TeXhax Digest Sunday, December 28, 1986 Volume 86 : Issue 15 <TEX>TEXHAX15.861228 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: % nefarious notes: BITNET and the WISCVM overload texhax issue 13 (Mark Scherfling info on 3820 driver) Cyrillic fonts for VAX/VMS Underlined headings pagestyle Contents of LaTeX Style collection, 27th Dec 1986 Merry Te-X-mas! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: the present >From: the editor Subject: nefarious notes: WISCVM overload % I have received reports from folks that the BITNET relay WISCVM.WISC.EDU % is very overloaded. One of the ways in which they plan to combat this % is to limit the number of addresses for any one mailing to 10. This will % create problems for TeXhax subscribers on BITNET, as the distribution list % currently shows 160 BITNET entries that use WISCVM.WISC.EDU. % % I have a request in to the BITNET folks, asking about ways I can re-route % some of the TeXhax BITNET mail. However, it may be some time before they % are able to get back to me. % % If you are on BITNET and can get TeXhax via local distribution, please % send a note to texhax-request@score.stanford.edu so that I can take your % name off the list and lighten the WISCVM load. It would also help if % I can send you your TeXhax issues via some relay other than WISCVM % (such as FORSYTHE.STANFORD.EDU). % % thanks Malcolm % ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Dec 86 15:12 ??? >From: "Jeannette V." <MACHNIS%gmr.com@RELAY.CS.NET> To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: texhax issue 13 (Mark Scherfling info on 3820 driver) I purchased IBM VM/CMS TeX 2.0 from Maria Code and included on the first tape were utilities to interface TeX to the IBM 3800 Model 3 and the 3820. We have not yet implemented these utilities, but we plan to. The tape was $82 and included TeX, Metafont and other utilities and took a total of 50 cylinders to load the entire tape. Maria Code D P Services 1371 Sydney Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 735-8006 Jeannette Machnis csnet : machnis@gmr.com ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Dec 86 02:00:59 PST >From: <ZEFFI@finabo.bitnet> Reply-To: ZEFFI%FINABO.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Cyrillic fonts for VAX/VMS Date: Tue, 23 Dec 86 11:53 EST >From: <ZEFFI@FINABO.BITNET> Subject: Cyrillic fonts for VAX/VMS To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, ZEFFI Is there anybody on BITNET (or EARN) who has the Cyrillic fonts announced by Barbara Beeton in TUGBoat vol 6, no. 2 and who can send them to me in VMS BACKUP-format (I'm using JNET V2.0)???!!! Stefan Kronberg Abo Akademi Computing Centre Fanriksgatan 3B SF-20500 Abo FINLAND Bitnet-address: ZEFFI@FINABO.BITNET ps. If you have the mathematical symbol fonts I'm of course interested in them too... ------------------------------ Date: Tue 23 Dec 86 13:56:34-PST >From: Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN@USC-ECL.ARPA> Subject: Underlined headings pagestyle To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU %BIIHEAD.STY If this is included after \documentstyle{report}, it adds % an underlined heading style to the LaTeX report style. % \pagestyle{biiheadings} will put underlined headings at the top % of each page. The right page headings are the Chapter titles and % the left page titles are supplied by \def\lefthead{text}. % Ted Shapin, Dec. 17, 1986 \makeatletter \def\ps@biiheadings{\let\@mkboth\markboth \def\@oddhead{\protect\makebox[0pt][l]{\protect\underline {\protect\makebox[\textwidth][l]{\sl\rightmark\hfill\rm\thepage}}}} \def\@oddfoot{} \def\@evenhead{\protect\makebox[0pt][l]{\protect\underline {\protect\makebox[\textwidth][l] {\rm\thepage\hfill\sl\lefthead}}}} \def\lefthead{} \def\chaptermark##1{\markright {\uppercase{% \@chapapp\ \thechapter.\ ##1}}} \def\@evenfoot{}\def\sectionmark##1{}\def\subsectionmark##1{}} \makeatother ------------------------------ To: unix-tex@washington.arpa, texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Contents of LaTeX Style collection, 27th Dec 1986 Date: Sat, 27 Dec 86 14:25:11 -0500 >From: SKY <ken@rochester.arpa> The following files are available for anonymous ftp from Rochester.Arpa in directory public/latex-style. You should retrieve the file 00index first to obtain a brief description of directory contents. 00directory layout.tex spacecites.doc 00index lfonts_ams.readme spacecites.sty 00readme lfonts_ams.tex suthesis.doc a4.sty lgraph.shar suthesis.sty acm.bst newalpha.bst texnames.doc biihead.sty nopagenumbers.doc texnames.sty deproc.sty nopagenumbers.sty uct10.doc deprocldc.tex siam.bib uct11.doc docsty.c siam.bst uct12.doc docsty.readme siam.doc ucthesis.doc doublespace.sty siam.sty ucthesis.readme drafthead.sty siam.tex vdm.doc dvidoc.shar siam10.doc vdm.sty epic.shar siam10.sty vdm.tex fullpage.doc siam11.sty ws87.p fullpage.sty siam12.sty wsltex.c ieeetr.bst slem.doc wsltex.p layout.readme slem.sty More submissions are very welcome. An experimental archive server has been installed so that non-Internet users can obtain files via email. Here are the instructions. %%%%% An experimental archive server for LaTeX style files has been installed. Requests in the form of email to LaTeX-Style@rochester.arpa (LaTeX-Style@cs.rochester.edu, ..!rochester!latex-style) will cause files from the collection to be sent to you. The format of a request is: Subject line should contain the phrase "@file request". Body of the mail should start with a line containing only an @ (at) sign. (Important!) The first line following should be a mail address FROM rochester TO you. (Undeliverable mail will be silently dropped on the floor.) Then follow by the names of the files you want, either one to each line, or many to each line, separated by spaces. End with a line containing only an @ sign. Case is not significant. Do not include any messages in the mail. It will not be seen by human eyes. Allow some time for delivery as the server is actually an offline batch program. Files will be sent in batches, not exceeding 64kbytes in size to survive mailers. %%%%% Ken LaTeX-Style@Rochester.Arpa LaTeX-Style@cs.rochester.edu ..!rochester!latex-style ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Dec 86 14:36:03 MEZ >From: Z3000PA%AWITUW01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Hubert Partl - Techn. Subject: Merry Te-X-mas! To: texhax-request@SU-SCORE.ARPA Irene Hyna at the Technical University iof Vienna has created this traditional X-mas tree for mathematicians and TeXnicians. (Note to the editor: It is up to you to decide whether you want to keep it and/or distribute it.) %This is XMAS.TEX by Irene Hyna, TU Wien, Austria, Dec.1986. \magnification 2074 \def\center{\vskip\parskip\begingroup \parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt plus 1pt \rightskip=0pt plus 1fill \leftskip=0pt plus 1fill \obeylines} \def\endcenter{\endgroup} \nopagenumbers \font \giant=ambx10 scaled 1439 \def \minispacing{\baselineskip=0.6\normalbaselineskip} \null \vfill \center {\giant Merry \TeX mas} \vfill\vfill\vfill \minispacing $\star$ $\pm$ $\gg\ll$ $\gg\heartsuit\ll$ $\Uparrow\gg\gg\ll\ll\Uparrow$ $>\gg\gg\diamondsuit\ll\ll<$ $\gg\gg\ll\ll$ $\gg\gg\circ\ll\ll$ $\gg\nabla\gg\ll\vartheta\ll$ $\gg\gg\gg\infty\ll\ll\ll$ $\Uparrow\gg\gg\otimes\gg\ll\ll$\S$\ll\Uparrow$ $>\gg\gg\gg\gg\Theta\ll\ll\ll\ll<$ $\gg\odot\gg\gg\ll\partial\ll\ll$ $\gg\gg\gg\gg\bowtie\ll\ll\ll\ll$ $\gg\gg\gg\uplus\gg\ll\ll\ll\triangle\ll$ $\Uparrow\gg\gg\gg\gg\gg\oslash\ll\ll\ll\ll\ll\Uparrow$ $>\gg\gg\oint\gg\gg\gg\ll\ll\ddagger\ll\ll\ll<$ $\parallel\parallel$ $\Longleftrightarrow$ \endcenter \eject % This is the end of XMAS.TEX . ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest ************************** ------- -------