.7            indentation          V4N1.10
DBLE.TEX               V4N3.5        periodicals,
DECUS TeX Collection   V4N5.3            see documentation
Duerer                 V4N6.12       Postscript               V3N2.6
Devanagari             V4N6.12                                V4N3.9
Dingbats               V4N6.13                                V4N6.4
documentation                            fonts, LaTeX, and    V4N3.16
    German             V3N2.2        previewing               V4N3.10
    periodicals        V3N2.5        publications,
double columns         V4N3.4            see documentation
double-spacing         V4N3.12       punk                     V4N6.15
DVI drivers                          Rahtz, Sebastian         V3N2.1
    dvips              V4N3.9        Russian                  V4N1.9
    IBM 3820           V3N2.2        RUSTEX-L                 V4N1.9
eight-bit char sets    V4N1.8        S_Tables                 V4N4.5
    Latin encoding     V4N5.6        Sanskrit,
electronic mail,                         see Devanagari
    see mail                         Sauter                   V4N6.15
European TeX Users Grp V3N3.1        SGML                     V4N1.4
Fig                    V4N3.11       Shadow Box (for plain)   V4N2.3
fonts                                SHADOW.STY               V4N2.3
    Adobe              V4N3.12       site coordinators
    AMS                V4N3.15           CMS                  V4N1.2
                       V4N6.9        SPAN archive             V4N6.3
    Computer Modern    V4N6.11       survey                   V4N2.4
    Concrete           V4N6.12           results              V4N3.7
    Euler              V4N6.13       tables
    Latin encoding     V4N5.6            in plain TeX         V4N4.4
    Hershey            V4N6.14       Tengwar                  V4N6.15
    Helvetica          V4N6.13       Teubner                  V3N2.2
    in LaTeX           V3N3.4        TeX-Euro                 V3N3.1
    list of            V4N6.5        TeXMaG
    Pandora            V4N6.15           editors              V4N2.1
    Pica               V4N6.15       TeX Users Group
    physics            V4N5.7            Dutch,
    pointing hands     V4N6.15               see NTG
    Postscript         V4N3.16           European,
French                 V4N1.7                see European TeX
ftp                                              Users Group
    anonymous          V3N2.4            French,
                       V4N3.9                see GUTenberg
FWEB                   V4N3.11           German,
German                 V4N1.7                see DANTE
graphics                                 LaTeX classes and    V3N2.1
    TeX and            V3N3.6            TUG                  V4N1.3
Greek                  V4N6.13                                V4N2.5
guillemets             V4N3.6                                 V4N3.12
GUILLEMETS.STY         V4N3.6        Thai                     V4N6.16
GUTenberg              V3N3.6        Thompson, Chris          V4N3.2
                       V4N1.5        TransFig                 V4N3.11
                       V4N1.7        troff                    V4N6.7
Hebrew                 V4N6.13       TUGboat                  V4N3.12
hyphenation tables     V4N1.8        verbatim input
indentation,                             files                V4N5.5
    see paragraphing                     in LaTeX             V4N3.12
indexing               V4N3.12           S_Verbatim (plain)   V4N4.4
installing TeX/LaTeX   V4N3.14                                V4N5.5
IPA font set           V4N6.14       VORTEX                   V3N2.5
italic correction      V3N2.2                                 V4N3.11
Knuth, Donald E.                     XFig,
                                         see TransFig
    and MF 2.0         V4N1.8        WEB                      V4N3.11
    and TeX 3.0        V4N1.8            for C                V4N3.11
LaTeX                  V4N3.12           for FORTRAN          V4N3.11
    fonts and          V3N3.4        Vietnamese               V4N6.16
                      Table of Contents listings
Volume 3 Number 2
April 12, 1989
Letters to the Editor................................................2
 Enhancements to the Clarkson TeX archive server.....................4
 The VORTEX: A new TeX magazine......................................5
The last word on output and conversions..............................6
Producing online input files with LaTeX..............................7
Layout puzzles.......................................................8
The Toolbox..........................................................9
Volume 3 Number 3
June 7, 1989
  Announcing TeX-Euro ...............................................1
  Final call for participation: TeX89 ...............................2
  8th Annual meeting of German TeX users ............................3
Improved font selection in LaTeX ....................................4
Introduction to LaTeX-help ..........................................5
R\'eflexions sur le Congr\'es GUTenberg .............................6
Volume 4 Number 1
April 27, 1990
 TUG 90: Call for Queries............................................3
 SGML & TeX Conference...............................................4
 GUTenberg '90.......................................................5
 New service from Clarkson archive...................................6
 French and German TeX files available from LISTSERV@DHDURZ1.........7
New versions of TeX and Metafont.....................................8
Russian TeX..........................................................9
TeX mysteries and puzzles...........................................10
Volume 4, Number 2
July 5, 1990
  Reader's Survey....................................................4
  Bart Childs' Thoughts on TUG.......................................5
  Notes on Coming Issues.............................................6
Volume 4, Number 3
August 5, 1990
  Reader's Survey Results............................................7
  Frequently Asked Questions.........................................9
Volume 4, Number 4
September 12, 1990
  Letters to the Editor..............................................3
Special Feature
Volume 4, Number 5
October 12, 1990
Volume 4, Number 5
  Letters to the Editor..............................................4
  Latin Font Encoding Scheme.........................................6
  MF Symbols for Typesetting Physics.................................7
Volume 4, Number 6
November 12, 1990
  Letters to the Editor..............................................4
  Summary of Metafont Files Available................................6
TeXMaG is an electronic magazine available free of charge to all
interested parties reachable by electronic mail. It is published
monthly. Letters to the editor may be sent to NABTEXM@TAMVENUS
(BITNet) or NABTEXM@VENUS.TAMU.EDU (Internet) and may be published in
a future issue.
    Publisher:             Academic Computing Services of
                                 Texas A&M University
    Managing Editor:             Neil Burleson
    TeX Consultant:              Robert Nilsson
    Copy Editor:                 Neil Burleson (this issue)
    Chief Consultant:            John McClain, Ph.D
   CDNnet: Send a note to <list-request@relay.cdnnet.ca> asking to receive
   JANET: Send a note to Peter Abbott, <Abbottp@Uk.Ac.Aston> asking to
         receive TeXMaG.
   All others: Send the following command as an interactive message
         (Bitnet) or as a single-line mail message to LISTSERV@UICVM
               SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name.
         If you have difficulty doing this, send a note to Neil Burleson
   Please send submissions to <TEXMAG-L@UICVM.UIC.EDU> or
   <TEXMAG-L@UICVM>; they will automatically be forwarded to the
   Back issues may be FTP'd from YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU from the directory
   Back issues may also be FTP'd from SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU from the
   directory pub/texmag. Users without FTP access may request back
   issues from the Clarkson repository by sending a mail message
   to <archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> with the form
         get texmag texmag.V.NN
   where V is the volume number and NN is the issue number. Including
   a line "index texmag" in the message will return a list of back
   issues available.
   Janet users may obtain back issues from the Aston archive.
   Those who are on SPAN can get in touch with Max Calvani at
   39003::CALVANI for infos about SPAN archive.
Character code reference:
Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Digits: 0123456789
Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
"hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ~ * + %