Proceedings, TeX88 Conference

The macros referred to in a number of the papers
in the proceedings are included in the archive.
In addition, there is a file ABS.BIB which contains
a BibTeX-style set of abstracts for the proceedings.
There are a couple of mistakes in the form of ABS.BIB,
although the content is `correct'.
The other extra is the file L_FRAME.TEX which
allows the \framebox type macros of LaTeX to
be used with plain (similar in style and content
to the L_PIC.TEX macros, cf. Bruggeman-Klein & Woods).

The othetr macro files are separated into sub-directories:
          used in Peter Olivier's paper
[.POLISH] contains POLSET.TEX;
          used in Rycko et al's paper
[.HOENIG] contains H0.TEX and DROP.TEX;
          used in Alan Hoenig's two papers
[.GERMAN] contains GERMAN.STY;
          used in Hubert Partl's paper;
[.TREE]   contains L_PIC.TEX;
          used in Bruggeman-Klein & Woods paper:
          for the rest of the macros, see [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX-STYLE.TREETEX]
          used in Michael Ramek's paper. It also
          has the example files, TEX88.FG1 to TEX88.FG20
          which illustrate the use of these two great macros.

We hope that the macros of Norris & Oakley may be added later.
Watch this space!

malcolm clark (ed)