TeXhax Digest   Tuesday, January 26, 1988   Volume 88 : Issue 07

Editor: Malcolm Brown

Today's Topics:

                  immoderate notes/TeXhax on BITNET
     "\addtocontents" doesn't work when there are \include files
                          TeX on the Apollo
                      Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #05
                         Re: Pictures in TeX
                    Problem with UNIX-TeX, undump.
                             New versions
                      Some questions about fonts
    First release of limited, reasonable, TeX support for Hebrew.
                         part labels in LaTeX
                   Where can I find a copy of CTeX?
                     Umlauts eaten by qms printer
                   Bug in K&S PKtoPX version 2.2.0
                           file extensions


Date: 21 Jan 88
From: Malcolm
Subject: immoderate notes/TeXhax on BITNET

%% To all those on BITNET who recently shifted to TEX-L: many thanks!
%% Some 30 of you shifted, which is a good response.  
%% However, this still leaves over 100 BITNET folks on the Score list!
%% To those of you on BITNET who still get TeXhax from Score: please
%% shift to BITNET distribution, since the folks who maintain the gateway
%% at Stanford have requested we do this.
%% It's a simple task. Simply send mail to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET. The
%% mail should have a single line, which reads:
%%   SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your-name-goes-here>
%% If TAMVM1 isn't your closest texhax server, then TAMVM1 will automatically
%% forward your subscription request to the node nearest you.  Once you've
%% done this, you'll start getting duplicate copies of TeXhax. You can
%% then send mail to texhax-request@score.stanford.edu, requesting to be
%% deleted from the Score list.
%% PLEASE do this. The gateway folks haven't gotten nasty -- yet.
%% thank you, Malcolm


Date:    Mon, 18 Jan 88 16:57:17 gmt
From: Stephen Page <sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: "\addtocontents" doesn't work when there are \include files

It seems that when I have a reference to a \include file, my
\addtocontents and \addcontentsline commands are no-ops. Has anyone
found a solution to this?


Here is the contents of test.tex: 
    \addtocontents{toc}{Hello world}

As expected, this produces the following in test.toc:
    Hello world
and the following in test.aux:
    \@writefile{toc}{Hello world}

Now watch. We add the following after the \tableofcontents line and
start all over again (deleting test.toc, test.aux first):
Here is foo.tex:
    \addtocontents{toc}{This is in foo}

Surprisingly, test.toc is now empty (although it IS created) and
test.aux contains

So where have my \addtocontents commands gone?

(The above was run using LaTeX v. 2.09 of 18 Dec 85 on BSD Unix.)


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 88 13:10:44 EST
From: bip@j.cc.purdue.edu (krishnan)
Subject: TeX on the Apollo

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am a faculty member in the business school at Purdue University. I am
writing to seek your help in getting information about TEX/LATEX/etc.

I will soon be getting an APOLLO machine which runs on UNIX. I'd like to 
know if public domain sources of UNIX-based code are available for --

	An HPLaserjet2000 driver
	A TEX/LATEX Preview
	A Preview Driver

I'd be grateful if you could at least tell me where to go looking for more
information, or if you know of some good source for these items.

Murugappa Krishnan


Date:         Mon, 18 Jan 88 09:47:05 PLT
From: Dean Guenther <GUENTHER%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject:      Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #05

Wayne Podaima asks:

> Has anyone in IBMland looked at providing an ALA "print-train"
> replacement using TeX/LaTeX?

Yes, James Godwin, of the Library of Congress, contracted Metafoundry
(or was it OCLC?) to do a MF version of the ALA over a year ago. I
don't know if the product is finished or not. Give Jim a call,

                                        Dean Guenther
                                        TeX IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator
                                        Washington State University
                                        Pullman, Wa.

                                        phone:   509-335-0411
                                        BITnet:  GUENTHER@WSUVM1


Date:     Mon, 18 Jan 88 14:04:04 CST
From: William LeFebvre <phil@rice.edu>
Subject:  Re: Pictures in TeX

> A version of the macros could be devised which would produce PostScript
> \special's, allowing installations which have PS to make use of it.
> This would preserve the portability of the TeX source code.

HEY!  If the technique used to do this was well-known, then others
could devise similar versions of the macros that could take advantage
of any drawing primitives their printers have (i.e.: imPress printers).
I LIKE this.  My only strong objection to PicTeX is the manner in which
it draws its pictures:  it is very memory intensive and produces large
DVI files (I'm guessing that it draws non-axial stuff by overlapping
very small DVI "set_rule" or "put_rule" boxes---am I right?).  But if
something like this could be done "right" (i.e.: transparently) then
those sites that have printers with graphics capability (PostScript,
imPress, etc.) can take advantage of them, but the overall portability
of the graphics package would be maintained:  it would still be
printable at any TeX site.  I LOVE it!  Let's do it.

			William LeFebvre
			Department of Computer Science
			Rice University


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 88  10:30:12 CST
From: COSC066%UNLCDC3.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Problem with UNIX-TeX, undump.

Good day:
I have an old version of LaTeX sitting in the UNIX directory /usr/local/tex.
Now, I have a new copy of the LaTeX macros which is sitting in my account.
I run initex on these, and it dumps lplain.fmt into my account, as it should.
Then I run virtex, which is sitting in /usr/local/tex as well, on lplain.fmt,
and I coerce it to dump core by pressing the QUIT key at the appropriate
moment.  Now, when I try to undump by:
         undump latex /usr/local/tex/virtex core
it gives me:
         core was not produced by this a.out
I am running ULTRIX on a VAX 8200 which was upgraded from ULTRIX 1.2 (which is
equivalent to 4.2BSD) when virtex was made, to ULTRIX 2.0 (which is equivalent
to 4.3BSD).  Could it be that this upgrade has caused the problem?  Or is
it something else?
                                               Craig Riecke
                                               University of NE-Lincoln
                                               CSNET: riecke@unl.edu


Date:     Mon, 18 Jan 88 18:02 N
From: <BRAAMS%HLSDNL5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Johannes Braams)
Subject:  New versions

        I've been reading in TeXhax about new versions of LaTex.tex
        (release of 3-jan-1988), DVI2LN3 (Version 12.2, we have version
        10 running, but with the sources of V7 (??)) etc. Most of the time
        it is stated that the stuff is on score for FTP, but will it be put
        at some BITnet node with a LISTSERVER as well? Because there are guys
        out there, like ourselves, who don't have FTP and would like to keep
        up to date with everything.
        (When you get the tex.filelist from TAMVM1 only some WEB sources
        are listed besides the TeXhax stuff)


        Johannes Braams

        PTT Dr Neher Laboratories,      Phone:        +31 70 435172
        P.o. box 421,                   BITNET/EARN:  BRAAMS@HLSDNL50.BITNET
        2260 AK Leidschendam,           PSImail(X.25):PSI%2041170358::BRAAMS
        The Netherlands.


Date:     Mon, 18 Jan 88 17:55 N
From: <BRAAMS%HLSDNL5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Johannes Braams)
Subject:  Some questions about fonts

    Hi there,
        As a reply to my question about the mode-def for the LN03
        laserprinter in TeXhax #103 I've got several replys. The one
        that is most interesting i enclose at the end of this message,
        for those who are interested.

        I do have some questions though about generating some fonts.
        First : How does one get the invisable fonts for SliTeX? We don't
                have any METAFONT-sources for those, is there a way to get
        Second: While generating the fonts I had problems with a couple
                of big ones, like CMINCH or CMMI8 at mag=magstep=8.0;
                METAFONT seams allright, as does GFtoPXL, but after
                converting the PXL-file to the right format for newffc,
                (which has to convert the record-format of the file to
                stream-LF which is needed for DVI2LN3) newffc bombs,
                complaining, that it can't find the directory in the
                PXL-file. Is this a bug in METAFONT, GFtoPXL or newffc?

                MF identifies itself as being Metafont Version 1.0
                GFtoPXL identifies itself as being GFtoPXL Version 2.1;
                newffc identifies itself as being Font File Converter 8.

        Can anybody tell me what is wrong here and point me to a solution?


> From: sauter%dssdev.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (John Sauter)
> Date: 28 Dec 87 09:30
> To: braams%hlsdnl50.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu, sauter%dssdev.DEC@decwrl.dec.com
> Subject: MF parameters for LN03
> Mr. Braams, In response to your request in TeXHaX, here is the
> mode_def that I used for the DEC LN03.  If you are running
> VAX/VMS I can send you a mag tape containing the complete
> Computer Modern fonts compiled for the LN03.
>     John Sauter
> ============================================================================
% This file can be loaded after PLAIN.MF.
% It adds the LNOthree, LAseventyfive and LNOone devices
% and redefines ``bye'' to augment the TFM header.

% LNOthree mode: for the DEC LN03 printer (Ricoh LP)
mode_def LNOthree =
proofing:=0;                    % no, we're not making proofs
fontmaking:=1;                  % yes, we are making a font
tracingtitles:=0;               % no, don't show titles in the log
pixels_per_inch:=300;           % pixels per inch
blacker:=0.65;                  % blacker pens
%blacker:=0.3;                  % makes CMR5 "a" look better
fillin:=-0.1;                   % compensate for light diagonals
o_correction:=.5;               % overshoot


% LAseventyfive mode: for DEC LA75 printer
mode_def LAseventyfive =
proofing:=0;                    % no, we're not making proofs
fontmaking:=1;                  % yes, we are making a font
tracingtitles:=0;               % no, don't show titles in the log
pixels_per_inch:=144;           % pixels per inch
blacker:=0.3;                   % blacker pens
fillin:=-0.1;                   % compensate for light diagonals
o_correction:=0.0               % overshoot

% LNOone mode: for DEC LN01 printer (Xerox)
% these parameters were determined by Richard Watson
% of the Queensland Institute of Technology
mode_def LNOone =
proofing:=0;                    % no, we're not making proofs
fontmaking:=1;                  % yes, we are making a font
tracingtitles:=0;               % no, don't show titles in the log
pixels_per_inch:=300;           % pixels per inch
blacker:=0.9;                   % blacker pens
fillin:=0.0;                    % compensate for light diagonals
o_correction:=0.5               % overshoot

% Place the font coding scheme and font identifier in bytes 9-48 and
% 49-68, respectively.  Also, place an encoding of the design size in
% byte 72 in some cases.  Although TeX does not use this information,
% TFTOPL does.  This code is based on an example in Appendix F of
% The METAfont Book.

def counted_string(expr s,n) = % string s becomes an n-byte counted string
 for l:=if length(s)>=n: n-1 else: length(s) fi: l
  for k:=1 upto l: , substring (k-1,k) of s endfor
  for k:=l+2 upto n: , 0 endfor endfor enddef;

inner end;
def bye = if fontmaking>0:
  headerbyte 9: counted_string(font_coding_scheme_,40);
  special "codingscheme " & font_coding_scheme_;
  headerbyte 49: counted_string(font_identifier_,20);
  special "identifier " & font_identifier_;
  headerbyte 72: max(0, 254 - round 2designsize); fi
 end enddef;
outer bye,end;

base_version:=base_version&"/sauter LN03+LA75+LN01/augmented TFM header";


        Johannes Braams

        PTT Dr Neher Laboratories,      Phone:        +31 70 435172
        P.o. box 421,                   BITNET/EARN:  BRAAMS@HLSDNL50.BITNET
        2260 AK Leidschendam,           PSImail(X.25):PSI%2041170358::BRAAMS
        The Netherlands.


Date:         Mon, 18 Jan 88 20:45:04 IST
From: "Jacques J. Goldberg" <PHR00JG%TECHNION.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject:      First release of limited, reasonable, TeX support for Hebrew.

An article is currently being written for submission to TuGBoat.
An experimental package is available for Hebrew support, to interested
users that will promise 1) not to scream when they will find imperfections
and bugs, and 2) to forward fixes and additions to me, not to keep them

I do not expect any fee from individuals, but I would be happy if INSTITUTIONS
that may use this package would later voluntarily contribute 25 to 50$ to help
my Department (of Physics, not of MetaFoundry) pay students employed on font

The package has been tested in a very limited way and found to work under VMS,
under VM/CMS, and under MSDOS (with the Addison-Wesley MicroTeX and utilities).

The fonts are being used on DEC-LN03s, IMAGENs, and EPSON and clone printers.

The package offered comprises:
-a set of ugly fonts not good for anything else than Office documents (drafts,
reports,...) at 8,9,10,12,17 points in regular type, 10 points slanted and
bold, and any magnification on request (1000 off the shelf).
-a 100% portable preprocessor written in C (MSDOS users who do not have a
compiler can get the .COM file, with my word it has no virus, but who will
trust me?)
-a small set of TeX macros.
-a sample file.

The principle of the solution: isolated Hebrew words in English text are
inserted either by typing first typed last read with the font invoked,
which is a pain but "displays" in natural reading order, or by typing
first typed first read as argument of the \reflect macro given by D.Knuth
and P.MacKay, TugBoat vol 8 n0 1 p 14. Long Hebrew sequences are typed in
first typed first read order within delimiters. The preprocessor copies
non Hebrew sequences to an auxilliary file. Hebrew sequences are parsed into
words, written to the auxilliary file one word at a time after each word
has been reflected. TeX is then invoked, inputting the file which has the
extra macro package, never the user's input. This macro reads the auxilliary
files, feeding TeX with either English TeX as is or \lines{ } adjusted by
the macro to the optimal number of Hebrew words.

More to come: If ANY forum could define a convenient table representing the
22 Hebrew letters by Latin letters (the computer is smart enough to reset
the final letters!), the preprocessor could translate to the usual old
ASCII code used in Israel with our special Hebrew terminals, so that anybody
with an English only terminal could write in Hebrew.
              And better fonts, now that Hebrew TeX exists, and people
discover that mine are ugly!
              An Arabic font is three characters away from completion, but
the MetaFounders are near mid year exams and unpaid, so the Arabic font
MIGHT show up around mid March.  (to be precise, their font is Parsi, and
some limited work is needed to extend it to full Arabic).

PUN: Who will complain if this package is named SemiTeX ? I know,
SemiTiX isn't the right pronunciation of TeX.

For details, do NOT write to TEX-L !
My E-mail is address is phr00jg@technion.bitnet
My id has two ZEROES in it (not a good grade)
Snail Mail is Prof J. Goldberg, Dept of Physics, Technion-City,
                                                 32000 HAIFA, Israel.

And just in case there is one crazy reader: do not send money before you try
what you buy, and CERTAINLY NOT TO ME ! After you have it, if you like it, and
if you want to help, ask me for the address of the Treasurer of my University,
the only one allowed to cash money and issue a receipt.


Date:    Tue, 19 Jan 88 14:40:31 GMT
From:    Paul Karger <pak%computer-lab.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: part labels in LaTeX

I am having trouble getting a label to contain the number of a \part in
LaTeX.  The following test file:

    \part{part one}
    \chapter{chapter one}
    \part{part 2}
    \chapter{chapter two}

generates the following \newlabel commands in the .aux file:


It would appear that the label for a part is getting set either to the number
of the current chapter or to blanks if no chapter is currently open.  Also,
the page number on the part label is set to one past the page on which the
part actually starts.  This behavior doesn't seem correct.  Am I doing
something wrong, or is this a bug?  The LaTeX manual doesn't seem to imply
that you can't label a part, although it doesn't explicitly say you can,

I am using latex.tex of 12 June 1987 and report.sty of 4 Sept 1986.  Might
this have been fixed in a later version?

Thank you for any help you can offer.

Paul Karger


Date: Mon, 18 Jan 88 13:44:17 pst
From: Leonard Zubkoff <edsel!lnz@labrea.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Where can I find a copy of CTeX?

I'm querying the -request address since I imagine this is an easy one and it
will save bothering the readership.


%% This is not such an "easy one" that it shouldn't go out in a digest!
%% A reminder: please send to texhax-request *only* with regard to your
%% texhax subscription.     Malcolm


Date:    Tue, 19 Jan 88 19:33:30 gmt
From: Stephen Page <sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: Umlauts eaten by qms printer

We are running qmstex (Scott Simpson, Jan 85, in Unix TeX distribution)
to send our .dvi files to our QMS Lasergrafix printer.

It all works moderately well now except for one annoying feature: sometimes
the umlauts don't print for one of the fonts loaded. It looks like a
problem with the font loading/storage, since only one font will be affected
at a time, and that font will behave consistently until it is reloaded.
Not an easy error to spot in an otherwise clean copy!

Can anyone suggest why this might be happening?


Subject:  Bug in K&S PKtoPX version 2.2.0
Date:     Tue, 19-JAN-1988 20:02 

    I have fixed a bug in the Kellerman & Smith version 2.2.0 of PKtoPX
    which was causing it to produce corrupt PXL files. I do not know if
    this is the newest K&S version: it is based on PKtoPX version 2.2,
    but version 2.3 contains only documentation changes.

    Has anyone noticed this problem before? I am perplexed, as I cannot see
    how this version of PKtoPX could ever have been used successfully with
    this bug present.

    The problem is that all the glyph pointers and the directory pointer
    are extraneously multiplied by a factor of four -- in other words they
    are byte offsets in the PXL file rather than word offsets. The error is
    in the procedure pixel_integer: in PKtoPX.WEB there is the statement
    [incr(pxl_loc) ;] which is incorrectly changed to [pxl_loc:=pxl_loc+4;]
    in the K&S PKtoPX.CH file. The correct increment should be
    [pxl_loc:=pxl_loc+1;] as pxl_loc is measured in words and not bytes.

    Now, while the original WEB version of PKtoPX is correct in this
    regard, it contains the cause of this bug. It declares pxl_loc thus

        @!pxl_loc, @!pk_loc:integer; {how many bytes have we sent?}

    saying it is the number of bytes sent, but uses it thus

        print_ln((pxl_loc*4):1,' bytes written to pixel file.');

    as the number of four-byte words.


From: ramsdell%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 88 08:42:19 EST
Subject: file extensions

I would like to promote the idea that LaTeX and SliTeX source files be
given a different extension besides ".tex".  Since no one I know uses
the same program to process TeX, LaTeX and SliTeX source, differing
extensions make sense.  For example, editors could switch to an
appropriate mode based on the extension, rather than some analysis of
the source.  Under UNIX, you could have the following Generic TeX
makefile.  WEBish files are included in this makefile.  

% Generic TeX makefile.
.SUFFIXES:	.dvi .tex .ltex .stex .cweb .web

	make $*.c && make $*

	make $*.c && make $*.o

	ctangle $*.cweb

	make $*.tex && make $*.dvi

	cweave $*.cweb

#	weave $*.web
# .... same as for cweb.

	latex $*.ltex

	slitex $*.stex

	tex $*

%%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu
%%%     please send a valid arpanet address!!
%%% BITNET distribution: subscribe by sending the following
%%%       SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your name>
%%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu


End of TeXhax Digest