TeXhax Digest Tuesday, December 23, 1986 Volume 86 : Issue 14 <TEX>TEXHAX14.861224 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Reminders on where-to-send ... Re: Issue 12 TeX for CPM+ and selective file \input TeX driver Construction of Bezier cubics ? 33 mailing labels per page macros Multi-page tables query DVI to IBM 3820 printers Tex for Integral PC? [Plea from a novice TeX User] tex/xerox ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Date: the present % From: Malcolm % Subject: reminder on where-to-send % % Judging from some of the mail that's rolled into texhax-request, % it appears that there is still some confusion regarding where to % send submissions and address changes. So, a reminder: % % submissions to TeXhax should be mailed to: % texhax@score.stanford.edu % anything to do with the distribution of TeXhax: % texhax-request@score.stanford.edu % % happy holidays % ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 86 08:47:04 PST >From: <GUENTHER@wsuvm1.bitnet> Reply-To: GUENTHER%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: Re: Issue 12 In issue 12 of the Texhax digest, Andrew Vaught asks: "Does anyone know if there are DVI drivers written under CMS (rel. 4) for a 3279 Graphics terminal or an HP LaserJet (and not Micro-TeX)?" Yes Andy, but it costs. See your IBM rep about a package called GDQF. It lets you preview DCF output, which is in IBM's Composed Page Data Stream (CPDS) format. TeX DVI files can be run through DVI3820 (on the standard distribution tape) to create a CPDS, which can then be previewed with GDQF. Dean Guenther Bitnet: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Dec 86 20:07:56 PST >From: <BELL@ukanvax.bitnet> Reply-To: BELL%UKANVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX for CPM+ and selective file \input Has anyone yet written a version of TeX, METAFONT, and accompanying software for micros running CPM or CPM+? TUGboat lists several micros but says nothing about Kaypros, Epsons, Osbornes, Commodore 128's, etc. Has anyone out there been valiant enough to try this yet? Also, a more TeXnical problem. Does anyone know how to make plain TeX read in parts of a long document but only output small sections. Particularly, I want to be able to read in several chapters of a book but only have specified chapters appear in the DVI file. In this manner I can have the page numbering information (and possibly Table of Contents, figures, etc.) preserved, but only output what may be needed at a particular time. I think that perhaps LaTeX and AMSTeX do something similar with \include and/or \includeonly statements, but perhaps I'm reading the documentation wrong. Can anyone help? Ed Bell University of Kansas Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Lawrence, KS 66045 BITNET: BELL@UKANVAX ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Dec 86 11:17:30 GMT >From: vivian harrington Subject: TeX driver To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU We are presently installing TeX on VM/CMS at University College Dublin. Is there a public domain dvi-to-postscript converter that runs under VMS and or does anyone out there know anything about a DOBY postscript tex. Vivian Harrington (advisory service, computer centre) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Dec 86 17:47:05 est >From: <munnari!trlsasb.oz!KECK@seismo.CSS.GOV> Subject: Construction of Bezier cubics ? The Metafont book (pages 13 & 14) gives 3 methods of constructing Bezier cubics : a geometric method (midpoints) an algebraic method (cubics) another geometric method (t-of-the-way points) The equivalence of the 2nd & 3rd can be seen with a few lines of algebra. How do you show their equivalence with the 1st ? I've had a look through the literature without finding even this construction (the 1st), let alone a proof that it gives Bezier cubics. The only thing I've been able to figure out is that t is the obvious binary fraction. Brian Keck ACSnet keck@trlsasb UUCP {seismo,mcvax,ucb-vision,ukc} !munnari!trlsasb.oz!keck ARPA keck%trlsasb.oz@seismo.css.gov or keck%trlsasb.oz.au CSNET keck%trlsasb.oz@australia telex AA 33779 voice + 61 3 5416407 post Brian Keck, Telecom Australia Research Laboratories, PO Box 249 Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA ------------------------------ Date: Thu 18 Dec 86 16:09:42-PST >From: Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN@USC-ECL.ARPA> Subject: 33 mailing labels per page macros % LABELS.TEX This can be used to produce mailing labels from a name % and address file. Format is 33 labels per 8-1/2 x 11 inch page. % Ted Shapin, December 18, 1986. % This output routine does a triple column page with no headers or footers. % Taken from the TeX book. \newdimen\fullhsize \fullhsize=8.5in \hsize=2.8in \def\fulline{\hbox to \fullhsize} \let\lr=L \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}} \newbox\leftcolumn \newbox\midcolumn \output={\if L\lr \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=M \else\if M\lr \global\setbox\midcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R \else \tripleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi\fi \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi} \def\tripleformat{\shipout\vbox{ \fulline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\box\midcolumn\hfil\columnbox}} \advancepageno} % This sets up to use the full page with no margins. \hoffset=-1in \voffset=-1in \vsize=11in \parindent=0pt \topskip=0pt \lineskip=0pt % This is used for each mailing label \raggedright \obeylines \parindent=0pt \def\L#1{\vbox to 1in{#1\vfil}} % The input looks like this: % \L{T. Doe % The White House % Washington, D.C.} % \L{Ted Shapin % Beckman Instruments, Inc. % 2500 Harbor Blvd., X-11 % Fullerton, CA. 92634} % Now read the mailing list \input fortex \bye ------------------------------ Date: Thu 18 Dec 86 16:11:37-PST >From: Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN@USC-ECL.ARPA> Subject: Multi-page tables query When a table may run to more than one page, how can I put more headings at the top of the continuation pages? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 14:52:15 PLT >From: Dean Guenther 509-335-0411 Subject: DVI to IBM 3820 printers In TeXhax Digest 86 #13, Mark Scherfling asks about the DVI format so he can get output to an IBM 3820. The IBM/CMS distribution tape has a DVI3820 program on it. Get the tape Mark, or send me a BITNET note. -- Dean Guenther ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 19:15:35 pst >From: ucdavis!clover!hildum@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Hildum) Subject: Tex for Integral PC? Does anyone know of a version of TeX for the HP Integral PC with a builtin Thinkjet printer? This is a system V UNIX machine. Thank you, Eric Hildum Preferred: dehildum@ucdavis (BITNET) hildum%clover%ucdavis.uucp@ucbvax.arpa hildum%clover%ucdavis.uucp@ucbvax.berkeley.edu ucdavis!clover!hildum@ucbvax.arpa ucdavis!clover!hildum@ucbvax.berkeley.edu Otherwise: hildum@ucd.csnet hildum%ucd@csnet-relay.arpa hildum%ucd@relay.cs.net P.S. Our mail system is somewhat flaky. If you send directly to me, please enclose as much address information for yourself as possible so that I may reply to you. -E ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Dec 86 04:36:38 PST >From: <LAKEXXTR@vuctrvax.bitnet> Reply-To: LAKEXXTR%VUCTRVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: [Plea from a novice TeX User] I would like to be able to create the following heading using TeX: name_information_one name_information_two address_one address_two city_state_zip_one city_state_zip_two (AC)-555-5555 (AC)-555-5555 I would like the two headings centered on the page. Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 11:50:46 PST >From: <SYVAXTGS@hheouh51.bitnet> Reply-To: SYVAXTGS%HHEOUH51.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: tex/xerox Date: Thu, 18 Dec 86 15:21 N >From: <SYVAXTGS@HHEOUH51.BITNET> Subject: tex/xerox To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: texhax@score.stanford.edu I have some question regarding TeX and Metafont: Does anybody have any experience with a. creating xerox-(2700/3700) fonts out of pxl-files or gf-files b. are there cm-fonts for the xerox available. c. gf-files created with Metafont with \mode=smoke are not able to be processed by gftopxl. Please contact: Ad Gerards Open University Heerlen EARN adress: SYVAXTGS@HHEOUH51 ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest ************************** ------- -------