TeXhax Digest   Monday, November 24, 1986   Volume 86 : Issue 08

This weeks Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                           TeXhax notes
                         Alternate alphabets?
                              TeX fonts
                      RE: How to get new LaTeX.
                             Re: Issue #6
                          phonetic alphabet
                     GF files for IMAGEN 12/300?

% TeXhax notes:
%   As promised, TeXhax assumes a more standard digest format with this
% issue.  The majority of those who expressed an opinion concerning the
% format of TeXhax favored retaining the current digest format.  Many
% urged that TeXhax assume this standard format, since they have programs
% that dissect such digests.  This request seems quite reasonable, and
% hence is implemented starting with this issue.
%  In order to prevent the digests from becoming too bulky, I will try
% to keep each issue to about 10K bytes in length.
%  Thanks to Eric Berg at Stanford for helping me to get the EMACS
% routines for the digest format.
% Malcolm Brown

Date:           17-NOV-1986 18:53:12
>From:          CHAA006%vaxa.rhbnc.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
To:             TEXHAX <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:TEXHAX@su-score.arpa>
Subject:        DEC169 pre-processor for TeX

In order to make TeX friendlier for our linguists, I wrote the following pre-
processor, which converts files in DEC's multi-national character set (DEC169)
into TeX-format.  It is assumed that there are NO TeX commands embedded in the
file, and that they will be added later to the resulting file. The default file-
type for input is .TXT, and for output .TEX; it has been tested under VMS 4.4
with TeX 1.3 and the Flavio Rose V9 LN03 driver.  The `currency symbol' is part-
icularly ugly, and could do with considerable improvement.  Any suggestions or
improvements gratefully received !

Philip Taylor (Royal Holloway & Bedford New College;  University of London; U.K)

Bitnet/NetNorth/Earn:   chaa006@vaxa.rhbnc.ac.uk (or) chaa006%rhbnc.vaxa@ac.uk
       (or)         :   chaa006@vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk (or) chaa006%rhbnc.vaxb@ac.uk

       Arpa         :   chaa006%vaxa.rhbnc.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa
       (or)         :   chaa006%vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa
================================= PRETEX.PAS ==================================
% Phil's lengthy PASCAL source code can be obtained by FTPing the following
% file from score.stanford.edu:
% Malcolm
============================= End of information ==============================


Mail-From: CELONI created at 17-Nov-86 12:54:25
Date: Mon 17 Nov 86 12:54:25-PST
>From: Jim Celoni S.J. <Celoni@Score.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Alternate alphabets?
To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU

Have you included Hebrew, Greek, Akkadian, Ugaritic, and/or Aramaic
text in a TeX document?  If so, please let me know how.  (First
priority is finding font files and TeX definitions; then we can
fine-tune spacing, punctuation, and hyphenation.)

Thanks.  +j
        James R. Celoni, S.J.
        Celoni@score.stanford.edu, {hplabs,decwrl}!glacier!navajo!celoni


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 09:58 CST
Subject: TeX fonts

The cm fonts are fine, but a tad of variety would  sometimes
be useful.
Do any (text) fonts exist besides the cm variety
(i.e. cmr, cmb, cmtex, cmsl etc. etc. etc.)?? Are they
widely and/or easily available; are just the .tfm files
adequate for font use, or are other files needed?
What's the story??


Date:     Wed, 19 Nov 86 08:50 MDT
Subject:  RE: How to get new LaTeX.
To:  TeXhax@SU-score.arpa
X-Original-To:  TeXhax@SU-score.arpa

   I have just read in TeXhax issue #6 the announcement of a new release of
LaTeX from Leslie Lamport with great interest.  The announcement stated "...the
new files are on <TEX.LATEX> at Score."  How can I get copies of these files ?
The coments in earlier issues of TeXhax refer to "FTP", this looks like it
might be an ARPAnet command.  Since I am only BITnet and SPAN (NASA DECnet
network) what can I do to recive the new release of LaTeX or for that matter
other files that have or will be mentioned in TeXhax ?

                                  Many thanks,
                             Michael E. Van Steenberg

                             BITnet:   MVS@JILA.BITNET
                             SPAN:     TAURUS::MEV
                             SPAN:     CYGNUS::VANSTEENBERG


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 09:19:10 pst
>From: lamport@decwrl.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport)
To: texhax@score.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: Issue #6
In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue 18 Nov 86 20:18:40-PST.

Nelson Beebe's suggestion for removing unwanted line breaks from LaTeX's
`verbatim' environment seems like a good one.  I will include it in the
next release of LaTeX.

Leslie Lamport


Date: Tue, 18 Nov 86 17:47:14 cst
>From: Joe Ramey <ramey%tilde%ti-csl.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA
Subject: phonetic alphabet

Does anyone have a METAFONT description for a phonetic alphabet (like
the characters used in the pronounciation guide in the dictionary,
i.e. schwa, etc.)?  Or, are these characters available in the fonts
that come with the Unix distribution from the University of

Joe Ramey
TI Computer Science Center


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 86 22:56:38 EST
>From: Kari_Gluski@um.cc.umich.edu
To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, emma@clsi.stanford.edu
Subject: Endnotes

I just created some endnote macros using insertions that seem to handle
quite long notes without trouble. We haven't tested them exhaustively, though.
The code and some example use of them follows:
% We make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
% between user names and internal control sequences of plain format.
\newcount\interendnotelinepenalty \interendnotelinepenalty=0
  \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken endnotes
  \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\z@
  \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
\def\no@te{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\n@@te
  \else\let\next\n@t\fi \next}
\def\endnotestrut{\vbox to\splittopskip{}}
\skip\endnoteins=0pt % space added when endnote is present
\count\endnoteins=0 % endnote magnification factor (0)
\dimen\endnoteins=\maxdimen % maximum endnotes per page
\def\resetenotecount{\global\enotecounter=0 } \resetenotecount
\def\setenotecount#1{\global\enotecounter=#1 }
  \global\advance \enotecounter by 1  % First bump the counter.
  % Now convert the current value of the counter into a superscripted numeral
\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
\par The ``endnote'' macro is analogous to the ``footnote'' macro in plain
\TeX; it takes the note flag as a parameter, followed by the note text
in braces.\endnote{[1]}{This is the first plain end note. It has as a flag
a 1 in square brackets} This is the second note, with an
asterisk.\endnote*{second note.} One could do a third note with a
null flag.\endnote{}{This is a note with no flag.}
\par Hi, this is a paragraph.
The ``enote'' macro works like the ``fnote'' macro in the TEX:MACROS.TEX
file.\enote{Counted note number one} It automatically\enote{Counted
note two} counts\enote{counted note three}  the endnotes.
It has macros to reset the counters if needed.


Date: Thu, 20 Nov 86 10:26:47 pst
>From: ucdavis!clover!hildum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Hildum)
To: ucdavis!TEXHAX@su-score
Subject: GF files for IMAGEN 12/300?


We are currently running TeX on a VAX/VMS system (version 2.0.1,
June 28, 1986).  Our printer is an IMAGEN 12/300 white writing
printer.  The installation tape contains only the GF files for
magstep 0 in the directory [tex.qms_fonts], which is apparently
for white writing machines.  We have installed the fonts for the
black writing machines, but the results are less than satisfactory.

Is there anyone who has information on GF files suitable for the
IMAGEN 12/300?  We would like to install a full set of fonts.

                                Thank you,
                                Eric Hildum

                Preferred:      dehildum@ucdavis        (BITNET)

                Otherwise:      hildum@ucd.csnet


End of TeXhax Digest