*                                                                             *
*  TTTTTTT       X     X M     M        GGGGGG  A Mostly Unofficial           *
*     T           X   X  MM   MM       G        Publication for Users         *
*     T   EEEEEEE  XXX   M M M M   A   G    GG  Of the TeX Computer           *
*     T   E       X   X  M  M  M  A A  G     G  Typesetting System.           *
*     T   EEEE   X     X M  M  M AAAAA  GGGGGG                                *
*         E                     A     A         Volume 1, Number 1            *
*         EEEEEEE              A       A        Distribution: 53 or so...     *
*                                                                             *
January 24, 1987

First Annual Reader's Survey.................................................2
The Toolbox..................................................................3
The LaTeX Style Collection...................................................4

\preview{Who's Out There?}

The first issue of TeXMaG is finally of the ground after stalling in
the runway for about a month. The first issue as you can see is in a
standard text file format. When I decided to publish the first issue
like this, I kept thinking to myself, ``Should I write TeXMaG in
TeX?'' As I thought about this question, I realized that I knew very
little about most of the subscribers, so to begin the new year, I am
publishing the first annual reader's survey to see what direction
TeXMaG should take in the year's to come.
   Also in this issue, is the first edition of one (of meny, I hope)
regular features in TeXMaG: ``The ToolBox.'' This will contain short,
useful macros for TeX, LaTeX, and the like. In addition, there is a
short article about the LaTeX Style collection, a network database on
Arpanet accessible to both internet and Bitnet users.


Reader's Survey

Part one: Who are you?
   What kind of Machine do you run TeX on? (Check all applicable answers)
        ___ IBM running VM/CMS            ___ IBM running MVS
        ___ VAX running VMS               ___ Unix system
        ___ SUN                           ___ Apple MacIntosh
        ___ IBM PC or Clone               ___ Other (Specify)__________________
   List all device drivers and previewers you use (if known)___________________
   What kind of printer do you use for output? (Check all applicable answers)
        ___ Xerox 8700/9700               ___ IBM 38xx
        ___ Apple Laserwriter             ___ QMS laser printer
        ___ HP Laserjet                   ___ DEC LN0x
        ___ Some other Laser printer (Specify)_________________________________
        ___ A Dot matrix or line printer (Specify)_____________________________
        ___ Something not covered above (Please Specify)_______________________
   How did you hear about TeXMaG? (Check all applicable answers)
        ___ Netmonth                      ___ Direct mailing
        ___ Friend                        ___ Other (Specify)__________________
   How do you receive TeXMaG?
        ___ Subscription                  ___ Public Disk at your node
        ___ Server (Name it so I can tell people)______________________________
        ___ Friend                        ___ Other (Specify)__________________

Part two: What do you know?
   Rate your familiarity with the following TeX formats and other word proces-
     sing packages on a scale of 0 (never heard of it) to 10 (know it inside
        ___ Plain TeX (as per the TeXBook)___ LaTeX
        ___ AMS-TeX                       ___ SliTeX
        ___ Metafont
        ___ Script (IBM)                  ___ Script (Waterloo)
        ___ GML (Waterloo Script)         ___ Runoff (VMS)
        ___ TROFF (Unix)                  ___ Wordstar
        ___ MacWrite                      ___ Other(Specify)___________________
   Which of the following do you subscribe to/read regularly?
        ___ TeXHAX (Arpanet mailing list) ___ TUGBoat
        ___ Some AMS publication (specify)_____________________________________
   Which version of TeX are you currently running?
        ___ 2.0         ___ 1.3       ___ Other:___     ___ Clueless

Part three: What do you want?
   What would you like to see in the coming year in the (virtual) pages of
        ___ Introductory articles on: ___ plain TeX
                                      ___ LaTeX
                                      ___ AMS-TeX
                                      ___ SliTeX
                                      ___ Metafont
        ___ Intermediate articles on: ___ plain TeX
                                      ___ LaTeX
                                      ___ AMS-TeX
                                      ___ SliTeX
                                      ___ Metafont
        ___ Advanced articles on:     ___ plain TeX
                                      ___ LaTeX
                                      ___ AMS-TeX
                                      ___ SliTeX
                                      ___ Metafont
        ___ Articles on supporting TeX and its associated packages.
        ___ Articles on installing/upgrading TeX, et al...
        ___ Reviews of TeX formats/services/utilities...
        ___ Technical information on the workings of TeX, et al...
        ___ Other _____________________________________________________________
   Should TeXMaG be in TeX? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Indifferent

Part four: What did I Miss?

Part five: What's the gig?
Return this survey to DHOSEK@HMCVAX (that's
DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU to those of you on internet)
sometime before February 28. I will use this infor- mation to help
point TeXMaG in the right direction.  A summary of the results will be
published in the next issue.

**The Toolbox**

This first installation of the Toolbox contains two macros for use
with plain TeX.  The first of these is fnote.tex.  It modifies plain
TeX's footnote routine to do two things. First, \vfootnote has been
altered so that if the body of your text is set with a non-standard
baseline, such as double spacing, the footnote will still be
single-spaced. The second addition has been automatic numbering of
footnotes.  If you use \fnote rather than \footnote, the first
parameter may be omitted and the footnote number will be automatically
supplied.  If you wish to reset the footnote number use \footnum=x,
where x is the footnote number minus 1 that you wish to use.

%%% fnote.tex ----------------cut here-----------------------------------------
  \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
  \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % necessary for single space
                                    % footnotes with double space
                                    % text
  \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
  \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
  \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}% Change \textindent for
                                                % different footnote styles
\def\advancefootnum{\advance\footnum by 1}
%%%---------------------Cut here-----------------------------------------------

The second macro in this installment is \fakebold.  It does just what
its name implies, it fakes boldface print.  This is useful for when a
boldface typestyle is unavailable etc..  It works by overstriking its
text twice.  care should be taken in using this macro as it boxes its

%%% \fakebold ----------Cut here-----------------------------------------------
  \kern-.025em\copy0 \kern-\wd0
  \kern .05em\copy0 \kern-\wd0
%%%---------------------Cut here-----------------------------------------------

*The LaTeX Style Collection*        By SKY <Ken@Rochester.Arpa>

The LaTeX style collection is a collection of files for use with
LaTeX.  It currently has the files listed below.  Submissions for the
collection are very welcome, and should be sent to the addresses at
the bottom of the list.

00directory             layout.readme           spacecites.doc
00index                 layout.tex              spacecites.sty
00readme                lfonts_ams.readme       suthesis.doc
a4.sty                  lfonts_ams.tex          suthesis.sty
acm.bst                 lgraph.shar             texnames.doc
biihead.sty             newalpha.bst            texnames.sty
deproc.sty              nopagenumbers.doc       uct10.doc
deprocldc.tex           nopagenumbers.sty       uct11.doc
docsty.c                siam.bib                uct12.doc
docsty.readme           siam.bst                ucthesis.doc
doublespace.sty         siam.doc                ucthesis.readme
drafthead.sty           siam.sty                vdm.doc
dvidoc.shar1            siam.tex                vdm.sty
dvidoc.shar2            siam10.doc              vdm.tex
epic.shar1              siam10.sty              ws87.p
epic.shar2              siam11.sty              wsltex.c
fullpage.doc            siam12.sty              wsltex.p
fullpage.sty            slem.doc
ieeetr.bst              slem.sty

1. Non-internet (BITNET) users - how to retrieve by mail:

An archive server has been installed.  Send a piece of mail to
LaTeX-Style (@rochester.arpa, @cs.rochester.edu, via uucp or your
favourite gateway see network addresses below) in the following

The "Subject:" line should contain the phrase "@file request".  The
body of the mail should then start with a line containing only an @
(at sign).  (Important!)  The first line following should be a mail
address FROM rochester TO you.  Then follow by the names of the files
you want, either one to each line, or several to each line, separated
by spaces.  End with a line containing only an @.  Case is not

For example, if you are user at site.bitnet, this is what you should send:

To: latex-style@rochester.arpa
Subject: @file request


A word to the wise: it is best to fully qualify your mail address.
Our mailer knows about some gateways but not all. Examples:


2. For Internet users - how to ftp:

Here is an example session.  Disclaimer: ftp syntax varies from host
to host.  Your syntax may be different.  The syntax presented here is
that of Unix ftp.  Comments are in parentheses.

% ftp cayuga.cs.rochester.edu    (a.k.a. rochester.arpa, a.k.a.
...                (general blurb)
user: anonymous
password: <any non-null string>
ftp> cd public/latex-style    (where the files are)
ftp> ls                (to see what is there)
...                (lots of output)
ftp> get 00index
...                (more blurb)
ftp> quit

Do not include any messages in the mail.  It will not be seen by human
eyes.  Be patient as the server is actually a batch program run once a
day.  Files will be sent in batches, each not exceeding 100kbytes in



TeXMaG is an independantly published electronic magazine available
free of charge to all interested parties reachable by electronic mail.
It is published monthly on the last weekend of each month, except when
conditions prevent publication.  Subscription requests should be sent
to Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>.  Back issues, when available will
be available from Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>.  Article
submissions and letters to the editor are always welcome.

Other publications of interest to TeX users are:

TeXHAX.  Arpanet mailing list for persons with questions, suggestions,
etc...  about TeX, LaTeX, metafont and related programs.  Submissions
for this list should be sent to <TeXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA>.  Requests to
be added or deleted from the mailing list should be sent to
<TeXHAX-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA> except for European BITNET users who
should subscribe via <LISTSERV@FINHUTC> by sending a message (SEND
consists of SUB TEXHAX your_full_name.

Unix-TeX.  Arpanet mailing list specifically for users of TeX on the
Unix operating system.  Submissions for this list should be sent to
<Unix-TeX@WASHINGTON.ARPA>.  Requests to be added or deleted from the
mailing list should be sent to <Unix-TeX-Request@WASHINGTON.ARPA>.
Note to European BITNET users: if you subscribe to TeXHAX via
<LISTSERV@FINHUTC> you will auto- matically receive Unix-TeX.

TUGBoat.  A publication by the TeX User's Group. An excellant
reference for TeX users.  For more information about joining TUG or
subscribing to TUGBoat, send (real) mail to:

            TeX User's Group
            c/o American Mathematical Society
            P. O. Box 9506
            Providence, RI 02940-9506, USA