TeXhax Digest    Wednesday, December 10, 1986   Volume: 86  Issue: 12
Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's topics:
                              Kyocera f1010 driver
                                 Laser Printers
                          TeX on the HP 9000 Series 500
                            TeX/LaTeX to STAR format?
                                A4 document style
                   Fonts for Erricson/Facit Opus 1 Laser Printer
                                 Device drivers


Date:     Fri, 5 Dec 86 13:30 N
Subject:  Kyocera f1010 driver

We have trouble using the Kyocera F1010 laserprinter with TeX when
selecting HPLaserjet+ mode and using a HPLJ+ dvi driver.
The company that selled us the Kyocera had some information about
difficulties, and said that in Germany someone was busy writing a
dvi driver for the Kyocera. I would like to know:
- who is writing the driver?
- has he finished yet, or when will it be finished?
- is the driver available for us, or will it be?

Herman Vogt
Rekencentrum RUG


Date: Wed, 3 Dec 86 12:20:48 EST
>From: weltyc%cieunix@CSV.RPI.EDU (Christopher A. Welty)
Subject: Laser Printers

I'm brand new to this list, so excusa if this has been beaten to
death already....We are about to bring TeX up on a 4.3BSD system, and
are looking into a laser printer, I am currently keenest on the Imagen
"Image   Station" or "Innovator" which is purportedly a 300dpi 8p/min
printer   that is capable of running with the Metafonts package....
Is anyone  out there using this machine in a UNIX environment?  Not
only am I new to this list, but I am close to clueless about TeX as
well (I was a troff user, but have been converted), so  don't be too
Texnical...(ha ha ha...sorry).  Actually, if anyone could recommend a
good laser printer that is  about 300dpi and runs well with the TeX
fonts AND IS UNDER $7K, I would  like to hear about it.  By running
good with TeX I mean that it can  support any of the TeX fonts (or
most) without an immense amount of   work on my part....

                    Christopher A. Welty
                    RPI/CIE Systems Mgr.


Date: Fri 5 Dec 86 13:44:22-MST
Subject: TeX on the HP 9000 Series 500

Does anyone know of a version of TeX for the HP 9000 Series 500?  Please
let me know ASAP if you do?


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 86 14:27:26 cst
>From: Joe Ramey <ramey%tilde%ti-csl.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: TeX/LaTeX to STAR format?

We have an in-house publishing department that uses Xerox STAR systems
to do text formatting.  Here in the Computer Science Center, people
like to use LaTeX to format their documents.  When we need to submit a
paper to the pubs dept., they must hand enter the entire paper.  This
leaves much room for error.  Does anyone know of a tool to convert
TeX/LaTeX or dvi files to a format readable by a Xerox STAR system?  Is
such a conversion feasible?

Joe Ramey
TI Computer Science Center


Subject: A4 document style
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 86 22:59:29 GMT
>From: John Pavel <mcvax!nplpsg!jrp@seismo.CSS.GOV>

Here is an a4 document style:

% "a4" document style option.
% John Pavel, December 1986
% Redefines the \textheight and \topmargin for A4 paper, as opposed to US paper.
% Adjusting \textheight will adjust position of the bottom of the page.
% Must preserve "(\textheight - \topskip) divides \baselineskip".
% \topskip always appears to be 10pt.
% So only add/subtract multiples of \baselineskip if you want shorter pages.
% \textwidth is not altered because A4 is narrower than US paper.

\topmargin 0 pt     %    Nominal distance from top of paper to top of page
\ifcase \@ptsize
    % mods for 10 pt (\baselineskip=12pt)
    \textheight 646 pt  % Height of text (including footnotes and figures)
\or % mods for 11 pt (\baselineskip=13.6pt)
    \textheight 649.2 in    % Height of text (including footnotes and figures)
\or % mods for 12 pt  (\baselineskip=15pt)
    \textheight 655 pt    % Height of text (including footnotes and figures)


Date:     MON, 08 DEC 86 16:06:16 BST
>From:     PETER%sysc.salford.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Subject:  Fonts for Erricson/Facit Opus 1 Laser Printer

          HELP      HELP        HELP        HELP       HELP

        Fonts for Erricson/Facit Opus 1 Laser Printer

A cry from the heart!  Does anyone, anywhere know a source of downline-
loadable fonts for the Facit Opus 1 Laser printer (ie, model 4580)?  Better,
but quite undreamed of, would be s supplier of fonts in ROM for this device.
Specifically, we need a good Greek/Math font.

If you have any information please respond either to me directly or via

Many thanks in advance,     Peter Atkins, University of Salford,England.



Date:         Mon, 08 Dec 86 19:27:38 PLT
>From:           Andrew Vaught  <29284843%WSUVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
Subject:      Device drivers

Does anyone know if there are DVI drivers written under CMS (rel. 4)
for a 3279 Graphics terminal or an HP LaserJet (and not Micro-TeX)?

           Thanks in advance,


End of TeXhax Digest