******************************************************************************* * * * TTTTTTT X X M M GGGGGG A Mostly Unofficial * * T X X MM MM G Publication for Users * * T EEEEEEE XXX M M M M A G GG Of the TeX Computer * * T E X X M M M A A G G Typesetting System. * * T EEEE X X M M M AAAAA GGGGGG * * E A A Volume 1, Number 4 * * EEEEEEE A A Distribution: 242 or so... * * * ******************************************************************************* May 13, 1987 Contents: \footnote.....................................................................1 TeX Users Group News..........................................................2 Contents of TUGboat Volume 8 No. 1............................................3 Enhanced Program Listing Macro for TeX........................................4 The Toolbox...................................................................5 __1 \footnote{I like this name better} As issue 4 stumbles out of the gate... Yes, it's finally here, after spending a few long weeks pretending to be a college student, I finally got a chance to put together an issue of TeXMaG. A few minor changes have taken place since I last worked on an issue: there is a new peer server up in Germany handling all of the subscribers on that side of the Atlantic, and CDNnet subscribers (all three of `em, although that number may have changed) also have their own redistribution. Information on these changes is in the back of the issue. Also, as a cosmetic change, the lines of TeXMaG have been shortened to 70 characters with a 5 character left margin and the form feeds between articles have been removed (note to IBM subscribers: yes, that's what all of those percent signs meant). There was no special reason for many of these changes. Speaking of changes, I will be at the University of Illinois at Chicago for the remainder of the summer (until the end of August). My userid there is <U12921@UICVM.BITNET>. Mail sent to HMCVAX will be forwarded there, but messages will arrive more quickly if sent to UICVM. In this issue, we have some news from the TeX Users Group (what's in the latest TUGboat, which would have been more interesting had this TeXMaG come out on time) and details on the summer TUG meeting. Also there is a macro for including program listings in TeX (nothing fancy, but still kind of nice), and the ever-popular Toolbox. Unless somebody else volunteers to write it, the LaTeX series will be on hiatus until September, when I can work on it again. -Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX> __2 TUG News. From: Raymond E. Goucher, Executive Director TeX Users Group P.O. Box 9506 Providence, RI 02840, USA The TeX Users Group's Annual Conference will be held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, August 17--28, 1987. In addition to its three-day meeting, August 24--26, several TeX courses will be offered: Beginning TeX, August 17--21; Intensive Beginning/Intermedi- ate TeX, August 17--21; Macro writing, August 27--28; and Output routines, August 27--28. (All instruction is applicable to using TeX on the Macintosh, PC's and mainframes.) A portion of this year's meeting will be devoted to ``TeX for the Humanities.'' However, the overall program will continue to include sessions on issues of implementation; hardware and software support; commercially available macro packages; and exhibits of the latest TeX products, software and output devices; plus many other topics of cur- rent concern to the TeX community. Also, this year facilities will be available for copying floppies, so that participants may share their TeXwares with each other. In addition to TeX training courses offered at universities throughout the U.S., this year the TeX Users Group is expanding its educational programs to England, The Netherlands and Norway. Courses being offered include Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced TeX, Macro Writing, and Output Routines. Requests for additional information about the meeting program, course descriptions, and registration should be directed to TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 9506, Providence, RI 02940, USA, or phone (401)272-9500, ext. 323. __3 *Contents of the Current TUGboat* From Barbara Beeton <BNB@MIT-XX.ARPA> we have the contents of the current issue of TUGboat. For information about the TeX Users Group and TUGboat, see the information at the end of this issue. General Delivery Bart Childs President's message Acknowledgement of contributions Donald E. Knuth Scholarship Donald Knuth It happened: announcement of TeX 2.1 Kurt Bernardo Wolf News of TeX users in Mexico Linda Krick Attention, Australian TUG members Tony Siegman Book publishing using TeX Leslie Lamport TeX Output for the Future Software Silvio Levy WEB adapted to C, another approach Donald Knuth Mixing right-to-left texts & Pierre MacKay with left-to-right texts Font Forum Georgia K.M. Tobin Some empirical observations on MetaFont design Neenie Billawala Write-white printing engines and tuning fonts with MetaFont Barbara Beeton MetaFont mode_def settings for various TeX output devices Typesetting on PCs A new \TeX-based book typesetting package for the Macintosh Output Devices Charts: TeX output devices Nelson H.F. Beebe Public domain TeX DVI driver family Andrew Trevorrow DVItoVDU 1.7 and PSPRINT 1.1 Benson-Varian 9211 looking for a home Site Reports Malcolm Brown Notes from TeXHAX Atari: Edgar Fuss TeX & Co. on the ST, Part 2 Data General: Bart Childs Data General distribution news HP 1000: Tor Lillqvist TeX82 and MetaFont84 for the HP1000 A-series Prime: John Crawford Prime 50 series site report Macros Jim Fox Multiple, independent marks John S. Garavelli Form letter macros Edwin V. Bell, II AutoLetter: A TeX form letter procedure LaTeX Ken Yap Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 15th February 1987 Graeme McKinstry Form letters Maurizio Zocchi LaTeX's Index Processing Reinhard Wonneberger Typesetting `Normaltext' Problems Alan Hoenig TeX does windows Donald Knuth Problem for a Saturday afternoon Queries Jennifer Dyck APA style in LaTeX Judy Hawkins Chemical formulae James R. Celoni, S.J. Ancient non-Roman languages Boyd Michailovsky International Phonetic Alphabet Lawrence D. Cutter Line numbering David Nash Dictionary formatting Helen S. Horstman Printing out selected pages Letters Raymond A. Ryan Wanted: Help for beginners Anders Thulin More hyphenation exceptions William A. McWorter New fonts for mathematics? News & Announcements Workshop on Font Design Systems (Sophia-Antipolis, France, 18--19 May 1987) Special Spring Quarter course (Stanford, Donald Knuth): TeX: The Program: A case study in software design Call for Papers: Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography (Nice, France, 20--22 April 1988) Calendar Institutional members __4 Enhanced Program Listing Macro for TeX By B.H. Toby [Ed. Note: This macro was included in a collection of several macros submitted by Dan Zirin <ZAR@CITCHEM>. There was no article included. The macro is an adaptation of one presented in Appendix E of the TeXBook, with the most notable enhancement of the tabbing macro. The enhancements seem well documented and little explanation seems needed. For those people who do not want line numbers, you may delete the \everypar{...} declaration.] %%%---Cut Here-------------------------------------------------------- %%% File: Fortran.TeX % This is a file of commands for printing out programs using TeX % -- see DIRTY TRICKS in TeXbook % % This version is designed to print source code at 9 point % fitting an 80 column line into a 6 true inch width with % 8 point line numbers before each line. % It handles TAB (^I) characters almost the same as DEC % % usage: % \input fortran % put this early in the file % \listing{file.ext} % use dev:[dir] if you wish % % B.H. Toby 8/86 % \newcount\lineno \font\Alisttt=amtt9 at 9 truept \font\Alistrm=amr8 at 8 truept \def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials} \def\listing#1{\par\begingroup\setupverbatim\input#1 \endgroup} \def\setupverbatim{ \Alisttt\baselineskip= 8.5truept\lineskip=1truept \lineskiplimit=1truept\topskip=0pt \lineno=0 \def\par{\leavevmode\egroup\box0\endgraf} \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces \catcode`\`=\active \catcode`\^^I=\active \everypar{\advance\lineno by1 \llap{\Alistrm\the\lineno\ \ }\startbox}} \newdimen\w \setbox0=\hbox{\Alisttt\space} \w=8\wd0 \def\startbox{\setbox0=\hbox\bgroup} {\catcode`\^^I=\active \gdef^^I{\leavevmode\egroup \dimen0=\wd0 \divide\dimen0 by\w \multiply\dimen0 by\w \advance\dimen0 by\w \wd0=\dimen0 \box0 \startbox}} {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ } {\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}} %%%---Cut Here-------------------------------------------------------- __5 *The Toolbox* In this installment, we return to usefulness with a new LaTeX environment as well as a pair of macros for plain TeX. The LaTeX environment is for printing subequations. To use this environment, include in the \documentstyle header a command to load in the .sty file containing this macro. For example: \documentstyle[subeqn]{article} if you have the macro in a file subeqn.sty. The environment seems pretty well documented in the comments. %%%--------------------Cut Here------------------------------------------- %%% File: subeqn.sty %%% The subequations environment %%% % % Within the subequations environment, the only change is that % equations are labeled differently. The number stays the same, % and lower case letters are appended. For example, if after doing % three equations, numbered 1, 2, and 3, you start a subequations % environmment and do three more equations, they will be numbered % 4a, 4b, and 4c. After you end the subequations environment, the % next equation will be numbered 5. % % Both text and equations can be put inside the subequations environment. % % If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them. % % Stephen Gildea % MIT Earth Resources Lab % Cambridge, Mass. 02139 % mit-erl!gildea % gildea@erl.mit.edu % \newtoks\@stequation \def\subequations{\stepcounter{equation} \edef\@savedequation{\the\c@equation} \@stequation=\expandafter{\theequation} %only want \theequation \edef\@savedtheequation{\the\@stequation} %expanded once \edef\oldtheequation{\theequation} \setcounter{equation}{0} \def\theequation{\oldtheequation\alph{equation}}} \def\endsubequations{ \setcounter{equation}{\@savedequation} \@stequation=\expandafter{\@savedtheequation} \edef\theequation{\the\@stequation}} %%%----Pull out those electronic scissors again--------------------------- From Eric Skinner <ERS2F@UOTTAWA>, we have a pair of macros for printing two paragraphs of text beside each other. He writes: The paragraphs should be able to contain more than just plain text, although nothing really strange has been tried yet. The first one, \xsplit, allows the user to specify the width of the two columns and the intercolumn gap, while the second one, \split, automatically adds enough space in between the columns so that the whole thing adds up to \hsize. %%%------Choppity Chop---------------------------------------------------- % Macro: \xsplit % By: ERS % Function: Takes two pieces of text, and boxes them side by side. % Column widths and inter-column gap are set by user. % Parameters: % #1: Width of first column, including unit specification % #2: Width of space between columns, including units % #3: Width of second column, including units % ** Warning: Don't exceed page dimensions! % #4: First column text. % #5: Second column text. % Registers: \box1,\box2 \def\xsplit#1#2#3#4#5{{ \setbox1=\vbox{\hsize= #1 #4} % First column \setbox2=\vbox{\hsize= #3 #5} % Second column % If the boxes are output side by side at this point, they % will be aligned at the bottom instead of the top. \ifdim\ht2>\ht1 % Column two is longer than column one % Fill bottom of column one with glue \setbox1=\vbox to \ht2{\hsize= #1 #4 \vfill} \else % Fill bottom of column two with glue \setbox2=\vbox to \ht1{\hsize= #3 #5 \vfill} \fi \hbox{\box1\hskip#2\box2}}} %%%------Cut some more---------------------------------------------------- % Macro: \split % By: ERS % Function: Takes two pieces of text, and boxes them side by side. % Column widths are set by user. Inter-column gap is % automatically adjusted to make the first column flush % with the left margin, and the second flush with the right. % Parameters: % #1: Width of first column, including unit specification % #2: Width of second column, including units % ** Sum of #1 and #2 should not exceed current \hsize! % #3: First column text. Don't do anything REALLY weird. % #4: Second column text. % Registers: \dimen1 \def\split#1#2#3#4{ \dimen1=\hsize \advance\dimen1 by -#1 \advance\dimen1 by -#2 \xsplit{#1}{\dimen1}{#2}{#3}{#4}} %%%-----And cut again----------------------------------------------------- __6 TeXMaG is an electronic magazine published by the Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Department available free of charge to all interested parties reachable by electronic mail. It is published monthly, on the last weekend of each month, except when conditions prevent publication. Subscription requests should be sent to Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET> or send the following message to LISTSERV@BYUADMIN: SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name. European subscribers may send the SUBS command to LISTSERV@DEARN, and subscribers on CDNnet should send subscription requests to <list-request%ubc.csnet>. Back issues are available from Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>. Article submissions, contributions for the Toolbox, and letters to the editor are always welcome and should be sent to <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>. Other publications of interest to TeX users are: TeXHAX. Arpanet mailing list for persons with questions, suggestions, etc.. about TeX, LaTeX, metafont and related programs. Submissions for this list should be sent to <TeXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA>. BITNET users may subscribe by sending the following command (as an interactive message or as the first line of a mail message) to LISTSERV@TAMVM1: SUBS TEX-L your_full_name. The list is peer-linked to other listserves in the United States and Europe. Internet subscribers may subscribe by sending a request to <TeXHAX-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA>. The TeX-L mailing list is a ``hybrid;'' i.e., it is both an ARPAnet redistribution, and a BITNET discussion list. Submissions for TeX-L (only --- they will _not_ be forwarded to TeXHAX) may be sent to TeX-L@TAMVM1. LISTSERV@TAMVM1 also has file archives that may be of interest to TeX users on BITNET, including the files in the SU-SCORE FTP directories and back issues of TeXHAX. For a list of files available, send the following command to LISTSERV@TAMVM1: GET TeX FILELIST. Unix-TeX. Arpanet mailing list specifically for users of TeX under the Unix operating system. Submissions for this list should be sent to <Unix-TeX@WASHINGTON.ARPA>. Requests to be added or deleted from the mailing list should be sent to <Unix-TeX-Request@WASHINGTON.ARPA>. TUGBoat. A publication by the TeX Users Group. An excellant reference for TeX users. For more information about joining TUG and subscribing to TUGBoat send (real) mail to: TeX Users Group c/o American Mathematical Society P. O. Box 9506 Providence, RI 02940-9506, USA Steve Howes, as always, is a fine human being. Additional thanks to the HMC Math Department for sponsoring TeXMaG, Udo Meyer at DEARN for setting up the European peer, Marilyn Hay for distributing TeXMaG on CDN, all those who have sent information on assorted device drivers, and the HMC Chemistry Department. ------------------------------------------------------------