@string{texeter="\TeX: Applications, Uses, Methods"}

editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},

title={An {Introduction} to {\TeX} for {New} {Users}},
author={Alan Hoenig},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={This paper presents a brief overview of the \TeX\
typesetting system. Amateurs, novices, and new users are
often slighted at meetings like this.  This does them and
\TeX\ no good, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to
make brief remarks of an introductory nature about
\TeX{}.  The remarks will be so brief that I cannot
possibly deliver a tutorial on the use of \TeX, but I will
instead strive for an overview, with special attention to
\TeX's idiosyncrasies. }

title={{\TeX} and good design -- are they compatible?},
author={Bill Noble and Rachel Ganz},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={This paper is a highly personal view of style
filters. It describes the  implementation of (and
rationale behind) a style filter called Var\TeX. Var\TeX\ 
is an implementation of \TeX\ intended to enforce design
discipline on authors. 

title={Whither {\TeX}? {Why} {Has} {\TeX} {Not} {Taken} {Over} the 
author={Malcolm Clark and Cathy Booth},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={\TeX\ is a high quality document preparation
system that predates the current interest in `desktop
publishing'. It is a highly flexible typesetting package 
-- a markup language -- which has been implemented on a
wide variety of systems, and which uses a range of output
devices, including typesetters, laser printers and dot
This paper charts some of the relevant aspects of
the background and growth of \TeX\ from mainframes to 
micros. It describes the original motivations behind \TeX,
and the mixed blessings of its public domain status in
relation to its current standing in the `desktop
publishing' arena.
The elements of \TeX\ have found favour with developers of other text
processing systems. Several such advantages are
illustrated, together with some drawbacks, whether actual
or merely pre-supposed. Our intention is to draw an
up-to-date picture of \TeX\ and its influences, and give
an idea of its future directions in a world populated with
many tools for document preparation, maintenance,
formatting and mastering.

title={{\TeX} {Device} {Drivers} {Today}},
author={Lance Carnes and William S Kaster},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={We discuss the state of \TeX\ device drivers
today, focusing on the capabilities that are available in
Personal \TeX, Inc.'s range of products. Opinions
regarding new features to be added will be entertained,
as well as opinions regarding old features that are
unusable and should be modified or deleted.
Emphasis will be placed on \TeX\ screen previewers,
towards determining an absolute minimal set of core

title={Quality  printing  of {\TeX} {DVI} files},
author={Jan van Knippenberg},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Oc\'e  has developed a laser printer,  the Oc\'e
6750,  based on  the  wellknown and proven engine of the
1900 copier family.  The laser  printer  has  a 
resolution  of  508dpi  (20  dots/mm).    The 
printspeed is 23 pages per minute.
The  heavy duty engine guarantees a target load of 150,000  pages 
per  month.   Paper  input and output are as usual  for  the  Oc\'e 
copiers.   Input is via  two  trays ($1600 + 600$) and output  is to  20 
selectable bins of 100 sheets each.
ODA is the first Open Systems standard to provide an  information 
architecture.   ODA is a framework for products which communicate 
and  interwork  using OSI standards like X-400  electronic  mail 
standards.  The Oc\'e 6750 is an ODA-printer.
Oc\'e has developed software to connect the Oc\'e 6750 laser  printer 
to a wide range of VAX/VMS computers.  
The  \TeX-dvi output files are converted to the ECMA/ODA 
protocol  of  the  Oc\'e 6750 printer.   The software
furthermore contains  a  print symbiont.  The symbiont
controls the printer controller and  the conversion
program.  Also available are a series of font tools  for 
generating \TeX\ pxl and tfm files with the  Metafont 
package  and  converting  \TeX\  pxl files into the format
for the  Oc\'e  6750  laser printer. }}

title={High {Quality} {DVI} {Drivers}},  
author={Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Document preparation with \TeX{} is done in two
steps -- first \TeX{} formats the document, afterwards a
\DVI{} driver creates the final output. While \TeX{} is
reliable and produces the same results in each
implementation, dvi drivers remain the critical part of
the document preparation process. To specify a high-quality
\DVI{} driver the circumstances of its usage must be
analysed. We identify four groups of persons 
concerned with the handling of a driver: users, (\TeX{})
system administrators, distributors, and
The demands on a dvi driver are mainly high reliability
(the device must remain in a consistent state), a uniform
user interface (previews and printer drivers should behave
similarly), and a standardized treatment of extensions
(e.g., handling of graphics inclusion). Other matters of
interest are available features, accuracy of output,
throughput, font handling, portability, and maintainability.
This analysis yields in criteria for the judgement of a
dvi driver's quality -- furthermore these criteria
constitute a contribution to the standardization process.

title={An environment for {\TeX}-{Output}
with original {Monotype} {Fonts}},
author={Thomas Stadler and Tibor Tscheke},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The paper will show what has to be done to use the
original Monotype fonts when working with \TeX. What
kinds of incompatibilities turn up when \TeX\ output is
to be processed on the Lasercomp, and in where do
the standard macro packages have to be changed?
Integrating the Monotype Times in \TeX\ involved
the problem that the results can only be viewed after
processing on the Lasercomp. Visual control that late
makes it considerably more difficult to use \TeX\ as an
interactive means of typesetting. For this reason we made
Metafont produce typefaces with the width table of the 
Times font, but of course, using the Computer
Modern sources. The resulting pk-files are
public domain. With these you can anticipate the exact
positions of line make-up and page make-up of the
Lasercomp on both screen and laserprinter: thus it is
possible to simulate Lasercomp output.
In addition we are planning to make characters and fonts
available that are missing in the \TeX\ character pool,
such as phonetics, gothic fonts and special characters for
various university faculties.
We have put together font, tfm-files, macro
packages and special characters into a package wich is
easy to install and which enables an author to switch
from the Computer Modern environment to the 
Monotype Times and back.}

title={The {Cambridge} {\TeX}-to-{Type} {Service}},
author={Rod Mulvey},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Cambridge University Press has integrated \TeX\
into its production of books and journals. This
integration has addressed all aspects of text preparation
that relate to writing, design, editing, typesetting and
generation of camera-ready copy. The Press has had to
examine the way that \TeX\ redefines the roles of author,
editor, designer and typesetter. This has resulted in a
new role for the DTP specialist working alongside the
designer and typesetter.
Several benefits can result from authors having a direct
hand in the production of typeset pages leading to
reduced costs and faster turnaround, without a
corresponding drop in quality. Widespread experience
demonstrates that these benefits do not necessarily
follow just from a willingness to adopt DTP methods and
we have analysed why this is so within the context of the
large printer-publisher. This analysis and the resulting
\TeX-to-Type service will be described.}}

title={Lino{\TeX}: {Professional} {Electronic} {Publishing}},
author={Gerlinde Petersen},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={GESYCOM has developped a \TeX-driver for the
Linotype type setter LTC 300/500, which allows
professional publishing with high quality laser technology
and a resolution of 2540dpi. The basis of the driver
development was to avoid any restriction in the available
exposure device functions and technology. Moreover, all
the exposure functions should be supplied to the user with
special commands, (e.g. tint and pattern, transposed and
arbitrarily rotated or electronically modified blocks).
The PC-\TeX driver is available for MSDOS-PC's. The PC is
directly coupled to the Linotype Laser exposure device LTC
300/500 (without a PostScript Rip). Formatting via \TeX\ is
achieved by means of the Linotype font metric data for
approximately 2000 fonts. The \TeX\ mathematical fonts
were newly digitised from Linotype in the required \TeX\
font structure. Preview is carried out for a number of
graphic cards using \TeX\ reference fonts and Linotype
metrics. Proof printing is carried out in the same way on
HP-Laserjet+ (compatible) laserprinters. With this
PC-\TeX-driver new possibilities of high quality output
with  additional exposure functions is offered for
the users. The type setter industry, as the place of
production can take particular advantage of the
\TeX-typical formula composition. In the function of a
service industry a typesetting firm can secure for itself
an almost undeveloped sector of market. 

title={The {Notation} and {Structure}
of {Mathematical} {Texts} and their  {Representation}
within  {Electronic} {Documentation} {Systems}},
author={Francis J Cave},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The development of mathematical notation is
inextricably entwined with the development of mathematics
as a whole, viewed both as an area of scholarly study in
its own right and as a toolkit for scholars working in
other disciplines. It can be argued that advances in human
knowledge are impossible without suitable language for
articulating such knowledge, and the abstract concepts of
mathematics provide extreme examples of this. The paper
discusses the impact that electronic methods of
communications have on the use and development of
mathematical notation, which could have a significant
impact on future developments in mathematics as well as in
other fields. It  considers how currently-available
systems for electronic document description perform in
recording and conveying the concepts that scholars wish to
share through the medium of the electronic document. }

title={{\TeX}-{Fonts} in {Image} {Generation} {Software}},
author={J\"org Winckler},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={One problem in pseudorealistic computer graphics
is the provision of letters in two and three dimensions
which are  both detailed and smooth. Metafont is a source
of two dimensional letters. The internal representation of
letters in Metafont uses B\'ezier splines.  The great
advantage of splines is their independence of the image 
resolution. We use the splines of Metafont to triangulate
the letters, while  transforming their shapes into 
design patches. These patches have abilities to describe
their own border curves. Design patches have been
implemented in the Vera-raytracing software for use in
CAD-systems.  (Vera is a software product of the
Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe)
The design patches allow the generation of  highly
smoothed free form surfaces without increasing the
rendering time for raytracing algorithms. We built three
dimensional letters with these design patches.  In the
image generation, the design patch is refined into usual
triangles, which are scene adapted: letters which are `far
away' are refined into a small set of triangles, and
letters `close' to the eye point are refined into a larger
set of triangles guaranteeing smooth border curves for the
letter. }}

title={Metafont versus {PostScript}},
author={Victor Ostromoukhov},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The problem of the inter-relationship between Metafont\ 
and PostScript\ should be discussed in the context of wider
problem of communication between \TeX-based software and
PostScript-based printing equipment. 
In the present study, we  examine the basic constraints
which should be imposed on Metafont sources in order to
translate them into proper PostScript outline font
descriptions. These constraints are: 
\item{$\bullet$} to inhibit use of the
`unfill' and `undraw' primitives in the  Metafont
\item{$\bullet$} to avoid excessively long and
complicated  constructions in the Metafont sources 
\item{$\bullet$} to forsee and avoid curves that may be
ambiguously interpreted   on the pixel grid by the
PostScript interpreter.  
The latter constraint, the most crucial one, is related to the famous `one-dot
problem', very difficult to resolve inside PostScript, 
as recently discussed in TUGboat.
The mechanism of translation of Metafont  sources into
PostScript outline font descriptions will be illustrated
using the  MacMetafont, the author's implementation of the
Metafont, and applied to the Computer Modern family.}}

title={Using {Menudriven} {\TeX} under {MVS}},
author={Rainer Rupprecht},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={In this article, written for the 1988 European 
\TeX\ Users Conference at Exeter it will be shown how to
use a full screen environment which makes the use of \TeX\
easier;  how to write it, and what  the task of the \TeX\
system maintainer will be. Within this article some other
facilities developed at the Computing Center, will be
mentioned. The help of   those who have contributed to the
installation and running of  \TeX\ on the current system
must be acknowledged, especially: 
Dietmar Heinrich: Menus development and \LaTeX\
\item{$\bullet$} Martin Kerner: \TeX\ implementation,
CLISTS and Menus
\item{$\bullet$}Harald Meyer: Device driver, Graphics in
\TeX\ and Menus. 
All the menus, helps etc., are made in  the German
language, but there should not be any problems to
translate them in foreign languages. All the menus and
their programming are created with the operating system
BS3000 (nearly compatible to MVS) using the PFD facilities
(like ISPF). In January 1989 it will be completely changed
to MVS and the ISPF facilities.}

title={Type and {Set}: {\TeX} as the {Engine} of a
{Friendly} {Publishing} {System}},
author={Graham Asher},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The front end to Type and Set has two parts: a
style sheet  editor which automatically writes out a large
and  intricate macro package embodying the design of a 
document; and a file conversion program which takes
documents created on a user's favourite word processor
and converts them into standard \TeX\ format.
The back end is possibly the most interesting part of the
system, and was certainly the most difficult to write. It
is a page make up system called PAGE which takes the
galley dvi files produced at the \TeX\ stage, reads the
style sheet associated with the document, and pastes up
the material into pages, adding running headers, running
footers, folios and footnotes, and positioning spaces
left for figures. The document is globally optimised
using a system resembling the \TeX\ counting algorithm:
\TeX\ itself cannot optimise over an entire document,
which is one of the easons PAGE was preferred to an
output routine written in \TeX.
Tables are created on the screen in semi-wysiwyg
form and converted into suitable Type and Set format by

title={Publishing `{Exotic}' {Documents} with {\ExoTeX}},
author={Peter J. Olivier},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},

abstract={At the end of 1986, I had to look out for some
text processing  software, in order to prepare
about 42 articles of a `Festschrift' for publication. The
contributions to this volume cover a wide range of
`exotic' philologies: Indo-European (comparative)
linguistics and related languages, such as Old Indic
(Vedic and Sanskrit) and many  others, which normally are
transliterated by using the Latin alphabet,  when either
no original character font is available or the citations
should also be read by scholars who are not familiar with
just these `exotic' scripts or whatever other reason.
Those languages make use  of a great variety of
diacritical marks and/or even of letters of  non-Latin
origin. \TeX\ provides a lot of accents, math accents and
symbols that are quite useful also for linguistic
disciplines, but there are many more characters, which
have to be created separately.  I tried it my way by
writing macros which may eventually be helpful for
philologists  dealing with `exotic' languages, to get
camera-ready copies of their articles  within a very short
time, and to avoid painting `strange' accents and marks by
hand. This ExoTeX is still `under construction', and I
would be most grateful for any suggestions by \TeX nicians
and \TeX perts  to make ExoTeX more elegant and

title={German {\TeX}},
author={Hubert Partl},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Although \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ have been designed
for American standards only, they are being used all over
the world and with a lot of different languages. This
article is intended to show an example of the problems
that arise when modifying \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ for easier
application with a language other than English. Hints are
added, how similar work might be performed for other
European languages, with special emphasis on compatibility
and portability problems.}

title={A {Survey} of {Picture-Drawing} in {\LaTeX}},
author={Sebastian P. Q. Rahtz},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The plain \TeX\ package does not attempt to
provide any tools for drawing, leaving the production of
graphics almost entirely to the special system; the
\LaTeX\ package does provide a `picture' environment, where
line drawings are created from characters in special
fonts, but the possibilities are quite limited and the
commands not easy to use. This paper attempts to outline
some of the methods used to get around this problem;
examples will be given for \LaTeX, but most are also
applicable to plain \TeX. It describes the different sorts
of drawing needed in a typical document -- half tones; 
pure `art' (bitmaps); vector drawings; and analytical
graphics. It also describes solutions, ranging from
pasted-in photographs through MacDraw-like graphics
to \LaTeX\ `picture'. We will also describe drawing
tools in systems like The Publisher  and 
Interleaf. Nearly all the discussion will assume that a
`large' version of  \TeX\ is available and that printing is
through a  PostScript device: discussion of screen-based
drawing tools will be limited to the Macintosh and the Sun

title={With {\TeX}  to the {Poles}},
author={{Bogus\l aw} Jackowski and Tomasz {Ho\l dys} and Marek
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={As rumour says, Poles live somewhere near a Pole.
Which one? -- say East\dots\ Therefore it may sound odd
that they are eager to use \TeX\ to typeset texts written
in their strange language. Believe it or not -- this is
true. For strangers an attractive  feature of \TeX\ is its
support for languages that use diacritical letters: basic
fonts include a large collection of special symbols (e.g.,
cross `char32' to obtain Polish suppressed
`L' and `l', i.e., `\L' and `\l', and  long Hungarian
umlaut `char125') and \TeX\ itself provides mechanisms
facilitating usage of these symbols (an accent
primitive, ligatures, implicit kerns, etc.). In practice,
however, \TeX\ turns out to be somewhat foreigner
unfriendly. The obstacles we have met seem to be common to
all \TeX\ users whose native languages contain diacritical
letters, Gariepy (1988) and Partl (1988). This encouraged
us to add our remarks -- maybe they will have an impact on
further development of \TeX's international standard?}

title={Including {Pictures} in {\TeX}},
author={Alois Heinz},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={We describe different methods for including pictures into \TeX{}
documents. These methods are applicable on line graphics as
well as on raster graphics. We compare these methods under
different aspects, such as compatibility with printer
drivers, space efficiency and we try to give a complete
set of characteristics under which such methods can be
compared. We find out that some of the described methods
are better than others but, in general, the choice should
depend on the requirements of the kind of picture.}

title={{PRO\TeX}: Integration  of {Text}, {Graphics} and {Images}},
author={Susanne Lachmann},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={We -- that is GESYCOM GmbH -- have been working on and with \TeX\ since 1984.
Our environment consists of various IBM compatible PCs with DOS, and our
favourite programming language is TURBO Pascal 5.0. We
mainly work on software solutions for the typesetting
industry, especially the development of connections
between different -- normally stand alone -- systems.}

title={Drawing {Trees} {Nicely} with {\TeX}},
author={Anne Br\"uggemann-Klein and Derick Wood},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Various algorithms have been proposed for the 
difficult problem of producing aesthetically
pleasing drawings of trees, see Reingold and  Tilford
(1981), Wetherell and Shannon (1979), but implementations
only exist as `special purpose software', designed for
specialenvironments. Therefore, many users resort to the 
drawing facilities available on most personal computers,
but the figures obtained in this way still look
`hand-drawn'; their quality is inferior to the quality
of the surrounding text that can be realized by   today's
high quality text processing systems. 
In this paper we present an entirely new solution that
integrates a tree drawing algorithm into one of the best
text processing systems available. More precisely, we
present a \TeX{} macro package Tree\TeX{} that produces a
drawing of a tree from a purely logical description. Our
approach has three advantages. First, labels for nodes can
be handled in a reasonable way. On the one hand, the
tree drawing algorithm can compute the widths of
the labels and take them into account for
the positioning of the nodes; on the other hand,          
all the textual parts of the document can be treated
uniformly. Second,  Tree\TeX{} can be trivially
ported to any site running \TeX{}. Finally,         
modularity in the description of a tree and \TeX{}'s macro
capabilities  allow for libraries of subtrees and
tree classes.                               
In addition, we have implemented an option that
produces drawings which make the structure of the trees
more obvious to the human eye, even though they may not be
as aesthetically pleasing.                          

title={Sweet-te{X}, a {Report}},
author={Frank R Drake and John Derrick and Laurent
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Sweet-teX\ is a \TeX\ pre-processor, intended to
make the keyboard inputting of \TeX\ simpler; in
particular, easier for a secretary or mathematical typist
to use, without first having to learn much about \TeX. In
effect some sort of pre-processor is always going to be
used for the keyboard inputing of \TeX\ (be it the
crudest of mainframe editors).
 Sweet-teX\ aims to use all the facilities
of a good micro (such as the Macintosh), including
standard word-processor facilities, together with a
range of fonts, to allow the screen display to appear
closer to the final intention. As far as possible, each
command sequence and each symbol is input by a single
keystroke, with as much mnemonic aid as possible, and
will look on screen like the intended output.
This is of great advantage to beginners, who do not have
to learn command sequences, and to poor typists, who do
not have to press so many keys; its value to the fluent
typist who already knows \TeX\ must be judged by other
One of these is that a syntax-checker is provided which
checks such things as the balancing of entering and
leaving mathematics,   \TeX-nical braces $\{$, $\}$, 
and many other details, saving many \TeX\ errors.
Another is that the screen display can be printed
in a way which leaves out or modifies the screen
symbols representing \TeX-nical input (such as
enter and leave mathematics, command \hbox{sequences} and
\TeX-nical braces), giving a pre-print which can be used
for proof-reading (or other purposes). A \TeX\
pre-print becomes unnecessary except for particularly
awkward material.
There are macro facilities which complement those in
\TeX{}. These include `variant tags' which give very
easy treatment of rarely met symbols, in a way which
will at least recognizable in the pre-print, and
correct in the final output (if \TeX\ has the symbol;
the \AmSTeX\ extra fonts are available).
The possibility of
resorting to \TeX\ itself is preserved for use in the most
difficult cases.
There has been some evolution of Sweet-teX\ since its
public announcement in 1986. Its system of logical
formatting using `road-signs' is more complete, and
invisible character trickery is no longer necessary to
pass information from {\it MacWrite} to \TeX. 
 Sweet-teX\ has
been in use in Leeds University Pure Mathematics
Department and some account of its use there will be
given, in particular the use of a TOPS network to
transfer \dvi\ files to an  IBM PC clone to print on
an HP Laserjet.}} 

title={{\TeX} in the {Mainframe} {World} -- the {Durham}
author={Roger Gawley},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={The original motivation for installing \TeX\ was
curiosity on the part of a couple of Computer Centre staff
members, but it became apparent that if we could get \TeX\
working properly, it could displace all other mainframe
text processors allowing us to concentrate on one
language. As \TeX\ had been installed at the University of
Michigan, this was in principle simply a matter of
restoring a few files from the distribution tapes to get a
version fully customised to mts. (I have never seen a
Stanford distribution tape.) Reality was a little more

title={{UK\TeX} and the {Aston} {Archive}},
author={Peter Abbott},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={I propose to split my talk into two parts
\item{} UK\TeX:
I shall discuss its origin, the computing facilities used for this service, 
give details of the current (June 30 1988) recipients and a suggestion for 
future developments.
\item{} The Aston Archive:
I shall discuss the principles of the archive, the equipment and capacity 
available, how to extract and contribute material, concluding with a 
discussion on where to go from here.

title={Line-{Oriented} {Layout} with {\TeX}}, 
author={Alan Hoenig}, 
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={We speak of a  line-oriented 
layout when the design landmarks in documents are given in 
terms of lines of the typeset document --  lines down from the 
beginning of a paragraph, lines down from the top of the 
page, and so on. \TeX\ design specifications are normally 
made on the basis of units identifiable in the source 
document file before any typesetting takes place.  This 
paper suggests several techniques for creating \TeX\ design 
layout on a line-by-line basis.  We will discuss three 
examples: the use of \TeX\ in typesetting `windows' of 
space entirely enclosed within paragraphs; the creation of 
paragraph shapes for an arbitrary sequence of paragraphs; 
and the creation of a macro to identify the typeset position 
on the page.   These are used to show how to design a 
page-layout system that might be suitable for a small 
newspaper or newsletter.  This set of page layout macros 
illustrates the ability to continue stories several pages 
after they begin and to provide automatic forward and 
backward page references to the beginning and ending 

title={Electronic {Publishing} 
and {Chemical} {Text} {Processing}},
author={A C Norris and A L Oakley}, 
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={There are impressive systems for the modelling and graphical display of chemical
molecules but systems for the computer-based typesetting of chemical structures
integrated with scientific text  are less successful, especially where high
quality is to be combined with ease of use and low costs. This paper evaluates
strategies to meet these objectives and reports the results of interfacing an
interactive chemical structure editor with PostScript and
\TeX. }}

title={Chemical {Structure} {Formul\ae} and x/y {Diagrams} with
author={Michael Ramek},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={\TeX\ offers excellent tools for mathematical
formul\ae\ but lacks  corresponding commands for most
other fields of science. The purpose of this contribution
is to present the macros structure and diagram, and a set
of secondary macros which allow an easy (but not
unlimited) generation of chemical structure formul\ae\  
and x/y diagrams. Portability should be guaranteed, since
these macros are designed to work in the \plain\
environment. No additional font tables are required;
instead the program converting the dvi file into the
actual print file must be able to handle rules correctly.}}

title={Nontraditional {Uses} of {METAFONT}},
author={Richard O. Simpson},
editor={Malcolm Clark},
publisher={Ellis Horwood},
abstract={Metafont can be used with \TeX\ for purposes
other than the production of ordinary alphabets or even sets of
special symbols.  Using the \TeX\ system based on the IBM 6150 (RT),
the following functions have been implemented, employing Metafont in a
nontraditional fashion:
  \item{} A plotting program, which graphs sets of numeric data as
    x-y plots or bar charts.  A Metafont program is
created to draw
    the curves.
  \item{} A conversion program which accepts the output of a
    mouse-based drawing program (Gremlin), converting the drawing 
    commands into a Metafont program.
  \item{} A conversion program which accepts the output of an 
    image processing program on the 6150 and converts
    raster images directly into characters in pk style
\TeX\ fonts. In each case, the strategy is to produce a
font containing only a single (very large) character.  The
character is not a letter or even a special symbol, but is
an entire picture (a graph, a drawing, or a bit image). 
\TeX\ knows how to deal with characters in fonts
regardless of their size, and typesets them in the
ordinary way.  The result is a very flexible system which
combines text, arbitrary data plots and drawings, and
images, in a very natural and straightforward way. }}